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IPv6 on only one vlan?

Fri Dec 01, 2023 5:33 pm

Has anyone created a network with IV6 on only one vlan?
just wondering how that might be done.

I would like to have IPv6 on only one vlan at home and perhaps have the v6 network have it's own ssid so i can test it out without it being on the whole network for now. It seems like that ought to be possible on one L2 segment/vlan (?)

I've had the whole home network on IPv6 via a Hurricane Electric tunnel but it wasn't great for everyday use due to poor geolocation... thought it might be fun to have it avaialble on a more limited basis until my ISP gets around to proper v6. I could also set up different SIT tunnels and switch them possibly

Any thoughts or experience?
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Re: IPv6 on only one vlan?

Fri Dec 01, 2023 7:40 pm

When setting up IPv6, one usually sets a proper (i.e. not a link-local) IPv6 address to individual interfaces. When VLANs are in the mix, this means assigning IPv6 address to vlan interface. And MT router will, by default, send out router advertisements on interfaces with proper IPv6 address. So if you don't want to run IPv6 on sone VLAN, you just don't set up IPv6 address on corresponding vlan interface. If clients don't receive RAs, they can't perform SLAAC and hence don't have IPv6.
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Re: IPv6 on only one vlan?

Fri Dec 01, 2023 7:47 pm

Thanks @mkx
I'll give it a shot (weekend project ;). In theory I should just be able to remove my ipv6 address assignment in the bridge and create one on the vlan interface. That allows me to keep the HE tunnel up and ipv6 running but only in the vlan I want.
I can then add an SSID on that vlan if I want to experiment more easily from a laptop or phone... Also I don't "break the internet" for the family 😁
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Re: IPv6 on only one vlan?

Fri Dec 01, 2023 8:01 pm

Make sure you have no Windows systems where your normal network is received "untagged" and your "one VLAN" is received "tagged", because that will seriously foul up the Windows broken networking!

(When a Windows system is not configured for tagged VLAN handling, which usually requires installation of manufacturer drivers for the network card instead of the default Windows-supplied drivers, it will by default just delete all VLAN tags and merge the network traffic into the same "interface". This isn't an issue with IPv4 but with IPv6 SLAAC it will cause surprises).
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Re: IPv6 on only one vlan?

Fri Dec 01, 2023 8:21 pm

the vlan will only have one wired host other than the router initially... not sure yet what that device might be
the home "main" network has no tagged traffic on it at all. (AFAIK unless i messed something up badly) and is working fine.

I did note with a quick look that the ND is set for interface "all".. guessing that is incorrect. should it be only on my v6 vlan?
Also, my current (working) setup appears to dynamically create ipv6 addresses on every interface... presumably that is a manual setting somewhere or is that jsut normal behaviour as all interfaces have a link local address
sorry for the newbie questions... i feel like I've been an ipv6 newbie for 20 years :)

as with all things ipv6 I know this will never be as simple as I expect/want/hope ;)
more time on the MT forums and youtube again...
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Re: IPv6 on only one vlan?

Sat Dec 02, 2023 11:17 am

No, the ND setting is fine. Addresses are only advertised on interfaces that have an address AND have "Advertise" set on that address.

Having IPv6 on a VLAN is fine, as long as you have only untagged ports on that VLAN and/or you have no Windows systems.
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Re: IPv6 on only one vlan?

Sat Dec 02, 2023 5:41 pm

so, in theory I have configured only the vlan to have an interface that is advertising.
under ipv6 interfaces on the mikrotik there is an ipv6 address on the bridge but i have unticked "advertise" (using Winbox ... for now)
only the vlan interface is identified as "advertising" under the IPV6 addresses section

however on my main lan my desktop is still somehow getting an IP address using the hurricane electric (HE) /64 prefix
I am seeing IPV6 assigned DNS servers on the main lan as well so presumably that means that RA advertisements are going on on the bridge despite my efforts?
on the main lan which should not have IPv6 at all I am seeing 2001 and fbd0 addresses marked as preferred. I can ping the router from there on ipv6 though it seems using its link local address so v6 data of a sort is moving

I am also getting an ipv6 address with the HE prefix on my testing vlan (which is good i hope)
I am seeing no DNS6 server info on the PC on the vlan
over time i see that that IP addresses on my vlan in the 2001 range are marked deprecated and only the FE80 marked as active

both devices are showing the default gateway as their own FE80 ethernet IP address? is that normal? presumably with a fully routable IPv6 address it would use that?

