Code: Select all
TLGRM - combined notifications script & launch of commands (scripts & functions) via Telegram
# Script uses ideas by Sertik, Virtue, Pepelxl, Dimonw, Jotne, Alice Tails, drPioneer.
# tested on ROS 6.49
# updated 2022/02/08
:do {
:local myChatID "-XXXXXXXXX";
:local launchScr true;
:local launchFnc true;
:local launchCmd true;
# Function of searching comments for MAC-address
:local FindMacAddr do={
:if ($1 ~"[0-F][0-F]:[0-F][0-F]:[0-F][0-F]:[0-F][0-F]:[0-F][0-F]:[0-F][0-F]") do={
:foreach idx in=[ /ip dhcp-server lease find dynamic=no disabled=no; ] do={
:local mac [ /ip dhcp-server lease get $idx mac-address; ];
:if ($1 ~"$mac") do={
:return ("$1 [$[ /ip dhcp-server lease get $idx address; ]/\
$[ /ip dhcp-server lease get $idx comment; ]].");
:foreach idx in=[ /interface bridge host find; ] do={
:local mac [ /interface bridge host get $idx mac-address; ];
:if ($1 ~"$mac") do={ :return ("$1 [$[ /interface bridge host get $idx on-interface; ]]."); }
:return ($1);
# Function of converting CP1251 to UTF8
:local CP1251toUTF8 do={
:local cp1251 [:toarray {"\20";"\01";"\02";"\03";"\04";"\05";"\06";"\07";"\08";"\09";"\0A";"\0B";"\0C";"\0D";"\0E";"\0F"; \
"\10";"\11";"\12";"\13";"\14";"\15";"\16";"\17";"\18";"\19";"\1A";"\1B";"\1C";"\1D";"\1E";"\1F"; \
"\21";"\22";"\23";"\24";"\25";"\26";"\27";"\28";"\29";"\2A";"\2B";"\2C";"\2D";"\2E";"\2F";"\3A"; \
"\3B";"\3C";"\3D";"\3E";"\3F";"\40";"\5B";"\5C";"\5D";"\5E";"\5F";"\60";"\7B";"\7C";"\7D";"\7E"; \
"\C0";"\C1";"\C2";"\C3";"\C4";"\C5";"\C7";"\C7";"\C8";"\C9";"\CA";"\CB";"\CC";"\CD";"\CE";"\CF"; \
"\D0";"\D1";"\D2";"\D3";"\D4";"\D5";"\D6";"\D7";"\D8";"\D9";"\DA";"\DB";"\DC";"\DD";"\DE";"\DF"; \
"\E0";"\E1";"\E2";"\E3";"\E4";"\E5";"\E6";"\E7";"\E8";"\E9";"\EA";"\EB";"\EC";"\ED";"\EE";"\EF"; \
"\F0";"\F1";"\F2";"\F3";"\F4";"\F5";"\F6";"\F7";"\F8";"\F9";"\FA";"\FB";"\FC";"\FD";"\FE";"\FF"; \
:local utf8 [:toarray {"0020";"0020";"0020";"0020";"0020";"0020";"0020";"0020";"0020";"0020";"000A";"0020";"0020";"000D";"0020";"0020"; \
"0020";"0020";"0020";"0020";"0020";"0020";"0020";"0020";"0020";"0020";"0020";"0020";"0020";"0020";"0020";"0020"; \
"0021";"0022";"0023";"0024";"0025";"0026";"0027";"0028";"0029";"002A";"002B";"002C";"002D";"002E";"002F";"003A"; \
"003B";"003C";"003D";"003E";"003F";"0040";"005B";"005C";"005D";"005E";"005F";"0060";"007B";"007C";"007D";"007E"; \
"D090";"D091";"D092";"D093";"D094";"D095";"D096";"D097";"D098";"D099";"D09A";"D09B";"D09C";"D09D";"D09E";"D09F"; \
"D0A0";"D0A1";"D0A2";"D0A3";"D0A4";"D0A5";"D0A6";"D0A7";"D0A8";"D0A9";"D0AA";"D0AB";"D0AC";"D0AD";"D0AE";"D0AF"; \
"D0B0";"D0B1";"D0B2";"D0B3";"D0B4";"D0B5";"D0B6";"D0B7";"D0B8";"D0B9";"D0BA";"D0BB";"D0BC";"D0BD";"D0BE";"D0BF"; \
"D180";"D181";"D182";"D183";"D184";"D185";"D186";"D187";"D188";"D189";"D18A";"D18B";"D18C";"D18D";"D18E";"D18F"; \
