It is probably just me, but upgrading from 7.12 to 7.13 on AWS broke the instance again and it does not boot any longer.
I had the same issue upgrading to 7.12 and was forced to recreate the instance.
Isn't there anything I can do to just get the upgrade on AWS working properly?
How do we know whether a package is needed or not? (We are useing RB951, hAP AC2, hAP AC3, and cAP devices, all of them as simple Access Point - Wisp AP, Home AP)Drivers for older wireless and 60GHz interfaces, as well as the wireless management system CAPsMAN, are now part of a separate "wireless" package instead of being a part of the bundle package. This package can be uninstalled if not needed. just updated hap ac2 and I have the "wireless" package and "routeros". everything is working as usual, but I wonder how am I supposed to migrate to new WiFi package? Manually?
Question:How do we know whether a package is needed or not? (We are useing RB951, hAP AC2, hAP AC3, and cAP devices, all of them as simple Access Point - Wisp AP, Home AP)Drivers for older wireless and 60GHz interfaces, as well as the wireless management system CAPsMAN, are now part of a separate "wireless" package instead of being a part of the bundle package. This package can be uninstalled if not needed. ... l=MikroTikThis is very confusing: on hAP ac now I have a WiFi menu, completely useless and a Wireless that is the correct one.
Of course I already read all.@nicolap Have you read the beta and rc thread? If not read trough them.
Remove wireless package and install wifi-qcom-ac-7.13-arm.npk from all_packages-arm-7.13.zipHello,
I've just updated my hAP ac^2 to version 7.13, but I can't find where I should set up WPA3?
You did install wifi-qcom-ac package as well ? This is a manual action to be done afterwards and then you completely need to reconfigure the wifi part.Hello,
I've just updated my hAP ac^2 to version 7.13, but I can't find where I should set up WPA3?
This does not seem version related, send your supout file to support, so we can check what specifics you have there.
It is probably just me, but upgrading from 7.12 to 7.13 on AWS broke the instance again and it does not boot any longer.
I had the same issue upgrading to 7.12 and was forced to recreate the instance.
Isn't there anything I can do to just get the upgrade on AWS working properly?
Does not happen on default config of "RB1100AHx4 Dude Edition" with 7.13. Ensure that there is no netwatch or something else that is rebooting it. Try to generate supout.rif and send it to support@mikrotik.comRB1100dx4de reboots after few seconds, no supout.rif created, no time needed to do this.
Same router, all working ok for me, no issue.RB1100dx4de reboots after few seconds, no supout.rif created, no time needed to do this.
script error: failure: Idle timeout - waiting data
script error: failure: connection timeout
script error: failure: remote disconnected while in HTTP exchange
To my understanding:
- Can I uninstall the old "Wireless" package on devices without WLAN-interface (like Switches), or will this break something (like CAPsMAN-management traffic or something)?
WiFi is always there, but useless?
- On devices like the mAP lite, I have now a WiFi button plus a Wireless button. But nothing in the "WiFi" menu.
There is no additional driver in the MIPSBE-Extra-package. Means WiFi is always there, but useless?
- Devices without the additional driver ( 'wifi-qcom-ac' or 'wifi-qcom') have to run everything WLAN-related under the old Wireless-Menu?
Means WiFi is always there, but useless?
Thanks!To my understanding:
1- yes.
2- correct, consequence from having (wave2) wifi in base package now.
3- yes. See also 2.
fetch - require "ftp" user policy;We have a script that triggers on boot and fetches a few files from our provisioning servers (Basic auth and HTTPS).
It's not useless, it can be used as Capsman to manage devices using new wifi driver.WiFi is always there, but useless?
It's confusing, if device A doesn't have wireless chip/features, then "Capsman" should be seperate menu altogether, not "wifi" or "wireless" or "wifiwave2", capsman is just a control plane protocol.It's not useless, it can be used as Capsman to manage devices using new wifi driver.