I did note that when I assigned the HE prefix on the bridge interface it immediately came up with a full (SLAAC?) IP address that looks random but may include the mac address. When I do the same on the VLAN interface no such address guest assigned but the router does not complain (mac mac address to use?).. it didn't seem right so I gave it a manual ip ending in :17:1 (as my vlan is 17 so trying to keep things straightish)

IPv4 working as expected (I'm using my "guest network" as the test... all firewall rules are defconf )

The HE sit link seems happy enough and stable (my only route to IPv6 for now)
but home lan and guest vlan fail ipv6 online test

debugging clues and strategies gratefully received. (I have wireshark on both segments)
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Re: IPv6 on only one vlan?

Sat Dec 02, 2023 6:10 pm

The whole ordeal depends very much on how things are physically connected and how's router set-up. Bridge is s switch-like entity and won't block traffic passing between diferent ports (that includes RAs).

So show us actual layout and actual config of your device.
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Re: IPv6 on only one vlan?

Sat Dec 02, 2023 6:58 pm

I'll try to draw a picture that isn't just a scribble.. just need to figure out what software or site is best to do that on (is there a consensus for such things? )

(The text version is that I have a ln RB750gr2 on fibre broadband (NATed). Both PCs in are physically connected to a zyxel wsm20 running openwrt (but not doing ipv6). Openwrt is VLANing locally.. GigE trunk directly back to the RB but untagged for main network traffic. Vlans seem to work fine at layer2 and ipv4)
The RB is also connected to two MT APs and a Dell 2816 switch altgough technically they should not be in the path to the test PCs

And I'll post an export of the config.. stay tuned.
(I only recently got the vlans and ssids for guest and iot working so don't want to break those.. maybe v6 is a step too far... But every the optimist I hoped it might be easy or I would be lucky .. but yes, ordeal may be a better word;)
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Re: IPv6 on only one vlan?

Tue Dec 05, 2023 7:44 pm

Hopefully this makes sense... just learning and probably one of the only network diagrams I have made since, oh, 1995 or so!
Everything seems to be working fine on L2 and Ipv4
NB: ipv6 currently disabled in the config but nothing else changed... just didn't want it left running "broken"
Hopefully there is something obvious I have screwed up.

# 2023-12-05 17:23:48 by RouterOS 7.12
# software id = 3W03-BPBK
# model = RB750Gr2
# serial number = REDACTED
/interface bridge
add admin-mac=D4:CA:6D:XX:XX:XX auto-mac=no comment=defconf \
    ingress-filtering=no name=LANbridge vlan-filtering=yes
/interface ethernet
set [ find default-name=ether1 ] comment=WAN mtu=1492 name=WAN1
set [ find default-name=ether2 ] comment="to switch"
set [ find default-name=ether3 ] comment=Office_AP
set [ find default-name=ether4 ] comment=DinRm_AP
set [ find default-name=ether5 ] comment=management
/interface 6to4
add comment="Hurricane Electric IPv6 Tunnel Broker" !keepalive local-address=\ mtu=1280 name=sit1 remote-address=
/interface wireguard
add listen-port=13231 mtu=1400 name=wireguard1
/interface vlan
add comment="GUEST VLAN17" interface=LANbridge name=GUEST_VLAN17 vlan-id=17
add interface=LANbridge name=IOT_VLAN19 vlan-id=19
/interface list
add comment=defconf name=WAN
add comment=defconf name=LAN
/interface lte apn
set [ find default=yes ] ip-type=ipv4 use-network-apn=no
/interface wireless security-profiles
set [ find default=yes ] supplicant-identity=MikroTik
/ip ipsec profile
add dh-group=modp1024 name=profile_1
/ip ipsec peer
add name=peer1 passive=yes profile=profile_1
/ip ipsec proposal
add enc-algorithms=aes-256-cbc,3des name=HomeVPN pfs-group=none
/ip pool
add name=LAN_Pool ranges=
add name=GUEST_pool ranges=
add name=IOT_Pool ranges=
/ip dhcp-server
add address-pool=LAN_Pool interface=LANbridge lease-time=1h name=DHCP_LAN
add address-pool=GUEST_pool interface=GUEST_VLAN17 name=DHCP_Guest
add address-pool=IOT_Pool interface=IOT_VLAN19 name=DHCP_IOT
/ppp profile
add change-tcp-mss=yes dns-server= local-address=LAN_Pool name=homeVPN \
    remote-address=LAN_Pool use-encryption=required
/routing bgp template
set default disabled=no
/routing ospf instance
add disabled=no name=default-v2
/routing ospf area
add disabled=yes instance=default-v2 name=backbone-v2
/caps-man manager
set upgrade-policy=suggest-same-version
/interface bridge port
add bridge=LANbridge comment="to dell switch" ingress-filtering=no interface=\
add bridge=LANbridge comment="Office AP" ingress-filtering=no interface=\
add bridge=LANbridge comment="Dining Room AP" ingress-filtering=no interface=\
/ip neighbor discovery-settings
set discover-interface-list=LAN
/ip settings
set max-neighbor-entries=8192
/ipv6 settings
set disable-ipv6=yes max-neighbor-entries=8192
/interface bridge vlan
add bridge=LANbridge comment=Guest_VLAN17 tagged=\
    LANbridge,ether2,ether3,ether4 vlan-ids=17
add bridge=LANbridge comment=IOT_VLAN19 tagged=ether2,ether3,ether4,LANbridge \
/interface detect-internet
set internet-interface-list=WAN wan-interface-list=WAN