:local convStr "";
:local code "";
:for i from=0 to=([:len $1]-1) do={
:local symb [:pick $1 $i ($i+1)];
:local idx [:find $cp1251 $symb];
:local key ($utf8->$idx);
:if ([:len $key] != 0) do={
:set $code ("%$[:pick ($key) 0 2]%$[:pick ($key) 2 4]");
:if ([pick $code 0 3] = "%00") do={ :set $code ([:pick $code 3 6]); }
} else={ :set code ($symb); };
:set $convStr ($convStr.$code);
:return ($convStr);
# Telegram messenger response parsing function
:local MsgParser do={
:local variaMod ("\"".$2."\"");
:if ([:len [:find $1 $variaMod -1]]=0) do={ :return ("'unknown'"); }
:local startLoc ([:find $1 $variaMod -1] + [:len $variaMod] +1);
:local commaLoc ([:find $1 "," $startLoc]);
:local brakeLoc ([:find $1 "}" $startLoc]);
:local endLoc $commaLoc;
:local startSymbol [:pick $1 $startLoc];
:if ($brakeLoc != 0 and ($commaLoc = 0 or $brakeLoc < $commaLoc)) do={ :set endLoc $brakeLoc; };
:if ($startSymbol = "{") do={ :set endLoc ($brakeLoc + 1); };
:if ($3 = true) do={
:set startLoc ($startLoc + 1);
:set endLoc ($endLoc - 1);
:if ($endLoc < $startLoc) do={ :set endLoc ($startLoc + 1); };
:return ([:pick $1 $startLoc $endLoc]);
# Time translation function to UNIX-time
# Usage: $EpochTime [time input]
# Get current time: put [$EpochTime]
# Read log time in one of three format: "hh:mm:ss", "mmm/dd hh:mm:ss" or "mmm/dd/yyyy hh:mm:ss"
:local EpochTime do={
:local ds [ /system clock get date; ];
:local ts [ /system clock get time; ];
:if ([:len $1] > 19) do={
:set ds "$[:pick $1 0 11]";
:set ts [:pick $1 12 20];
:if ([:len $1] > 8 && [:len $1] < 20) do={
:set ds "$[:pick $1 0 6]/$[:pick $ds 7 11]";
:set ts [:pick $1 7 15];
:local yesterday false;
:if ([:len $1] = 8) do={
:if ([:totime $1] > ts) do={ :set yesterday (true); }
:set ts $1;
:local months;
:if ((([:pick $ds 9 11]-1)/4) != (([:pick $ds 9 11])/4)) do={
:set months {"an"=0;"eb"=31;"ar"=60;"pr"=91;"ay"=121;"un"=152;"ul"=182;"ug"=213;"ep"=244;"ct"=274;"ov"=305;"ec"=335};
} else={
:set months {"an"=0;"eb"=31;"ar"=59;"pr"=90;"ay"=120;"un"=151;"ul"=181;"ug"=212;"ep"=243;"ct"=273;"ov"=304;"ec"=334};
:set ds (([:pick $ds 9 11]*365)+(([:pick $ds 9 11]-1)/4)+($months->[:pick $ds 1 3])+[:pick $ds 4 6]);
:set ts (([:pick $ts 0 2]*3600)+([:pick $ts 3 5]*60)+[:pick $ts 6 8]);
:if (yesterday) do={ :set ds ($ds-1); }
:return ($ds*86400 + $ts + 946684800 - [ /system clock get gmt-offset; ]);
# Time conversion function from UNIX-time
# usage: [$UnixTimeToFormat "timeStamp" "type"]
# type: "unspecified" - month/dd/yyyy <only> (Mikrotik sheduller format)
# 1 - yyyy/mm/dd hh:mm:ss
# 2 - dd:mm:yyyy hh:mm:ss
# 3 - dd month yyy hh mm ss
# 4 - yyyy month dd hh mm ss
# 5 - month/dd/yyyy-hh:mm:ss (Mikrotik sheduller format)
:local UnixTimeToFormat do={
:local decodedLine "";
:local timeStamp $1;
:local timeS ($timeStamp % 86400);
:local timeH ($timeS / 3600);
