Did you test from internet or from your LAN? If from LAN, then you need to implement "hair-pin NAT" ... search for it on this forum, it's shown how to do it properly a few times. If from internet, then your NAT doesn't work and your firewall is flawed ... and I sincerely hope that's not t...
I need more help. With my domain I sat - example.ca to - which is my static public IP Now when i type example.ca it goes straight to my router login which makes sense because is same as - right? How i can make sure router will forward example.ca to 192...
Hello folks! Need your help. I have my own home made server for hosting / mail / name server. And it's setup by local ip address: example: External IP: example my domain example: example.ca At my domain purchaser (Godaddy) i created name server hosts: ns1.example.ca & ns...
I disable all bonding and want to start from scrath: this is what i have now: Can you please check and advise me what should I do. Thanks you bro ;) https://preview.ibb.co/cQXTyy/6.jpg https://preview.ibb.co/ehwoyy/5.jpg https://preview.ibb.co/n51z5d/4.jpg https://image.ibb.co/ny4K5d/3.jpg https://i...
Thanks Sindy! (you have to make the bond interface a member of the bridge (or attach some IP configuration to it, depending what you actually want to happen) <--are you talking about /bridg and make new bridge - bonding? All i did so far /bridge/ports - new port interface "bonding with attached...
Hi! Need your help I got too much confused from forum and youtube videos without proper explanation how to setup Bonding. I have RB2011 with latest firmware using as 1 port WAN, 2 port LAN, 3 Port NAS NIC1 , 4 port NAS NIC2. My nas supports 802.3ad. For now I just have internet and no problem, but w...
Hi! My access point is powered from port 10 on my RouterBoard 2011UiAS. And location is right under badroom. So I can elimintaed any radiation from wifi antenas and find the way how I can turn On/Off PoE by schedule.
Is there any way to do that?
Yes, unfortunatelly I dont see any 239 or 224.... all I see is my external Public IP address and thats it - I'm assuming Im not getting multicast? What exactly do you mean by that: "you may need to have your STB on the WAN and running to get that traffic" STB as I know is not working as ro...
Ok. We will solve this step by step. First get your lat 2 accept firewall rules before rule number 7 (drop all). They are evaluated in order... On second, since your IPTV is still working behind the router (which it shouldn't), are you sure your getting IPTV by multicast? Not sure - how can I see i...
From your screen capture, I see one thing missing: Add the LAN bridge as an interface to your IGMP proxy It may be necessary (I am not sure) to also accept multicast UPD from WAN (start with, you can restrict it later to whatever you need) using a firewall rule. Could you ex...
[quote="docmarius"]I would see the solution in the following way: eth1 - WAN eth2-4 - LAN (in a bridge or slave to eth2 - see below) - accept IGMP on eth1 (NOT the PPPoE interface or some other WAN interface if there is one) - activate IGMP proxy with upstream interface eth1 (again, NOT th...
I would see the solution in the following way: eth1 - WAN eth2-4 - LAN (in a bridge or slave to eth2 - see below) - accept IGMP on eth1 (NOT the PPPoE interface or some other WAN interface if there is one) - activate IGMP proxy with upstream interface eth1 (again, NOT the PPPoE interface if there i...
Need your help brother
Im also looking for best setting.
I have RB2011UiAS-RM and local home network with one of the ports I want to connect MAG 254 for IPTV.
What is proper way to configure RouterBoard for IPTV.
Need your help brother
I have RB2011UiAS-RM and local home network with one of the ports I want to connect MAG 254 for IPTV.
What is proper way to configure RouterBoard for IPTV.
Without a big analysis... I can see... The WAN is downloading at about (Rx) 12 Mbps, and the Bridge Local & Eth2 master are sending ~ 12 Mbps. This is the "same" for for download in the computer. = 1.9MBps Now, a stupid question.... What is your IP configuration for the PC? First, why...
If you computer show you 10 Mbps download... you can see..... In simple queues... download is download..... 10 Mbps download, for the ip, group ip or something and upload is upload for that... in queue tree.. you need to specify the interfaces... WAN for outgoing.... or ppp or whatever.... and wire...
For explaining.. Think you are a router. Upload. All traffic going out from you, maybe in lan or in wan Download. All traffic coming to you.... Yes, I got that ;) But my problem is why does it show different speed !? If you'll at photo - PC Download speed shows 3.3 Mb/s but router shows Upload *whi...
It looks roughly correct. Just notice that bits are not bytes. Also bytes on your pc are net bytes of downloaded file but the router shows bits with packet / frame overhead. And your link is probably 20/5 Mbits/s. So what is the difference between NET bytes & packet/frame bytes? How can I see a...
I used netmetal 5 with a 2ghz card as dual band access points. Crs as my router. Works perfectly Sent from my SCH-I545 using Tapatalk Great but I was thinking outdoor antennas are build more powerful and not friendly to be close to them. Are you not going to start loosing your hairs from radio ampl...
Hi! Im confused with my new router RB2011UiAS about speed & traffic control!!! Usually Download thats what I was thinking is actual data coming from WAN to local IP, but as I understand looking from RouterOS its Upload, correct!? So WAN ->(download)-> Router ->(upolad) ->Local DHCP IP <------is ...
Thanks buddy!
End it up to get second Ubiquity AP and super happy with router and wifi in house!
Now I need to figure out how properly setup Simple Queues, because they seems dont work correctly!
Hi! Need your help folks! I have currently: RB2011UiAS-RM + Ubiquity 8 & 5 switches + Ubiquity AP AC 2.4/5Ghz I have 3 floor house with around 11 long + 6 wide meter dimensions. Everything works awesome but I would love to have full control from one interface! And I was thinking to replace my Ub...