i've recently updated my rb133c to 3.1 and i noticed that, just after a connection to AP, in -mangle- is automagically created a rule that check for syn packets with mss >= 1433 and set it to 1432 only for forward in pppoe-out interface (mtu 1472).
I've also noticed that other rules like this, are created to set mss for eth1 to 1460, if i don't set this value manually directly on pc-side configuration of ethernet card.
If i try to set the 1432 value directly on pppoe in wlan settings, the "out" rule was always created, differently from the -ethernet- rules that was not created if mtu is set to 1460, but with a diffrent value, always "40" bytes minus from the wlan or ppooe mtu.
I think this is a behaviour for prevent packet fragmentation...
But: there is a way to set a value correctly and manually? How to calculate this value exactly?
How can i control the fragmentation-level on my net?
Is possible to do this with ping/traceroute or making a firewall rule just for mark and count the incoming/outgoing fragmented packets?