/interface list member
add comment=defconf interface=LANbridge list=LAN
add comment=defconf interface=WAN1 list=WAN
add comment="add wireguard to LAN to pass firewall" interface=wireguard1 \
add interface=sit1 list=WAN

/interface wireguard peers
/ip address
add address= comment=defconf interface=LANbridge network=\
add address= interface=wireguard1 network=
add address= interface=GUEST_VLAN17 network=
add address= interface=IOT_VLAN19 network=
/ip arp
add address= interface=LANbridge mac-address=D4:1A:D1:14:D7:94
/ip cloud
set ddns-enabled=yes
/ip dhcp-client
add comment=defconf interface=WAN1 use-peer-dns=no
/ip dhcp-server config
set store-leases-disk=15m
/ip dhcp-server lease
/ip dhcp-server network
add address= comment=defconf dns-server=\, gateway= netmask=24
add address= dns-server=,, gateway=\
add address= dns-server=, gateway=
/ip dns
set allow-remote-requests=yes cache-max-ttl=1d servers=\
/ip dns static
add address= name=router.lan
/ip firewall address-list
add address= comment=\
    "thinkbroadband quality monitor" disabled=yes list=Pings
add address= list=TimM_truespeed
add address= comment=" ipv6 tunnel " list=Pings
/ip firewall filter
add action=accept chain=input comment=\
    "defconf: accept established,related,untracked" connection-state=\
add action=accept chain=input comment=\
    "allow traffic to reach wireguard server" dst-port=13231 protocol=udp
add action=accept chain=input comment="allow wireguard traffic" src-address=\
add action=accept chain=input comment="Allow pings from pings list" protocol=\
    icmp src-address-list=Pings
add action=accept chain=input comment="defconf: accept ICMP (ping)" disabled=\
    yes protocol=icmp
add action=drop chain=input comment="defconf: drop invalid" connection-state=\
add action=drop chain=input comment="defconf: drop all not coming from LAN" \
add action=fasttrack-connection chain=forward comment="defconf: fasttrack" \
    connection-state=established,related hw-offload=yes
add action=accept chain=forward comment=\
    "defconf: accept established,related, untracked" connection-state=\
add action=drop chain=forward comment="defconf: drop invalid" \
add action=drop chain=forward comment=\
    "defconf:  drop all from WAN not DSTNATed" connection-nat-state=!dstnat \
    connection-state=new in-interface-list=WAN
/ip firewall nat
add action=masquerade chain=srcnat comment="defconf: masquerade" \
    ipsec-policy=out,none out-interface-list=WAN
add action=masquerade chain=srcnat comment="masq. wireguard traffic" \
add action=dst-nat chain=dstnat comment=wireguard-pi dst-port=53 \
    in-interface-list=WAN protocol=udp to-addresses= to-ports=\
add action=dst-nat chain=dstnat comment="iperf3 to manitoulin" disabled=yes \
    dst-port=5201 in-interface-list=WAN protocol=tcp src-address-list=\
    TimM_truespeed to-addresses= to-ports=5201
/ip firewall service-port
set ftp disabled=yes
set sip disabled=yes
/ip ipsec identity
add generate-policy=port-override peer=peer1 remote-id=ignore
/ip ipsec policy
set 0 proposal=HomeVPN
/ipv6 route
add disabled=no distance=1 dst-address=2000::/3 gateway=2001:470:1f1c:73c::1 \
    scope=30 target-scope=10
/ip service
set telnet disabled=yes
set ftp disabled=yes
set www-ssl certificate=WWW_SSL
set api disabled=yes
set api-ssl disabled=yes
/ip ssh
set allow-none-crypto=yes forwarding-enabled=remote
/ipv6 address
add address=2001:470:1f1c:73c::2 advertise=no comment="Hurricane Assigned" \
add address=2001:470:1f1d:8de:d6ca:6dff:fec6:3835 advertise=no interface=\
    LANbridge no-dad=yes
add address=2001:470:1f1d:8de::17:1 comment="IP6 on guest vlan" disabled=yes \
