Using a Quecetel LTE module via USB, got it configured and left it alone, a few days later realized it ate up many mb of data traffic.
My question, simple FW rule to only allow LTE traffic IN/OUT to router for management (winbox port, ssh, etc.) so no other random traffic should be going out the LTE interface from the network.
And 2) a rule that I can enable on-demand to route all traffic in/out the LTE interface when needed.
So, for example, if the site internet goes down, I can access the router via the LTE interface, confirm what is happening and then re-route all site internet over that LTE connection.
Alternatively also setup a persistent wg tunnel over the LTE interface to a remote server and let it sit idle for management traffic only (inbound to router ssh port only).
I think this should be really simple but can't seem to get it to do what I want.
Any help or ideas?
EDIT: To Clarify;
All sites have Fiber or cable internet -> Main WAN
They all have a Quecetel LTE modem plugged into the USB port, LTE is all up and working, no issues.
The LTE interface should only be for inbound management and I want to create a persistent outbound WG tunnel to a management server that sits idle (no traffic passing) and is used to connect back to the router only for management.