:local timeM ($timeS % 3600 / 60);
:set $timeS ($timeS - $timeH * 3600 - $timeM * 60);
:local dateD ($timeStamp / 86400);
:local dateM 2;
:local dateY 1970;
:local leap false;
:while (($dateD / 365) > 0) do={
:set $dateD ($dateD - 365);
:set $dateY ($dateY + 1);
:set $dateM ($dateM + 1);
:if ($dateM = 4) do={
:set $dateM 0;
:if (($dateY % 400 = 0) or ($dateY % 100 != 0)) do={
:set $leap true;
:set $dateD ($dateD - 1);
} else={ :set $leap false; }
:local months [:toarray (0,31,28,31,30,31,30,31,31,30,31,30,31)];
:if (leap) do={
:set $dateD ($dateD + 1);
:set ($months->2) 29;
:do {
:for i from=1 to=12 do={
:if (($months->$i) > $dateD) do={
:set $dateM $i;
:set $dateD ($dateD + 1);
} else={ :set $dateD ($dateD - ($months->$i)); }
} on-error={}
:local tmod;
:if ([:len $2]!=0) do={ :set $tmod $2; } else={ :set $tmod (:nothing); }
:local s "/";
:local nf true;
:local mstr {"jan";"feb";"mar";"apr";"may";"jun";"jul";"aug";"sep";"oct";"nov";"dec"};
:local strY [:tostr $dateY];
:local strMn;
:local strD;
:local strH;
:local strM;
:local strS;
:if ($nf) do={
:if ($dateM > 9) do={ :set $strMn [:tostr $dateM]; } else={ :set $strMn ("0".[:tostr $dateM]); }
:if ($dateD > 9) do={ :set $strD [:tostr $dateD]; } else={ :set $strD ("0".[:tostr $dateD]); }
:if ($timeH > 9) do={ :set $strH [:tostr $timeH]; } else={ :set $strH ("0".[:tostr $timeH]); }
:if ($timeM > 9) do={ :set $strM [:tostr $timeM]; } else={ :set $strM ("0".[:tostr $timeM]); }
:if ($timeS > 9) do={ :set $strS [:tostr $timeS]; } else={ :set $strS ("0".[:tostr $timeS]); }
} else={
:set strMn [:tostr $dateM];
:set strD [:tostr $dateD];
:set strH [:tostr $timeH];
:set strM [:tostr $timeM];
:set strS [:tostr $timeS];
:do {
:if ([:len $tmod]=0) do={ :local mt ($mstr->($dateM - 1)); :set $decodedLine ("$mt/"."$strD/"."$strY"); break; }
:if ($tmod = 1) do={ :set $decodedLine "$strY$s$strMn$s$strD $strH:$strM:$strS"; break; }
:if ($tmod = 2) do={ :set $decodedLine "$strD$s$strMn$s$strY $strH:$strM:$strS"; break; }
:if ($tmod = 3) do={ :set $decodedLine ("$strD ".($mstr->($dateM - 1))." $strY $strH:$strM:$strS"); break; }
:if ($tmod = 4) do={ :set $decodedLine ("$strY ".($mstr->($dateM - 1))." $strD $strH:$strM:$strS"); break; }
:if ($tmod = 5) do={ :local m ($mstr->($dateM - 1)); :set $decodedLine ("$m/"."$strD/"."$strY"."-$strH:$strM:$strS"); break; }
} on-error={}
:return ($decodedLine);
# Main body of the script
:global timeAct;
:global timeLog;
:local nameID [ /system identity get name; ];
:local timeOf [ /system clock get gmt-offset; ];
:put ("$[$UnixTimeToFormat ([$EpochTime] + $timeOf) 1] - Start of TLGRM-script on '$nameID' router.");
:if ([:len $timeAct] > 0) do={ :put ("$[$UnixTimeToFormat ($timeAct + $timeOf) 1] - Time when the last command was launched."); }
