I ended up deploying a scripted solution. Pinging the gateway is useless if your gateway is up but their link is down (which is what happens when by fibre link goes down). I actually prefer the scripted solution as it gives you much better control. The script i have switches gateway on more than 80...
It seems the easiest way to have a dynamic dual wan failover is to add 2 dhcp clients with distances of 1 and 2. When the first goes down, the second goes up, etc. The issue is dynamic dhcp routes have no option to ping the gateway, so if the physical connection remains intact, but the internet fee...
If it's all the same to you, you can also achieve this by setting routing distances for the default routes on both devices. As soon as the default route with the lowest distance will become unavailable (check gateway) it'll switch to next in line. Hi magchiel Can you tell me,what I need to configur...
If it's all the same to you, you can also achieve this by setting routing distances for the default routes on both devices. As soon as the default route with the lowest distance will become unavailable (check gateway) it'll switch to next in line. Hi magchiel Can you tell me,what I need to configur...
Thanks for the recommendation and hints for the script. I would try again the solution by routing. Can you refer to an working example? Do I need to remove the automatically generated routings? Do I only need to configure the routings or is there something else? Thanks Gesendet von iPhone mit Tapata...
I know, but the second Gateway is a 3G stick and should only exchange data in the worst case. That's the reason, why I am looking for the way by script. But if you have a possibility to do this without any script, please explain. Thx.
Hi, Can someone help me in this simple script? I'd like to ping ISP1 and if there is no answer, the script should enable the second (Failover) interface. # Please fill the WAN interface names :local InterfaceISP1 ether1; :local InterfaceISP2 myLTE; # Please fill the gateway IPs :local GatewayISP1 19...
Hi, I have nearly the same problem, but connecting through WinBox is possible. Are any of the LEDs on? If not, then first reset the Groove. After this, it should be possible to connect by WinBox. But now it's unclear, what we can do in the router settings to enable connecting by the browser with the...