Isn't the problem that "officialy" 80MHz channels are planned for freguencies:
5180-5240 = ch42 = ch38+ch46 = ch36+ch40+ch44+ch48
5745-5805 = ch155 = ch151+ch159 = ch149+ch153+ch157+ch161
5260-5320 = ch58 = ....
5500-5580 = ch106 = ...
5660-5720 = ch138 = ...
and you set the starting freq to 5200MHz so your phone refused to see 80MHz channel overlaping ch42 & ch58 as it wants to stay only to the "official" band coverage?
Answering to myself:
According to this ... uction.pdf
The only supported channels in Peru are 56-60-64-100-104-108 112-116-132-136-140-149-153-157 161-165 so you have to use only channel to ch106 or 155 which means setting freq to 5500 or 5745 instead of 5200 to obey Peru's rules.