:if ([:len $timeLog] > 0) do={ :put ("$[$UnixTimeToFormat ($timeLog + $timeOf) 1] - Time when the log entries were last sent."); }
# Part of the script body to launch via Telegram
:local timeStamp [$EpochTime];
:local urlString "$botID/getUpdates\?offset=-1&limit=1&allowed_updates=message";
:put ("$[$UnixTimeToFormat ([$EpochTime] + $timeOf) 1] - *** Stage of launch scripts, function & commands via Telegram:");
:if ([:len $timeAct] = 0) do={
:put ("$[$UnixTimeToFormat ([$EpochTime] + $timeOf) 1] - Time of the last launch of the command was not found.");
:set timeAct $timeStamp;
} else={
:local httpResp [ /tool fetch url=$urlString as-value output=user; ];
:local content ($httpResp->"data");
:if ([:len $content] > 30) do={
:local msgTxt [$MsgParser $content "text" true];
:set msgTxt ([:pick $msgTxt ([:find $msgTxt "/" -1] +1) [:len $msgTxt]]);
:local msgAddr ([:pick $msgTxt 0 [:find $msgTxt " " -1]]);
:if ([:len [:find $msgTxt " "]]=0) do={ :set msgAddr ("$msgTxt "); }
:put ("$[$UnixTimeToFormat ([$EpochTime] + $timeOf) 1] - Recipient of the Telegram message: '$msgAddr'")
:if ($msgAddr=$nameID or $msgAddr="forall") do={
:set msgTxt ([:pick $msgTxt ([:find $msgTxt $msgAddr -1] + [:len $msgAddr] +1) [:len $msgTxt]]);
:local chat [$MsgParser $content "chat"];
:local chatId [$MsgParser $chat "id"];
:local userName [$MsgParser $content "username"];
:set timeStamp [$MsgParser $content "date"];
:put ("$[$UnixTimeToFormat ([$EpochTime] + $timeOf) 1] - Sender of the Telegram message: $userName")
:put ("$[$UnixTimeToFormat ([$EpochTime] + $timeOf) 1] - Command to execute: '$msgTxt'")
:local restline [];
:if ([:len [:find $msgTxt " "]] !=0) do={
:set restline [:pick $msgTxt ([:find $msgTxt " "] +1) [:len $msgTxt]];
:set msgTxt [:pick $msgTxt 0 [:find $msgTxt " "]];
:if ($chatId=$myChatID && $timeAct<$timeStamp) do={
:set timeAct ($timeStamp);
:if ([/system script environment find name=$msgTxt;]!="" && $launchFnc=true) do={
:put ("$[$UnixTimeToFormat ([$EpochTime] + $timeOf) 1] - Telegram user $userName launches function '$msgTxt'.");
:log warning ("Telegram user $userName launches function '$msgTxt'.");
[:parse ":global $msgTxt; [\$$msgTxt $restline]"];
:if ([/system script find name=$msgTxt;]!="" && $launchScr=true) do={
:put ("$[$UnixTimeToFormat ([$EpochTime] + $timeOf) 1] - Telegram user $userName activates script '$msgTxt'.");
:log warning ("Telegram user $userName activates script '$msgTxt'.");
/system script run $msgTxt;
:if ([/system script find name=$msgTxt;]="" && [/system script environment find name=$msgTxt;]="" && $launchCmd=true) do={
:put ("$[$UnixTimeToFormat ([$EpochTime] + $timeOf) 1] - Telegram user $userName is trying to execute command '$msgTxt'.");
:log warning ("Telegram user $userName is trying to execute command '$msgTxt'.");
:do {[:parse "/$msgTxt $restline"]} on-error={}