Like on 1 out of 100 devices its useful and on 99 useless? Useless codestuff imho...It's not useless, it can be used as Capsman to manage devices using new wifi driver.
Is there any way to restore default behaviour, where all CAP interfaces would have number appended?*) wifi - create first interface without number when using "name-format" provisioning setting;
Thank you.Remove wireless package and install wifi-qcom-ac-7.13-arm.npk from
Everything is in the documentation: ... ss'package
Did not find a way to fix this, so downgraded and waiting for fixed release.Is there any way to restore default behaviour, where all CAP interfaces would have number appended?*) wifi - create first interface without number when using "name-format" provisioning setting;
This is super annoying, do I really have to downgrade to, as my only option, make it work properly again? :(
I really don't want to switch to static interfaces and overcomplicate things.
Have you checked this ? viewtopic.php?t=187597It is probably just me, but upgrading from 7.12 to 7.13 on AWS broke the instance again and it does not boot any longer.
I had the same issue upgrading to 7.12 and was forced to recreate the instance.
Isn't there anything I can do to just get the upgrade on AWS working properly?
True!! I reported this in rc thread but it has not been fixed. Please fix that, it is very annoying when using winbox.--- *) winbox - updated "wireless" and "wifi" menus;---
Please, correct same name in wireless tab; cannot customize old_wireless tab on old devices because on relogging appear the new (wifi) one instead,and if choose the correct one (wireless) customization has not held, but default.
Unfortunately it is not only useless (for those that have no intention to use CapsMAN) but it also causes problems...It's not useless, it can be used as Capsman to manage devices using new wifi driver.WiFi is always there, but useless?
hAP ac2 is notorious for lack of space. the best is to netinstall it and restore the backup you made BEFORE the upgrade...After upgrade on hap ac2 I have zero space left and I can't even make a backup. How I can save some space? In package list there is a routeros and wireless packages,
And also consider the fact that wifi-qcom-ac uses around 200kB more flash space than wireless package. So if flash is running tight (and will be, believe me), then the solution might be to stick to wireless.hAP ac2 is notorious for lack of space.After upgrade on hap ac2 I have zero space left and I can't even make a backup. How I can save some space? In package list there is a routeros and wireless packages,
Something else is using the space, I can also install containers and I still have free space.After upgrade on hap ac2 I have zero space left and I can't even make a backup. How I can save some space? In package list there is a routeros and wireless packages,
[ ] > :put ([/tool fetch url="" as-value output=user]->"data")
7.12.1 1700221125
Yeah, but as I am locked to the old wireless drivers for now (until the VLAN issues in the new drivers are solved) and I have no intention to use CAPsMAN on that device, I still would prefer to be able to remove the new WiFi package... and keep routeros and wireless on that space-cramped device.If one is using ARM ac device as router only (i.e. wireless is not required), then the new arrangement allows to fully uninstall wireless drivers and thus free a few MB of flash (wifi menu is still there as it contains necessary stuff to run CAPsMAN on same device ... but that doesn't require running hardware drivers).
Probably a good thing. It prevents those running auto-upgrade scripts from upgrading in the first couple of hours after release.7.12.1 1700221125[/code]
It should report: 7.13 and epoch date
It is probably just me, but upgrading from 7.12 to 7.13 on AWS broke the instance again and it does not boot any longer.
I had the same issue upgrading to 7.12 and was forced to recreate the instance.
Isn't there anything I can do to just get the upgrade on AWS working properly?
Some additional information relevant to this issue. It actually has nothing to do with upgrading. When I first experienced the same issue I misidentified it as related to licensing. Here is what I now know:This does not seem version related, send your supout file to support, so we can check what specifics you have there.
It is probably just me, but upgrading from 7.12 to 7.13 on AWS broke the instance again and it does not boot any longer.
I had the same issue upgrading to 7.12 and was forced to recreate the instance.
Isn't there anything I can do to just get the upgrade on AWS working properly?
@rajo The issue on AWS likely relates to T3 instances. The Hypervisor is different from T2 (works).
