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[2.9.50] webproxy-test going *POOF* when it fills up the hdd

Mon Jan 21, 2008 5:02 pm


I'm curious if anyone else has the same issue.

The webproxy-test package works great in 2.9.50, I can see it's being more efficient that the old squid (package webproxy), but I seem to be having the same issue again and again.

When the hdd fils up, the proxy goes *POOF*, it crashes, doesn't work anymore, it resets its settings and then the cache dissapears.

Does anyone have the same problem? It's the 2nd time I had it. Last time I just reverted to the old webproxy package.
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Re: [2.9.50] webproxy-test going *POOF* when it fills up the hdd

Tue Jan 22, 2008 12:19 pm

I can't believe nobody else has seen this before...

Nobody filled up their webproxy-test?
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Re: [2.9.50] webproxy-test going *POOF* when it fills up the hdd

Tue Jan 22, 2008 1:15 pm

Please put your proxy settings,
By the way you can use SATA HDD, 2GB RAM with v3.
I am sure it will give you better performance..
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Re: [2.9.50] webproxy-test going *POOF* when it fills up the hdd

Tue Jan 22, 2008 5:49 pm

I'm not going to upgrade my box to v3 yet.

[] ip proxy> print
                     enabled: yes
                        port: 3129
                 cache-drive: system
         cache-administrator: ""
         max-disk-cache-size: 51877000KiB
          max-ram-cache-size: 287034KiB
          cache-only-on-disk: no
  maximal-client-connections: 1000
  maximal-server-connections: 1000
             max-object-size: 49152KiB
              max-fresh-time: 3h
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Re: [2.9.50] webproxy-test going *POOF* when it fills up the hdd

Tue Jan 22, 2008 7:25 pm

I noticed that after the proxy crashed the first time, I can't stop it anymore!

I tried unticking the "Enable" checkbox, and hit Apply... but nothing happens.

Even tried disabling it from command line! But the darn thing doesn't want to stop.
[] > /ip proxy 
[] ip proxy> print
                     enabled: yes
                        port: 9999
                 cache-drive: system
         cache-administrator: ""
         max-disk-cache-size: none
          max-ram-cache-size: none
          cache-only-on-disk: no
  maximal-client-connections: 1000
  maximal-server-connections: 1000
             max-object-size: 1024KiB
              max-fresh-time: 3h
[] ip proxy> monitor 
                 status: running
                 uptime: 1m22s
               requests: 334362
                   hits: 191823
             cache-used: 0KiB
         ram-cache-used: 0KiB
         total-ram-used: 276KiB
  received-from-servers: 12945344KiB
        sent-to-clients: 14113217KiB
   hits-sent-to-clients: 1181098KiB

[] ip proxy> set  enabled=no
[] ip proxy> monitor 
                 status: running
                 uptime: 1m29s
               requests: 334362
                   hits: 191823
             cache-used: 0KiB
         ram-cache-used: 0KiB
         total-ram-used: 276KiB
  received-from-servers: 12945344KiB
        sent-to-clients: 14113217KiB
   hits-sent-to-clients: 1181098KiB

[] ip proxy> 
[] ip proxy> print          
                     enabled: no
                        port: 9999
                 cache-drive: system
         cache-administrator: ""
         max-disk-cache-size: none
          max-ram-cache-size: none
          cache-only-on-disk: no
  maximal-client-connections: 1000
  maximal-server-connections: 1000
             max-object-size: 1024KiB
              max-fresh-time: 3h
[] ip proxy> monitor 
                 status: running
                 uptime: 4m2s
               requests: 334362
                   hits: 191823
             cache-used: 0KiB
         ram-cache-used: 0KiB
         total-ram-used: 276KiB
  received-from-servers: 12945344KiB
        sent-to-clients: 14113217KiB
   hits-sent-to-clients: 1181098KiB
[] ip proxy> set enabled=yes
[] ip proxy> monitor 
                 status: running
                 uptime: 2s
               requests: 334362
                   hits: 191823
             cache-used: 0KiB
         ram-cache-used: 0KiB
         total-ram-used: 276KiB
  received-from-servers: 12945344KiB
        sent-to-clients: 14113217KiB
   hits-sent-to-clients: 1181098KiB

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Re: [2.9.50] webproxy-test going *POOF* when it fills up the hdd

Wed Jan 23, 2008 10:22 pm

Do I have to mispell and talk bad english to get an official answer around here? :-/
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Re: [2.9.50] webproxy-test going *POOF* when it fills up the hdd

Thu Jan 24, 2008 2:49 am

We didn't face the same problem using the webproxy-test package on 2.9.27 we didn't try to upgrade as everything needed is almost stable.

Regarding disabling the proxy. I'd like to know if you are using any transparent proxy or hotspot with transparent proxy, so there will be no need to enable it as the proxy will be redirected locally on the MT ROS.
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Re: [2.9.50] webproxy-test going *POOF* when it fills up the hdd

Thu Jan 24, 2008 8:21 am

Yes, it is correct.
Cache is being erased and configuration max-cache-size is changed to none.
We will see what we can do.

Thank you very much for your report.
It is better and faster to contact support ( with detailed problem description and attached support output file, when you discovered issue (that does not work correctly).
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Re: [2.9.50] webproxy-test going *POOF* when it fills up the hdd

Fri Jan 25, 2008 2:09 pm

Also, you should look about increasing the MAXIMUM CLIENT and MAXIMUM SERVER connections, as 1000 is quite... low :-/
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Re: [2.9.50] webproxy-test going *POOF* when it fills up the hdd

Fri Jan 25, 2008 3:14 pm

As far as I know,
3.0 version provides with option to set 5000 client connections.
We will see what we can do with 2.9 version about this value.
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Re: [2.9.50] webproxy-test going *POOF* when it fills up the hdd

Tue Feb 26, 2008 2:52 am

The proxy is dead again.
Thank you Mikrotik Team for the new update on 2.9.50...
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Re: [2.9.50] webproxy-test going *POOF* when it fills up the hdd

Fri Mar 07, 2008 11:40 am

I'm not able to find your reply helpful for this topic.

It would be better and more informative, if you can give some more details about your problem, of course if you are interested in faster problem solution or not just talking,
- which version do you have on your router ?
- what configuration do you have for the proxy ?
- what exactly do you mean by "dead" ?
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Re: [2.9.50] webproxy-test going *POOF* when it fills up the hdd

Sat Dec 27, 2008 2:32 pm

I am having the same problem...I have no idea why webproxy-test is stopping after serving greatly for some restarts automatically after some time and after clearing all the cache.....This is not done...If I cannot save my cache then whats the use of this proxy server...Definitely this webproxy-test has better performance than webproxy...Please help me out......Experts don't sleep...wake up and gimme the solution...I am using version 2.9.27....
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Re: [2.9.50] webproxy-test going *POOF* when it fills up the hdd

Sat Dec 27, 2008 2:48 pm

at first, upgrade your 2.9.27 to the latest stable version
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Re: [2.9.50] webproxy-test going *POOF* when it fills up the hdd

Thu Jan 01, 2009 1:34 am

Is this problem fixed in newer than 2.9.50 version?

Does 2.9.51 has a nice running web-proxy ?