I won't be able to write this...... entire SMS PDU needs to be created ...
It is unlikely that we will wait for this, it's better to wait until Rex becomes freer.It would be much easier if MT improves SMS tool
You are probably rightIt is unlikely that we will wait for this, it's better to wait until Rex becomes freer.It would be much easier if MT improves SMS tool
/tool sms send lte1 phone-number=3939 message="\CC\E8 \E2\F1\B3 \E1\F0\E0\F2\E8, \F5\EE\F7\E5\F8 \ED\E5 \F5\EE\F7\E5\F8."(where \CC\E8 \E2\F1\B3 \E1\F0\E0\F2\E8, \F5\EE\F7\E5\F8 \ED\E5 \F5\EE\F7\E5\F8. is Ми всі брати, хочеш не хочеш. on CP1251)
/tool sms send lte1 phone-number=3939 message=[$CP1251to7BITbyGHOST ("\CC\E8 \E2\F1\B3 \E1\F0\E0\F2\E8, \F5\EE\F7\E5\F8 \ED\E5 \F5\EE\F7\E5\F8.")]I receive
Mi vsi brati, xochesh ne xochesh
# Function Translite of Russian characters for sending in Telegram
# by Sertik 16/09/2020
# usage [$FuncTransliteToTele "Строка String .,!+"]
:global FuncTransliteToTele do={
:global string; :set $string $1;
# table of the codes of Russian letters Translite
:local rsimv [:toarray {"А"="A"; "Б"="B"; "В"="V"; "Г"="G"; "Д"="D"; "Е"="E"; "Ж"="ZH"; "З"="Z"; "И"="I"; "Й"="J"; "К"="K"; "Л"="L"; "М"="M"; "Н"="N"; "О"="O"; "П"="P"; "Р"="R"; "С"="S"; "Т"="T"; "У"="U"; "Ф"="F"; "Х"="KH"; "Ц"="C"; "Ч"="CH"; "Ш"="SH"; "Щ"="SCH"; "Ъ"="``"; "Ы"="Y`"; "Ь"="`"; "Э"="E`"; "Ю"="JU"; "Я"="YA"; "а"="a"; "б"="b"; "в"="v"; "г"="g"; "д"="d"; "е"="e"; "ж"="zh"; "з"="z"; "и"="i"; "й"="j"; "к"="k"; "л"="l"; "м"="m"; "н"="n"; "о"="o"; "п"="p"; "р"="r"; "с"="s"; "т"="t"; "у"="u"; "ф"="f"; "х"="kh"; "ц"="c"; "ч"="ch"; "ш"="sh"; "щ"="sch"; "ъ"="``"; "ы"="y`"; "ь"="`"; "э"="e`"; "ю"="ju"; "я"="ya"; "Ё"="Yo"; "ё"="yo"; "№"="#"}]
# encoding of the symbols and аssembly line
:local StrTele ""; :local code "";
:for i from=0 to=([:len $string]-1) do={:local keys [:pick $string $i (1+$i)];
:local key ($rsimv->$keys); if ([:len $key]!=0) do={:set $code ($rsimv->$keys);} else={:set $code $keys};
:if (($keys="Ь") and ([:pick $string ($i+1) (2+$i)]="Е")) do={:set $code "I"; :set $i ($i+1)}
:if (($keys="ь") and ([:pick $string ($i+1) (2+$i)]="е")) do={:set $code "i"; :set $i ($i+1)}
:if (($keys="Ь") and ([:pick $string ($i+1) (2+$i)]="е")) do={:set $code "I"; :set $i ($i+1)}
:if (($keys="ь") and ([:pick $string ($i+1) (2+$i)]="Е")) do={:set $code "i"; :set $i ($i+1)}
:if (($keys="Ы") and ([:pick $string ($i+1) (2+$i)]="Й")) do={:set $code "I"; :set $i ($i+1)}
:if (($keys="ы") and ([:pick $string ($i+1) (2+$i)]="й")) do={:set $code "i"; :set $i ($i+1)}
:if (($keys="ы") and ([:pick $string ($i+1) (2+$i)]="Й")) do={:set $code "i"; :set $i ($i+1)}
:if (($keys="Ы") and ([:pick $string ($i+1) (2+$i)]="й")) do={:set $code "I"; :set $i ($i+1)}
:set $StrTele ("$StrTele"."$code")}
:return $StrTele
That's the problem...Yes, but sends that from the CLI probably. And from a script?
no, a multilingual OS router is not needed, you only need the ability to install support packages for national languages to send SMSNow multi-lingual RouterOS