Community discussions

MikroTik App

Search found 13 matches

by gednz
Thu Feb 16, 2012 2:53 am
Forum: General
Topic: NV2 Sync Support
Replies: 90
Views: 22759

Re: NV2 Sync Support

Is it enough (accuracy wise) to get a standard GPS 1PulsePerSecond output into an RB through its serial port, or would the timing pulse need to be "directly injected" into a modified wifi card capable of accepting such an input? We used to use the old Proxim Multipoint gear (1990s) and all...
by gednz
Fri May 20, 2011 5:28 am
Forum: General
Topic: Feature Request: NV2 ATPC
Replies: 0
Views: 996

Feature Request: NV2 ATPC

Hi I would like to see an automatic power control option which would allow an AP to dictate the power at which it's individual stations are transmitting. This would be used to lower the TX power on close stations while distant stations would transmit at a higher TX Power. The result of this would be...
by gednz
Mon Sep 20, 2010 7:52 am
Forum: General
Topic: MPLS - Can MT communicate with Alcatel?
Replies: 5
Views: 1232

Re: MPLS - Can MT communicate with Alcatel?

And a further update - Yes it does, I can confirm that we have live VPLS circuits between Alcatel and MT
by gednz
Wed Aug 25, 2010 7:41 am
Forum: General
Topic: MPLS - Can MT communicate with Alcatel?
Replies: 5
Views: 1232

Re: MPLS - Can MT communicate with Alcatel?

Hi normis

sorry for delay, have sent info to support Ticket#2010080966000201

by gednz
Thu Aug 05, 2010 2:05 am
Forum: General
Topic: MPLS - Can MT communicate with Alcatel?
Replies: 5
Views: 1232

MPLS - Can MT communicate with Alcatel?

We have some Alcatel gear running our core MPLS network. We wish to expand the MPLS network using MT.

About the only thing similar in the configuration of these devices is OSPF which is working.

Has anyone managed to get labels working or even better, a working vpls?

by gednz
Thu Mar 25, 2010 5:26 am
Forum: General
Topic: PPPoE Server ignore password
Replies: 3
Views: 1045

Re: PPPoE Server ignore password

I'll see what I can do with Radius.

We are cutting over customers from anothe DSL provider to our own DSLAMs. It saves us configuring the customers routers if we can ignore the old passwords.
by gednz
Thu Mar 25, 2010 4:59 am
Forum: General
Topic: PPPoE Server ignore password
Replies: 3
Views: 1045

PPPoE Server ignore password


Does anyone know if its possible for a PPPoE server to ignore the password from the client device and authenticate it?

by gednz
Mon Jun 15, 2009 4:01 am
Forum: Wireless Networking
Topic: WMM effect on sector capacity
Replies: 12
Views: 4316

Re: WMM effect on sector capacity

Hi Mplsguy As an experiment: if we disable WMM we can more than double our "background data" throughput (both ways) while maintaining good quality voip streams (same number of voip streams as a control), of course we have to control the amount of background data so as not to disrupt the vo...
by gednz
Fri Jun 12, 2009 3:08 am
Forum: The Dude
Topic: RouterOS Dude won't restore backup...?
Replies: 4
Views: 2214

Re: RouterOS Dude won't restore backup...?

Same problem here

8Mb export file

CPU sits and 100% and board reboots randomly. Been going for 30 mins now

I did try this import before I had the SD card to the Nand, same high CPU but import completed in a few minutes
by gednz
Fri Jun 12, 2009 1:28 am
Forum: Wireless Networking
Topic: Single port network loop/storm protection
Replies: 4
Views: 5334

Re: Single port network loop/storm protection

Found a solution I can script. It would be great if MT could refine it to just be a "Loop Detection" checkbox on an interface page This is monitored on a per interface basis, ether1 in this case: 1. Add a bridge firewall rule that detects packets in-interface=ether1 where the source MAC ad...
by gednz
Fri Jun 12, 2009 12:58 am
Forum: Wireless Networking
Topic: WMM effect on sector capacity
Replies: 12
Views: 4316

Re: WMM effect on sector capacity

Our WMM is definitely working in both directions; under load we can disable the priority marking and instantly destroy the VOIP quality in either direction. More on our setup: Voice IP form ATA + Data PPPoE from Router <> RB411 Bridge Client <wifi > RB433AH AP Bridge <> PC Based PPPoE-Server and IP ...
by gednz
Thu Apr 23, 2009 2:35 am
Forum: Wireless Networking
Topic: WMM effect on sector capacity
Replies: 12
Views: 4316

WMM effect on sector capacity

We have several APs (433AH), each with 30 - 40 Clients (mainly 411s and 133s) Since the implementation of WMM, VOIP priority over PPPoE has been fantastic. On the downside, we have found that while a voice call is in progress through the AP, there is a significant reduction in capacity of the data (...
by gednz
Tue Mar 25, 2008 6:43 am
Forum: Wireless Networking
Topic: Single port network loop/storm protection
Replies: 4
Views: 5334

Single port network loop/storm protection

Has anyone come up with a way to protect a single network port from Loops/Storms? Example: AP ---- wireless ------ Radio CPE ---- cabled ---- Consumer Grade Router AP is a PPC333, XR5, ROS3.2, WDS Dynamic Bridging of connected radios to Lan CPE is an RB133, R52, ROS2.9.51, wLan bridged to Lan Router...