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wifiwave2 CAP configuration for CAPsMan

Mon Jun 26, 2023 11:01 am

Hello everyone,
I,m trying to extend my WIFI coverage by adding a CAP ( CAP ax3 device) and facing a silly issue. ( configured CAPSMAN but issue is not with capsman itself ). Issue is that by default ETH1 is a WAN interface, not a LAN/Bridge interface.

Is there any command to switch MODE on the CAP ax3 device into CAP mode from DUAL AP mode?

Did try to solve my issue by reading docs ( ) and browsing the forum, but did not find a solution for my issue.

My issue is that when i plug ethernet cable to ETH1 interface (WAN on default configuration) it does not work, if i use ETH2 interface it works, meaning connects to CAPsMAN gets WIFI configuration etc.

Tried to attach ETH1 to Bridge instead of WAN , but it's not a solution for my issue
i believe that to properly use CAP aX3 as a CAP i should somehow wipe most of the configuration so that all interafaces are part of Bridge and probably some services are disabled like DHCP server (imho)

Need to use ETH1 as it’s the only intefrace which supports POE in.

Thanks for any hints
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Re: wifiwave2 CAP configuration for CAPsMan

Mon Jun 26, 2023 1:23 pm

You can use ETH2 as a WAN interface and add ETH1 and Wifi interfaces to bridge. The discovery interface can be the bridge itself.
You have to set up the Wifi interfaces to managed by capsman.
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Re: wifiwave2 CAP configuration for CAPsMan

Mon Jun 26, 2023 2:34 pm

Thanks for that, will try it out
some doubts come to my mind like:
if i swap ETH2 as WAN and ETH1 as LAN only, won't i have 2 DHCP servers in my network ?
As CAP along with all mikrotik devices by default have DHCPserver on Bridge interface right?
I would expect CAPs to have some kind of switch to different mode than regular 'router' as it's different use case than generic router.
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Re: wifiwave2 CAP configuration for CAPsMan

Mon Jun 26, 2023 2:44 pm

I am afraid that you do not have a clear picture about your needs and the opportunities with a Mikrotik CAP. Would yo be so kind to create a detailed LLD where we can see what do you want to achieve and how?
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Re: wifiwave2 CAP configuration for CAPsMan

Mon Jun 26, 2023 3:50 pm

I maight missunderstand how CAP works, but i believe documentation is lacking in details here.
As i said this is first time im trying to use this. ( im also quite new to mikrotik devices )

My setup is fairly simple, in my house i have a mikrotik HAP ax3 which is my main router with some VPN , WIFI etc.
Standard setup let's say. [ without VLANS for now, to make it simpler]
Unfortunately, this device cannot cover my whole house with WIFI signal, so i wanted to get a CAP to extend my WIFI signal coverage.
How I understood it basing on reading documentation ,is that I could get a CAP device connect it via Ethernet, and the CAP will have IP address from my HAP ax3 LAN network , and using CAPsman or without ( does not really matter) could also expose same WIFI SSID's so clients and do roaming between WIFI AP's seamlessly.
What i think is that every client connecting via CAP should really get IP address from my main router instead of CAP device, etc this CAP should serve as WIFI 'extender'. from what i read wifiwave2 capsman has only local-forwarding but that's ok in my opinion as default route for packet is still my main router. That's why i was asking about WAN and LAN interfaces on CAPS below.
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Re: wifiwave2 CAP configuration for CAPsMan

Mon Jun 26, 2023 6:06 pm

issue solved, as mentioned i'm new to Mikrotik :)
Started again and after. CLEARING default configuration everything works as expected, my bad.
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Re: wifiwave2 CAP configuration for CAPsMan

Mon Jun 26, 2023 6:27 pm

For future:
reset config to caps mode and make sure version is at least 7.9, and then it should work as well.
(caps mode script was only added for AX devices on 7.9)