    interface=GUEST_VLAN17 no-dad=yes
/ipv6 firewall address-list
add address=::/128 comment="defconf: unspecified address" list=bad_ipv6
add address=::1/128 comment="defconf: lo" list=bad_ipv6
add address=fec0::/10 comment="defconf: site-local" list=bad_ipv6
add address=::ffff: comment="defconf: ipv4-mapped" list=bad_ipv6
add address=::/96 comment="defconf: ipv4 compat" list=bad_ipv6
add address=100::/64 comment="defconf: discard only " list=bad_ipv6
add address=2001:db8::/32 comment="defconf: documentation" list=bad_ipv6
add address=2001:10::/28 comment="defconf: ORCHID" list=bad_ipv6
add address=3ffe::/16 comment="defconf: 6bone" list=bad_ipv6
add address=:: comment="defconf: other" list=bad_ipv6
add address=:: comment="defconf: other" list=bad_ipv6
add address=::/104 comment="defconf: other" list=bad_ipv6
add address=:: comment="defconf: other" list=bad_ipv6
/ipv6 firewall filter
add action=accept chain=input comment=\
    "defconf: accept established,related,untracked" connection-state=\
add action=drop chain=input comment="defconf: drop invalid" connection-state=\
add action=accept chain=input comment="defconf: accept ICMPv6" protocol=\
add action=accept chain=input comment="defconf: accept UDP traceroute" port=\
    33434-33534 protocol=udp
add action=accept chain=input comment=\
    "defconf: accept DHCPv6-Client prefix delegation." dst-port=546 protocol=\
    udp src-address=fe80::/10
add action=accept chain=input comment="defconf: accept IKE" dst-port=500,4500 \
add action=accept chain=input comment="defconf: accept ipsec AH" protocol=\
add action=accept chain=input comment="defconf: accept ipsec ESP" protocol=\
add action=accept chain=input comment=\
    "defconf: accept all that matches ipsec policy" ipsec-policy=in,ipsec
add action=drop chain=input comment=\
    "defconf: drop everything else not coming from LAN" in-interface-list=\
add action=accept chain=forward comment=\
    "defconf: accept established,related,untracked" connection-state=\
add action=drop chain=forward comment="defconf: drop invalid" \
add action=drop chain=forward comment=\
    "defconf: drop packets with bad src ipv6" src-address-list=bad_ipv6
add action=drop chain=forward comment=\
    "defconf: drop packets with bad dst ipv6" dst-address-list=bad_ipv6
add action=drop chain=forward comment="defconf: rfc4890 drop hop-limit=1" \
    hop-limit=equal:1 protocol=icmpv6
add action=accept chain=forward comment="defconf: accept ICMPv6" protocol=\
add action=accept chain=forward comment="defconf: accept HIP" protocol=139
add action=accept chain=forward comment="defconf: accept IKE" dst-port=\
    500,4500 protocol=udp
add action=accept chain=forward comment="defconf: accept ipsec AH" protocol=\
add action=accept chain=forward comment="defconf: accept ipsec ESP" protocol=\
add action=accept chain=forward comment=\
    "defconf: accept all that matches ipsec policy" ipsec-policy=in,ipsec
add action=drop chain=forward comment=\
    "defconf: drop everything else not coming from LAN" in-interface-list=\
/ipv6 nd
set [ find default=yes ] hop-limit=64
/ppp profile
set *FFFFFFFE local-address= remote-address=*4
/ppp secret
add name=laughlen profile=homeVPN service=l2tp
add name=vpn
/system clock
set time-zone-name=Europe/London
/system identity
set name=16LH_Router
/system note
set note="\
    \n" show-at-login=no
/system ntp client
set enabled=yes
/system ntp client servers
/system routerboard settings
set auto-upgrade=yes
/tool bandwidth-server
set authenticate=no enabled=no
/tool graphing
set store-every=hour
/tool mac-server
set allowed-interface-list=LAN
/tool mac-server mac-winbox
set allowed-interface-list=LAN

