Set-VpnConnection -Name VPN_connection_name -MachineCertificateIssuerFilter "path_to_CA.cer_file"
aug/22 16:05:54 ipsec ike auth: respond
aug/22 16:05:54 ipsec processing payload: ID_I
aug/22 16:05:54 ipsec ID_I (FQDN): My_Client_Cert
aug/22 16:05:54 ipsec processing payload: ID_R
aug/22 16:05:54 ipsec ID_R (FQDN):
aug/22 16:05:54 ipsec processing payload: AUTH
aug/22 16:05:54 ipsec processing payload: CERT
aug/22 16:05:54 ipsec got CERT: CN=My_Client_Cert,OU=My_Client_Cert
aug/22 16:05:54 ipsec requested server id:
aug/22 16:05:54 ipsec IKE Protocol: ESP
aug/22 16:05:54 ipsec ike auth: finish
aug/22 16:05:54 ipsec ID_R (FQDN):
aug/22 16:05:54 ipsec processing payload: NONCE
aug/22 16:05:54 ipsec cert:
aug/22 16:05:54 ipsec adding payload: CERT
aug/22 16:05:54 ipsec cert:
aug/22 16:05:54 ipsec adding payload: CERT
aug/22 16:05:54 ipsec cert: CN=rootCA
aug/22 16:05:54 ipsec adding payload: CERT
aug/22 16:05:54 ipsec adding payload: ID_R
aug/22 16:05:54 ipsec adding payload: AUTH
03:52:29 ipsec ike auth: respond
03:52:29 ipsec processing payload: ID_I
03:52:29 ipsec ID_I (DER DN): CN=My_Client_Cert,OU=My_Client_Cert
03:52:29 ipsec processing payload: ID_R (not found)
03:52:29 ipsec processing payload: AUTH
03:52:29 ipsec processing payload: CERT
03:52:29 ipsec got CERT: CN=My_Client_Cert,OU=My_Client_Cert
03:52:29 ipsec,error identity not found for peer: DER DN: CN=My_Client_Cert,OU=My_Client_Cert
03:52:29 ipsec reply notify: AUTHENTICATION_FAILED
03:53:43 ipsec ike auth: respond
03:53:43 ipsec processing payload: ID_I
03:53:43 ipsec ID_I (ADDR4):
03:53:43 ipsec processing payload: ID_R (not found)
03:53:43 ipsec processing payload: AUTH (not found)
03:53:43 ipsec,error identity not found for peer: ADDR4:
03:53:43 ipsec,error identity not found for peer: ADDR4:
03:53:43 ipsec reply notify: AUTHENTICATION_FAILED
03:53:43 ipsec adding notify: AUTHENTICATION_FAILED
14:34:35 ipsec payload seen: ID_I
14:34:35 ipsec payload seen: CERT
14:34:35 ipsec payload seen: CERTREQ
14:34:35 ipsec payload seen: AUTH
14:34:35 ipsec payload seen: NOTIFY
14:34:35 ipsec payload seen: CONFIG
14:34:35 ipsec payload seen: SA
14:34:35 ipsec payload seen: TS_I
14:34:35 ipsec payload seen: TS_R
14:34:35 ipsec ike auth: respond
14:34:35 ipsec processing payload: ID_I
14:34:35 ipsec ID_I (DER DN): CN=w10-nb,C=tv,ST=,L=here,O=me,OU=mikrotik,SN=
14:34:35 ipsec processing payload: ID_R (not found)
14:34:35 ipsec processing payload: AUTH
14:34:35 ipsec processing payload: CERT
14:34:35 ipsec got CERT: CN=w10-nb,C=tv,ST=,L=here,O=me,OU=mikrotik,SN=
If you mean the difference at Tik side, it is because iOS does send ID-R while Windows don't.Now I need to figure out why this difference behavior between iOS and Windows.
Have you specified any list of networks in split-include of the mode-config to which the identity row points? Beware - for Windows, the split-include may contain several subnets, but iOS reportedly only accepts the first one, and it cannot be, I still need to fix the routing issue as windows does not get any gateway set up.
Yes, the payload packets coming via an IPsec SA are seen by the firewall as coming from the same interface through which the SA's transport packets carrying them came in. So in order to let the DHCPINFORM reach the DHCP server process, a permissive rule for protocol=udp dst-port=67 must match on src-address and/or on in-interface(-list) together with ipsec-policy=in,ipsec.My issue was from my firewall rules. I had the VPN issue an IP from a dhcp pool that was managed by bridge rules, but obviously the ipsec connection is not an interface and not attached to a bridge. I had to add a new rule for the IP subnet.
Set-VpnConnection -Name "VPN_connection_name" -MachineCertificateIssuerFilter "path_to_intermediateCA.cer_file"
So, do I need to import both the CA cert and the client cert?Thanks,
I had all the chain of trust of the CA in both the client and server.
The client certificate had its key too.
I am really surprised not to find any information how to get a better error log on the windows vpn client... That would point me into the right direction instead of playing half blind with only the Mikrotik side.
The idea is that you post your current config, anonymized as per my automatic signature below.I keep getting "identity not found for peer: ADDR4:" The IP here is the ip assigned to me thru my AP at home. Any ideas?