/ip firewall address-list
:local update do={
:put "Starting import of address-list: $listname"
:if ($nolog = null) do={:log warning "Starting import of address-list: $listname"}
:local maxretry 3
:local retrywaitingtime 120s
:local retryflag true
:for retry from=1 to=$maxretry step=1 do={
:if (retryflag) do={ :set $retryflag false; :set $sounter 0
:if (retry > 1) do={
:put "Source file changed. Retrying after a $retrywaitingtime wait..."
:if ($nolog = null) do={:log warning "Source file changed. Retring after a $retrywaitingtime wait..."}
:delay $retrywaitingtime }
:local filesize ([/tool fetch url=$url keep-result=no as-value]->"total")
:local start 0
:local maxsize 64000; # reqeusted chunk size
:local end ($maxsize - 1); # because start is zero the maxsize has to be reduced by one
:local partnumber ($filesize / ($maxsize / 1024)); # how many chunk are maxsize
:local remainder ($filesize % ($maxsize / 1024)); # the last partly chunk
:if ($remainder > 0) do={ :set $partnumber ($partnumber + 1) }; # total number of chunks
:if ($heirule != null) do={:put "Using as extra filtering: $heirule"} else={:set $heirule "."}
# remove the current list completely if "erase" is not present (default setting)
:if ($noerase = null) do={
:if ($timeout = null) do={:set $timeout 00:00:00; :do {:foreach i in=[/ip firewall address-list find list=$listname] do={/ip firewall address-list set list=("backup".$listname) $i }} on-error={} } else={
:do {:foreach i in=[/ip firewall address-list find list=$listname dynamic] do={/ip firewall address-list set list=("backup".$listname) $i }} on-error={} };
:put ("Conditional deleting all".$dynamic." entries in address-list: $listname")
:if ($nolog = null) do={:log warning ("Conditional deleting all".$dynamic." entries in address-list: $listname")}
} else={:put "Entries not conditional deleted in address-list: $listname"}; # ENDIF ERASE
:for x from=1 to=$partnumber step=1 do={
# get filesize to be compared to the orignal one and if changed then retry
:local comparesize ([/tool fetch url=$url keep-result=no as-value]->"total")
#:set $comparesize 5
# fetching the chunks from the webserver when the size of the source file has not changed
# empty array when the source file changed. No processing is done till the next complete retry
:if ($comparesize = $filesize) do={:set $data ([:tool fetch url=$url http-header-field="Range: bytes=$start-$end" output=user as-value]->"data")} else={:set $data [:toarray ""]; :set $retryflag true}
#:if ($ownposix = null) do={
# determining the used delimiter in the list if not provided in the config
# this only run once and so the impact on the import time is low
:local ipv4Posix "^[0-9]{1,3}\\.[0-9]{1,3}\\.[0-9]{1,3}\\.[0-9]{1,3}"
:local ipv4rangePosix "^[0-9]{1,3}\\.[0-9]{1,3}\\.[0-9]{1,3}\\.[0-9]{1,3}/[0-9]{1,2}"
:local domainPosix "^.+\\.[a-z.]{2,7}"
:local sdata $data;
:while ([:len $sdata]!=0 && $delimiter = null) do={ # The check on length of $sdata is for if no delimiter is found.
:local sline [:pick $sdata 0 [:find $sdata "\n"]]; :local slen [:len $sline];
# set posix depending of type of data used in the list
:if ($sline ~ $ipv4Posix) do={:set $posix $ipv4Posix; :set $iden "List identified as a IPv4 list"}
:if ($sline ~ $ipv4rangePosix) do={:set $posix $ipv4rangePosix; :set $iden "List identified as a IPv4 with ranges list"}
:if ($sline ~ $domainPosix) do={:set $posix $domainPosix; :set $iden "List identified as a domain list"}
:if ($sline ~ $posix) do={:put $iden}
:if ($sline ~ $posix) do={ # only explore the line if there is match at the start of the line.
