according to docs here:
https://v.ip6.io/archive/helpmt/docs/di ... tures.html
"CRS3xx, CRS5xx series switches, and CCR2116, CCR2216 routers support bridge hardware offloading with bonding interfaces. Only 802.3ad and balance-xor bonding modes are hardware offloaded, other bonding modes will use the CPU's resources. The built-in switch chip will always use Layer2+Layer3+Layer4 for a transmit hash policy, changing the transmit hash policy manually will have no effect. See more details on CRS3xx, CRS5xx, CCR2116, CCR2216 switch chip features."
To create an hardware offloaded bonding (802.3ad) I need to put into a bridge.
I have a question: I have a CRS317 where I use the l3-hw forwarding.
I have created a bond interface (802.3ad layer 2+3). Since I didnt put inside a bridge, I assume that is not hardware offloaded?
I assume that we can use the hardware offloaded bonding, only between mikrotik devices, since the layer2+3+4 is not a standard, right?
"This algorithm is not fully 802.3ad compliant. A
single TCP or UDP conversation containing both
fragmented and unfragmented packets will see packets
striped across two interfaces. This may result in out
of order delivery. Most traffic types will not meet
this criteria, as TCP rarely fragments traffic, and
most UDP traffic is not involved in extended
conversations. Other implementations of 802.3ad may
or may not tolerate this noncompliance."
Question #02: I have a 2116 and I created two bond (802.3ad layer 2+3) on sfpplus1+2 and 3+4.
I assume that they are not hardware offloaded then.
I need to create one bridge for each bond, including in that bridge the bond + the port that partecipate in bonding? This is the only way to have it hardware offloaded? And I assume only betweekn mikrotik devices? thank you
Thank you