You need to add information about your domain in /ip/dns/static
try with this, replacing example.com with your domain name and forward-to with your AD DNS.
Remember to keep \\ and $ as they are special characters in regex
/ip dns static
add forward-to= regexp="example\\.com\$" type=FWD
hope that helps
Hello, thank you very much for the feedback. Do I do this procedure at the correct branch? In the matrix I need to do something about the DNS? In the Windows domain do I need any specific configuration?
This config belongs to the one with the redirect, company b I think. When you redirect it's the ros dns server who "serves" dns requests. You have configured opendns, which doesn't know anything about your internal domain, or how to reach it as it's private.
That rule simply tells the routeros dns that, for every request to example.com domain, query this server instead
If you have the same redirect in company A, you should exclude at least the windows domain dns server from that rule to avoid a query loop