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Re: IPv6 on only one vlan?

Tue Dec 05, 2023 10:29 pm

/ipv6 address
add address=2001:470:1f1c:73c::2/64 advertise=no comment="Hurricane Assigned" interface=sit1
Just like in IPv4 also IPv6 addresses need to be accompanied with apropriate prefix length to indicate which address space is available as directly connected subnet via certain interface. In IPv6 the most common (and sometimes the only supported) prefix size for end subnets is /64.
And the prefix length is missing in all your address assignments. If it's not set, then a /128 is used (similarly to /32 for IPv4 addresses).
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Re: IPv6 on only one vlan?

Wed Dec 06, 2023 12:05 am

thanks... not sure why that was missing in the config... when i went back and looked on winbox/webfig the /64 was there so perhaps it was finger trouble
pretty sure everything now has the correct length now

i still don;t have connectivity though.
I can ping ipv6 addresses including the other end of the HE tunnel and cloudflare dns from the router but not from devices on the guest network although those devices seems to be getting an address with the correct prefix 2001:470:1f1d:8de::/64
i can ping the ipv6 address on the vlan18 interface (2001:470:1f1d:8de::17:1) from the router

i don't see any ipv6 dns servers listed on the client. should I? I have them configured in /ip/dns
ping to on the command line is using ipv4 but that may be the default (?).. i cant find a command line equivalent of ping6
command line ping to fails with some odd mesaging
invalid value for argument address:
invalid value of mac-address, mac address required
invalid value for argument ipv6-address
failure: dns name exists, but no appropriate record
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Re: IPv6 on only one vlan?

Wed Dec 06, 2023 11:53 am

Another thing to check: /ipv6/setttings/print ... forward setting should be set to "yes"

Regarding DNS servers: it's not critical to tell clients about IPv6 addresses of DNS servers, but it's good to do it. It's been a while since I verified my setup, but I think that setting IPv6 address of DNS servers in /ip/dns should do the trick. There's another place where it seems it's possible to set IPv6 DNS server addresses: /ipv6/nd/ (my setup doesn't have it set though) ... there's default ND profile (not shown in export as it's all default), it can be changed by e.g. running set 0 dns=<IPv6 address>,<another IPv6 address>.
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Re: IPv6 on only one vlan?

Wed Dec 06, 2023 11:56 am

Just noticed this IPv6 firewall filter entry (the last one):

add action=drop chain=forward comment="defconf: drop everything else not coming from LAN" in-interface-list=!LAN

and I couldn't see command that adds your VLAN17 interface to LAN interface list ... if that's indeed so, then this firewall filter rule blocks your IPv6 connectivity towards internet.
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Re: IPv6 on only one vlan?

Wed Dec 06, 2023 12:17 pm


per /ipv6/settings yes, forwarding is set to yes.

i have ipv6 servers DNS servers set in /ip/dns
I had tried with DNS servers in the ND settings with no luck in the past but will try again (I have the option in winbox and webfig)
iirc correctly when it was working on jsut the lan config (before i added vlans into the mix) i didn't need it in the ND section and it just worked
(perhaps my vlan config or how MT delas with vlans is messing things up... bridges/vlan1 etc)

you are right about vlan17 not being in the LANS list!. I'll change that and give it another go
In the back of my mind I think i was thinking that for secure separation that vlan17 and 19 should not be in LANs... the interaction of all these things is perplexing (but I guess that is the power of MT!)

btw, I just tried another export and it did indeed leave off the prefix length in the config file under /ipv6/addresses but they are there in /ipv6/address/print
I'll report that to MT support
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Re: IPv6 on only one vlan?