:do {:if ([:pick $sline 0 ($slen-$send)] ~ ($posix."\$") || $send > $slen) do={
:set $delimiter [:pick $sline ($slen-$send) ($slen-($send-1))]; :set $result true} else={:set $send ($send+1)}
} while (!$result);
}; #IF posix
:set $sdata [:pick $sdata ([:find $sdata "\n"]+1) [:len $sdata]];
:if ([:len $delimiter] = 0) do={ :set $delimiter "\n" }; # when empty use NewLine 20220529
:if ($delimiter != null) do={:local sdata [:toarray ""]} ; #Clear array sdata and it is not needed anymore and triggering so the While to end
}; #WHILE END $sdata
:local sdata [:toarray ""]
#} else={:put "User defind Posix: $ownposix"; :set $posix $ownposix } ; # ENDIF ownposix = null
:if ($delimiter = "\n") do={ :set $delimiterShow "New Line" } else={ :set $delimterShow $delimiter }; #20220529
:if ($posix = null && $delimiter != null) do={:set $posix "."; :put "Using config-line defined delimiter: \"$delimiterShow\""}; # delimter provided by config line
:if (!retryflag) do={:put "Reading Part: $x $start - $end"}
:if ($timeout = null) do={:local timeout 00:00:00}; # if no timeout is defined make it a static entry.
# Only remove the first line only if you are not at the start of list
:if ($start > 0) do={:set $data [:pick $data ([:find $data "\n"]+1) [:len $data]]}
:while ([:len $data]!=0) do={
:local line [:pick $data 0 [:find $data "\n"]]; # create only once and checked twice as local variable
:if ( $line ~ $posix && $line~heirule) do={
:do {add list=$listname address=[:pick $data 0 [:find $data $delimiter]] comment=$comment timeout=$timeout; :set $counter ($counter + 1)} on-error={}; # on error avoids any panics
}; # if IP address && extra filter if present
:set $data [:pick $data ([:find $data "\n"]+1) [:len $data]]; # removes the just added IP from the data array
# Cut of the end of the chunks by removing the last lines...very dirty but it works
:if ([:len $data] < 256) do={:set $data [:toarray ""]}
}; # while
:set $start (($start-512) + $maxsize); # shifts the subquential start back by 512
:set $end (($end-512) + $maxsize); # shift the subquential ends back by 512 to keep the
}; # if retryflag
}; #do for x
}; # for retry
:if ($counter < 1) do={:set $resultline "Import was NOT successfull! Check if the list $listname is still being maintained."} else={:set $resultline "Completed reading $counter items into address-list $listname." }
:put $resultline
:if ($nolog = null) do={:log warning $resultline }
:if ($counter > 0) do={:do {/ip firewall address-list remove [find where list=("backup".$listname)]} on-error={} } else={
:do {:foreach i in=[/ip firewall address-list find list=("backup".$listname)] do={/ip firewall address-list set list=$listname $i }} on-error={}
:put "Restoring backup list: $listname"
:if ($nolog = null) do={:log warning "Restoring backup list: $listname"}
}; # if counter restore on failure and remove on success
}; # do
$update url= listname=turris delimiter=, timeout=1d
As I stated, I experienced the same issue on GCE, which has nothing to do with AWS. I provided the info to help with identifying the actual cause of the issue, if anyone is actually interested in investigating and resolving it.@rajo The issue on AWS likely relates to T3 instances. The Hypervisor is different from T2 (works).
Same problem with other scripts:This AM i upgraded my CCR1009 from version 7.12.1 to version 7.13 now getting the following error when running a script
Download from ... latest.csv to RAM FAILED: Fetch failed with status 206
The same script was working fine under 7.12.1 and earlier versions
You would have to do this as well if you were to install the wifiwave2 package under 7.12.If I were to enable the WiFi menu in the Audience by removing the wireless package and installing the Qualcomm one, I would need to issue different commands to configure that Audience AP with that script, is that correct?
