Sorry for digging up old posts, but I decided that I should probably write here instead of creating a new one with the same issue.
I have been experiencing the same issue for a long time now with Mikrotik LTE18 modem from Latvian operator LMT. Found this topic a while ago and I can confirm that the loosing CA bands is done from the operator side.
However the root cause why this happens is directly related to the modem and I will try to prove this below. Also please note that in order to have this issue, several conditions have to occur.
1) first of all you have to be reasonable distance away from the tower - just the right amount where you have external antennas, but still you can get very weak signal with internal antenas inside the house (key moment here is weak signal inside)
2) the operator has to drop CA bands when you dont download anything - this happens with LMT but not with Tele2.
Now, after you connect to the tower, modem happily picks up Primary+3CA bands. To monitor signal per antenna, you can run this in terminal:
:do { /interface lte at-chat lte1 input="AT+QRSRP"; :delay 1 } while (1)
This will output RSRP values each second.
I could not find exact documentation for the values. But my guess is that you get 4 values if you use internal 4x4 MIMO or you get still 4 values, but first 2 are for external antennas and last two are antenna3 and antenna4 inside the modem (probably mimo1 and mimo2).
When everythin is working, you should get an ouput something like this:
output: +QRSRP: -95,-107,-140,-140
This indicates than my ext1 and ext2 antenna have RSRP of -95 and -107 ... and both internal antennas are not used, therefore value -140.
I haven't figured out exactly why, but at one point the output starts to look like this:
output: +QRSRP: -95,-106,-117,-118
As you can see, suddenly ant3 and ant4 have a signal reading. After a while it goes back to -140. I went into Interfaces->LTE->Modem and can confirm that "External Antenna" is set to "both" and not "auto". I've decided to try disconnecting internal antennas from the board at all so it does not pick up any signal from the tower. While doing so, the output of QRSRP still showed values above -140, however this time the signal was very low:
output: +QRSRP: -97,-105,-132,-133
And exactly at this moment I lost all CA bands.
I did a reset of LTE, got 3CA, then waited for some time for modem to try to use internal antennas again. And it happened exactly the same way - whenever the ant3/ant4 signal changes from -140 to something better, I loose all CA bands.
So why this is happening? Operator tries to optimize the connection by disabling low-signal bands and leaving only ones with good signal. External antennas are doing good untill you dont download anything and tower drops CA. Then (my best guess) modem sees this and thinks that external antennas went bad and "pings" tower through internal antennas. Tower sees that signal is poor and below certain threshold and disables the band.
This should be software fixable. Maybe there already is some AT commands to disable internal antennas completely. Haven't found them yet.
Also this could be fixed on the tower side by lowering the signal treshold however this is not a 100% fix since it really depends how far you are from the tower.