Wed Dec 06, 2023 12:48 pm

now i have ipv6 on my guest network so real progress (on wifi and ethernet) ... apparently it was the firewall rule/LAN list issue
many thanks @mkx

i note however that my devices on the main lan are still getting ipv6 address assignments on the HE prefix and I can see RAs in wireshark coming from the MT router
my understanding was that as there is no ipv6 address set on the bridge that RA's should not go out there?
i do not have ipv6 access on the main lan though (

little side note related to HE geolocation .. the BBC thinks I am in the UK, the Guardian thinks I am in the US! (HE tunnel geolocation remains flaky even though I am in the UK using a London tunnel)
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Re: IPv6 on only one vlan?

Wed Dec 06, 2023 3:13 pm

I spoke too soon. :roll:
if i connect on the guest LAN via wifi on another AP (the MT HAP AC) i seem to get an ip address in the correct prefix but no routing. (tried android, chromeos and win11)
a wired connection on vlan17 on the dell switch behaves the same.. (ipv4 works fine and ipv4 addresses are assigned by DHCP from the router)

Its odd as it all seems to work perfectly for ipv4 and layer2 and is on the same vlan as the zyxel/openwrt box (but it is ROS this time)
no firewalls on the HAP and indeed no IPv6 yet but I didn't think there needed to be as it should be connected as layer2 and acting more or less as just a switch with vlans

to add complication I guess I am going to need a /48 or /56 from Hurricane if I want to have separate subnets for my guest and IOT networks as otherwise any separation via IPv4 firewall is pointless since ipv6 will let everyhting through as they're all on one subnet... but that is a step too far as well for the moment
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Re: IPv6 on only one vlan?

Thu Dec 07, 2023 9:32 pm

just adding to the mystery... and the learning
looks like Mikrotik is sending the RAs on the bridge despite it having no IPv6 address (that is on VLAN17)
more confusingly the RAs are sent even if IPv6 is disabled in ipv6 settings

i see that all interfaces seem to be getting Link Local addresses including the lanbridge and they are added automatically.
is that configurable? and would turning it off be sensible?

radvd debug.png

(and interestingly google hubs seem to send RAs in the Unique Local Address (ULA) range but that is a mystery for another day .. some google fu)
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Re: IPv6 on only one vlan?

Thu Dec 07, 2023 9:40 pm

RA in RouterOS 7.12 is broken! You need to upgrade it to 7.12.1
What's new in 7.12.1 (2023-Nov-17 13:38):

*) ipv6 - do not send out IPv6 RA deprecate message for re-used prefix;
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Re: IPv6 on only one vlan?

Thu Dec 07, 2023 9:42 pm

arrggh.. thanks for that. I thought I looked at release notes a while ago and missed that somehow!
firmware update time... again
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Re: IPv6 on only one vlan?

Thu Dec 07, 2023 9:59 pm

interesting... updated to 7.12.1 and now no RAs going out until i have a device on the guest vlan and then they seem to be working ( (at least according to RADVD debug in the log))... I'm assuming that is the correct behaviour

i am getting the right prefix on the guest/vlan and ipv6 tests are working so it feels like good progress.
I am seeing the ipv6 DNS servers correctly as well :)

i guess the moral of the story is to update firmware but really ,i didn't expect something as basic as RAs to be broken given how long IPv6 has been around
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Re: IPv6 on only one vlan?

Sun Dec 10, 2023 12:44 am

RA in RouterOS 7.12 is broken! You need to upgrade it to 7.12.1
Hmm, was it broken though? IIRC it only caused unnecessary renumbering, but otherwise it continue to work because the router continued sending periodic RAs after depreciation.
Last edited by Kentzo on Sun Dec 10, 2023 1:35 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: IPv6 on only one vlan?

Sun Dec 10, 2023 12:47 am

I doubt know what worked and what didn't or why... But upgrading to 7.12.1 certainly got my setup working when it wasn't before with no other config changes.

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