Sorry, I had "search upwards" ticked in my NotepadIs this not it? It is in the file I uploaded.
20:19:52 ipsec processing payload: ID_I 20:19:52 ipsec ID_I (DER DN): CN=w10-450g6,C=cr,ST=,L=here,O=me,OU=mikrotik,SN=nor does it send the certificate itself like in the correct case:
20:19:52 ipsec payload seen: ID_I (90 bytes) 20:19:52 ipsec payload seen: CERT (968 bytes) 20:19:52 ipsec payload seen: CERTREQ (1185 bytes)In your case, it says
ID_I (ADDR4): 192.168...and only sends a CERTREQ, not its own certificate.
In that case, there are two possible reasons why Windows do not send the certificate and don't use it as ID_I. Either it's an issue in Tik's configuration and the Tik doesn't ask for it, or it's an issue at Windows side as the VPN is either misconfigured or the certificate contents is not applicable for the purpose.It was imported as a machine one.
I believe that was the process I completed.
I still don't get why people need a 1:30' video for something that is described concisely on three screens here. But that's a generation problem I guessThe Windows Certificate was generate using the process from this tutorial
Client Cert install starts at 1:17:37 time mark
someone can only validate it using a Teaviewer session; you can validate it the following way:A Complete "Do OVER" I think the issue on Windows 10 is it does not install the Certificate in the correct Store. I need someone to validate this.
The action=fasttrack-connection rule, the way it is created by default, does not care about the direction of the packet. So in chain=forward of your firewall, you accept packets from before they can reach the action=fasttrack-connection rule, but as you've disabled the rule "defconf: accept out ipsec policy" (which says "accept whatever matches the outgoing direction of any IPsec policy"), the response packets from your LAN to the IPsec client do reach the fasttracking rule, which means subsequent packets of that connection stop being matched by IPsec policies (fasttracking actually means bypassing of many layers of packet handling in the kernel).I am unable to pass traffic from the Road Warrior ( subnet) to the Lan side of the Mikrotik.
Exactly.Another set of eyes is always a blessing.
You can export the certificates along with their keys and import them to another Mikrotik, including the CA one. The certificates signed at one Mikrotik will not be marked as Issued once you import them to the other one although you'll import also the certificate of the CA you've used to sign them, so you will be unable to revoke them, but otherwise they will keep working.Going to see if I can duplicate the configuration on the original RB1100AHx2. Can I move CA certs and others between systems successfully?
Don't rely on getting help with a Cisco product on a 'Tik forum Sometimes miracles happen, but better go search in the domestic woods of that beast.I am having a hell of a time with the ASA rules.
At Mikrotik side, network debug is facilitated by means of /tool sniffer. So open the terminal window, make it as wide as your screen allows, and run /tool sniffer quick ip-address= there, then try pinging from that subnet to one of the clients' addresses, and (separately) try pinging from one of the clients to one of the machines in the subnet. You'll see whether the ASA or the Tik are blocking your traffic.I can get to the MT on from the "inside" (ASA) subnet of but cannot go other way.
There is a catch in Windows' VPN client. On W10, right-click the network icon in the status area, and choose network and internet settings rather than just open. In the "new GUI" window that opens, left-click change adapter settings - this will open the "old GUI" window with the physical and virtual network cards. Right-click the WAN miniport (IKEv2) one representing your connection and choose Properties from the menu. In the window that opens, choose the Networks tab. Double-click the "IP version 4 protocol" line (not the checkbox on it). Keep the IP address and DNS server on "auto" and press the only button there (probably called Details). Now you should see three tickboxes - use as a default gateway, forbid adding a class-based route, and automatic metric. I suppose use of a default gateway is unticked (correct), but forbid adding a class-based route is unticked as well, which causes that Windows finds the A, B or C class subnet to which the IP address assigned by the remote server belongs and adds a route to that subnet regardless what the routing table in Option 249 of the DHCPINFORM response (which Mikrotik populates with the subnet prefixes from the split-include list) says.The clients with a ip addresses assigned from the pool
Also, I believe the Ipsec ->"mode configs" -> "split include" has a bug. The entire route gets added to the routing table on the client even when I don't have it in the split include. See attached "route print". Notice when I am connected and not connected with ipsecroute.jpg client. It doesn't do that for other subnets I add. split.jpgroute2.jpg
viewtopic.php?t=135647#p668516So my question is HOW to make windows10 use right certificate for each connection?
For anyone landing here. I had this same issue.Hi. Did anyone find solution for the "An array that must contain at least one element is zero length." when you try to connect ?
Set-VpnConnection -name home -MachineCertificateIssuerFilter "C:\Users\eric\homeVPN\homevpnCA.cer"
Hi. Did anyone find solution for the "An array that must contain at least one element is zero length." when you try to connect ?
Add-VpnConnection -Name "CONNECTION_NAME" -ServerAddress VPN_SERVER_IP -TunnelType Ikev2 -AuthenticationMethod MachineCertificate -EncryptionLevel Maximum -MachineCertificateIssuerFilter 'CA_CERTIFICATE_LOCATION.crt' -SplitTunneling