} else={ :put ("$[$UnixTimeToFormat ([$EpochTime] + $timeOf) 1] - Wrong time to launch."); }
} else={ :put ("$[$UnixTimeToFormat ([$EpochTime] + $timeOf) 1] - No command found for this device."); }
} else={ :put ("$[$UnixTimeToFormat ([$EpochTime] + $timeOf) 1] - Completion of response from Telegram."); }
# Part of the script body for notifications in Telegram
:local outMsg "";
:local logGet [ :toarray [ /log find ($topics ~"warning" || $topics ~"error" || $topics ~"critical" || $topics ~"caps" \
|| $topics ~"wireless" || $message ~"logged in"); ]];
:local logCnt [ :len $logGet ];
:put ("$[$UnixTimeToFormat ([$EpochTime] + $timeOf) 1] - *** Stage of sending notifications to Telegram:");
:if ([:len $timeLog] = 0) do={
:put ("$[$UnixTimeToFormat ([$EpochTime] + $timeOf) 1] - Time of the last log entry was not found.");
:set outMsg (">$[ /system clock get time; ] Telegram notification started.");
:if ($logCnt > 0) do={
:local lastTime [$EpochTime [ /log get [:pick $logGet ($logCnt-1)] time; ]];
:local index 0;
:local tempTime;
:local tempMessage;
:local tempTopic;
:local unixTime;
:do {
:set index ($index + 1);
:set tempTime [ /log get [:pick $logGet ($logCnt - $index)] time; ];
:set tempTopic [ /log get [:pick $logGet ($logCnt - $index)] topics; ];
:set tempMessage [ /log get [:pick $logGet ($logCnt - $index)] message; ];
:set tempMessage (">".$tempTime." ".$tempMessage);
:local findMacMsg ([$FindMacAddr $tempMessage]);
:set unixTime [$EpochTime $tempTime];
:if (($unixTime > $timeLog) && (!(($tempTopic ~"caps" || $tempTopic ~"wireless" || $tempTopic ~"dhcp") \
&& ($tempMessage != $findMacMsg)))) do={
:put ("$[$UnixTimeToFormat ([$EpochTime] + $timeOf) 1] - Found log entry: $findMacMsg");
:set outMsg ($findMacMsg."\n".$outMsg);
} while=(($unixTime > $timeLog) && ($index < $logCnt));
:if (([:len $timeLog] < 1) || (([:len $timeLog] > 0) && ($timeLog != $lastTime) && ([:len $outMsg] > 8) )) do={
:set timeLog $lastTime;
:if ([:len $outMsg] > 4096) do={ :set outMsg ([:pick $outMsg 0 4096]); }
:set outMsg [$CP1251toUTF8 $outMsg];
:set outMsg ("$Emoji "."$nameID".":"."%0A"."$outMsg");
:local urlString ("$botID/sendmessage\?chat_id=$myChatID&text=$outMsg");
:put ("$[$UnixTimeToFormat ([$EpochTime] + $timeOf) 1] - Generated string for Telegram:\r\n".$urlString);
/tool fetch url=$urlString as-value output=user;
} else={ :put ("$[$UnixTimeToFormat ([$EpochTime] + $timeOf) 1] - There are no log entries to send."); }
} else={ :put ("$[$UnixTimeToFormat ([$EpochTime] + $timeOf) 1] - Necessary log entries were not found."); }
:put ("$[$UnixTimeToFormat ([$EpochTime] + $timeOf) 1] - End of TLGRM-script on '$nameID' router.");
} on-error={
:put ("Script error: something didn't work when sending a request to Telegram.");
:put ("*** First, check the correctness of the values of the variables botID & myChatID. ***");