I am WISP not so profecional in IT but I decided to use smoothwall as a wb proxy for cache and firewall an MT for hotspot and user mangement.. I geus many would say why though MT has a webproxy and firewall .... after I tried it I saw MT cache is not so effecient so I decided to use the following sugession
INTERNET GATWAY -------> SMOOTHWALL-------->MT------Wireless
the problem is that the system worked perfect but after a while say 2 hours the smoothwall dhcp stop responding and return after restart ... I thought that the problem is in the smoothwall but I tried smoothwall alone without a problem..
so what would you suggest,why the dhcp stops with MT..
and I don't know why there is a problem with a static IP assignment to the MT with smoothwall
anyway before that I tried a firewall box with cache called ETRI based upon KUBUNTU LINX and squid.. and the same problem happend with dhcp...
best regard