I have Intel core2 duo with ASUS P5K mother, this mother support
SATA and normal IDE.
Ros 3.1 currently don't see the ethernet onboard too.
same for 3.2.
I try with netinstall and booting with cdrom, neither works.
With 3.1:
With netinstall only see the SATA disk, but when end formatting,
throws the FATAL ERROR .... and hangs. And if I try installing in a IDE Compact Flash
throws FATAL ERROR before formatting ( looking for harddrives .... ) .
With cdrom always stops before formatting. And I have two
differents errors NO hard drives ( when I enable the IDE Compact Flash and disable the SATA disk ),
and NO CDROM ( when I enable SATA and disable de IDE ComactFalsh )
With 3.2:
The only difference is with netinstall, when formatting ends, then show
FATAL ERROR: server refused to install.
With this hardware I can installing Suse Linux and see all hard without problems.