Seems that one of the lists picked up a entry in error yesterday.
I have a powershell script running on a Windows server which downloads the lists hourly and formats into a RouterOS script having stripped out the RFC1918/multicast nets.
Code: Select all
$script= "C:\inetpub\wwwroot\<snipped>\firehol1.rsc"
"/ip firewall address-list remove [/ip firewall address-list find list=firehol_L1]" | Add-Content $script
$blacklist= Get-Content "C:\inetpub\wwwroot\<snipped>\firehol_L1.txt" | Where-Object {$_ -notmatch "^#|||||"}
ForEach ($address in $blacklist){
"/ip firewall address-list add addres=$address list=firehol_L1 timeout=2d" | Add-Content $script
Code: Select all
/tool fetch address=<snipped> host=<snipped> mode=https src-path=/<snipped>/firehol1.rsc keep-result=yes;
/import firehol1.rsc;
As you can see, I add a timeout value to each entry, my understanding being that this should cause the entries to be held in memory rather than written to disk. As such, I'd expect these to be lost on reboot, but the entry was not. I also manually checked the source file downloaded directly from the internet and this did not appear to contain the entry.
Could this be a bug of some sort in RouterOS?