Yes, that should be the case.Since I currently do not want to do that change in the script, if I upgrade to 7.13 on the Audience, can I still continue using `/interface wireless access-list` and everything else like before, as long as I don't replace the wireless package with the Qualcomm one?
Thanks a bunch, this is crazy, I'll give it a try.
@rajo The issue on AWS likely relates to T3 instances. The Hypervisor is different from T2 (works).
/interface wifi channel
add band=2ghz-n disabled=no frequency=2412 name="Canales 2,4GHz" width=20/40mhz
/interface wifi datapath
add bridge=HOME disabled=no name=HOME
add bridge=bridge-VLANs disabled=no name=CRISWIFI vlan-id=28
add bridge=bridge-VLANs disabled=no name=DANWIFI vlan-id=24
add bridge=bridge-VLANs disabled=no name=GUEST vlan-id=11
add bridge=bridge-VLANs disabled=no name=IFI-IoT vlan-id=12
/interface wifi security
add authentication-types=wpa2-psk,wpa3-psk disabled=no encryption="" name=WIFI-HOME passphrase=*+password*
add authentication-types=wpa2-psk,wpa3-psk disabled=no encryption="" name=DANWIFI passphrase=++password+
add authentication-types=wpa2-psk,wpa3-psk disabled=no encryption="" name=CRISWIFI passphrase=-+password-
add authentication-types=wpa2-psk,wpa3-psk disabled=no encryption="" name=GUEST passphrase=+password**
add authentication-types=wpa2-psk,wpa3-psk disabled=no encryption="" name=WIFI-IoT passphrase=+password
/interface wifi configuration
add channel="Canales 2,4GHz" datapath=HOME disabled=no mode=ap name=HOME-DYC security=WIFI-HOME ssid="DAN y CRIS"
add channel="Canales 2,4GHz" datapath=DANWIFI disabled=no mode=ap name=DANWIFI security=DANWIFI ssid="WiFi de DAN"
add channel="Canales 2,4GHz" datapath=CRISWIFI disabled=no mode=ap name=CRISWIFI security=CRISWIFI ssid="WiFi de CRIS"
add channel="Canales 2,4GHz" datapath=IFI-IoT disabled=no mode=ap name="WiFi - IoT" security=WIFI-IoT ssid="WiFi - IoT"
add channel="Canales 2,4GHz" datapath=GUEST disabled=no mode=ap name=GUEST security=GUEST ssid="WiFi GUEST"
/interface wifi access-list
add action=accept allow-signal-out-of-range=5s disabled=no interface=any signal-range=-83..120 ssid-regexp=""
add action=reject allow-signal-out-of-range=5s disabled=no interface=any ssid-regexp=""
/interface wifi capsman
set enabled=yes interfaces=all package-path="" require-peer-certificate=no upgrade-policy=none
/interface wifi provisioning
add action=create-dynamic-enabled disabled=no master-configuration=HOME-DYC radio-mac=MIMACADDRESS slave-configurations=\
There are no docs on /system/rtrace. Is its output format the same as linux `strace`, or is there some "reader" tool for it?*) system - added "rtrace" debugging tool (CLI only);
If you have another packet except the main uninstall him first. Then make downgrade procedure!I've uploaded routeros-arm-6.49.11.npk, hit downgrade button, LHG reboots with 7.13 version
Well, probably nothing wrong from the manual perspective. I'm looking for step-by-step guide for both modes of particular device, which has a bit tricky default config even with old drivers. I'm eager to try new driver but I don't have too much resources for tinkering and guessing the best configuration. There probably should be optimal configs the team used for testing purposes. I see no harm to share them publicly. How do you feel, does it make sense?What's wrong with this manual?
