hi every body
First of all I know that i asked many questions so please i dont wanna to bother you but forgive me im still a beginner in MT world.
Here are my questions ,
the first one is about the (hosts) menu in IP > Hotspot .. i know that it includes the hosts who are connected to network ok but i found that beside each mac a letter such as ( D , AD , DH ..etc ) so what is meaning of these letters and i highlited it in the pic :
And the second question is about the (leases) menu in IP > Dhcp server .. what is the function of that menu and what is the meaning of (leases) .. I have noticed something about that matter which is that sometimes a pc browser doesnt redirect to MT login page in order to login and start using internet but instead the browser gives the message (this page cant be displayed) and then i find the ip and the mac of this pc in this ( leases ) menu so what is the realtion between these two operations . Here is a pic for what i mean
and the last question is about the meaning and the difference between ( bound , idle , and waiting) in the status menu
Thanks for your patience