I am working with trial 7.9.1 on a Mini-ITX x86 box. This is to establish RouterOS full working IPv4/IPv6 before I purchase a Netgear appliance. (Motivated by impending EOL of my CIsco RV34x router) The Cisco's IPv6 to this ISP worked fine the first time with a bog standard configuration - pretty much the same WAN DHCP-PD, LAN 64-bit prefix from WAN, and RA settings that routerOS accepted.
I arrived at the current RouterOS configuration by extensive use of online documentation. For example, the set of IPv6 firewall rules is the oft-repeated set of 21 or so that you see everywhere on this forum. IPv4 is working fine, it is only for IPv6 that I turn to the forum for help.
A lot of things work (though possibly the router must sit for a bit before they start to work). For example, ping and traceroute from the Winbox Tools work fine (Winbox1.jpg). The PC plugged into the router gets valid-looking IPv6 addresses (PC ipconfig to routerOS.jpg) and (remarkably) the PC does a working ping6 and a mostly working tracert (PC to routerOS.jpg).
So what doesn't work? All IPv6 websites FAIL from the Chrome browser (e.g. ipv6.cybernode.com which works only with IPv6).
I've looked and looked at the configuration, addresses, routing table and so on - I'm at wit's end to solve this. I have attached the output of the routerOS configuration export.
If anyone has some tips on what works or what to try, I would appreciate enormously. I would even love a configuration export of a fully working IPv6 routerOS setup. I'm willing to go through it line by line to see any differences with what I already have.