Thanks m8, that did the trick !If you have another packet except the main uninstall him first. Then make downgrade procedure!I've uploaded routeros-arm-6.49.11.npk, hit downgrade button, LHG reboots with 7.13 version
It can be that they don't support chunking on the moment. However the script can be changed now the file can be downloaded in one go and the then read from disk in chunks of 32KB. Two chunks is 64KB or just double the loops to import the complete file.This AM i upgraded my CCR1009 from version 7.12.1 to version 7.13 now getting the following error when running a script
Download from ... latest.csv to RAM FAILED: Fetch failed with status 206
The same script was working fine under 7.12.1 and earlier versions
Who maintains physical hardware halfway around the world - as a sole person / without closer person to perform actions needing aphysical access?I have a Mikrotik remotely halfway around the world. ... and I'll have to fly halfway around the world again to do the Netinstall in person and who knows if it will reinstall.
MikroTik doesn’t do your business, you do. Even in 10person company no sane person installs version less than 24h old into production. Person who decided that upgrading distant system without test env or local support is a risk for the business.Paradoxically, this is an Enterprise environment with a professional range of routers, and I cannot afford downtime for entire companies.
To quote the release notes:Use normal upgrade procedure.
And yes, you first need to be on 7.12 or 7.12.1 before you can move to 7.13.
Is in the release notes. You may want to read that part first.
That reads to me as manual package installation should just work without any special attention.1. When upgrading by using "check-for-updates", all versions earlier than 7.12 will display 7.12 as the latest available version. Upgrade from v7.12 to v7.13 or later versions must be done through 7.12 in order to convert wireless packages automatically. Fresh installation with Netinstall or manual package installation works in the same manner as always.
"If you have another packet except the main uninstall him first. Then make downgrade procedure! "Another issue: I tried to downgrade to version 7.12.1 and also doesn't work!! I just uploaded the RouterOS 7.12.1 ARM64 into the /files of my RB5009 and went to System --> Packages --> Downgrade and the router refuses to downgrade. Reboots and nothing happens!.
I am so annoyed! and first time I have this kind of behavior. I am getting now messages every min in Telegram with non--sensical messages.
No problem here. Normal blue (had to open the closed cabinet to verifyAfter upgrading my hAP ax^3 to ROS 7.13 everything works fine, but the front WPS button which previously was solid blue, now blinks in red.
Created a ticket (SUP-137799).
Tried LHG52 with new drivers and it goes up to 600 Mbps, but that was between LHG52 and a mobile phone. I must buy something to try station bridge mode.By the way, is there likely benefit for PtP link between 2 LHG XL 52ac, to go from 6.49.11 to 7.13, considering wifiwave 2 is available now ?
Thanks for checking.No problem here. Normal blue (had to open the closed cabinet to verify :lol: )After upgrading my hAP ax^3 to ROS 7.13 everything works fine, but the front WPS button which previously was solid blue, now blinks in red.
Created a ticket (SUP-137799).
1. What is stable as been answered many times here in the forum.I am asking the representatives of Mikrotik to define for me what they mean by the term "stable".
I have a Mikrotik remotely halfway around the world.
... installed wifi-qcom-ac. LOL, I was astonished as there was not even a default configuration in place for the wifi.
I also have problems with a Mikrotik S+RJ10 Module and CRS326-24G-2S+RM:I have an issue with 7.13 that 7.12.1 didn't have (nor before) - I have a bunch of 1gb SFP's in a CRS328-4C-20S-4S+ switch. None of them will link up auto negotiation at full duplex (they are all fiber). I can hard code both sides of a link and it works full duplex, but with auto negotiation duplex is never picked up and you end up with hundreds of "sfpxx excessive or late collision, link duplex match?" errors and most paths not even passing traffic. Downgrade to 7.12 and it auto negotiates correctly. My 10GB SFP+'s are auto negotiating, only 1GB SFP modules are failing to.
Are you using the new wifi package? If yes, it does not support station bridge mode yet with old devices/old driver! I use bridge and eoip over wifi link for extending the L2 segmentUpgraded two LHG XL52 ac (PtP setup), settings were intact, no issue with signal (-42), devices register themselves on one another (both 2GHz and 5GHz), but can't see other LHG via Winbox.
Any clues ?
EDIT: on 7.12.1 was working perfectly.
The same on hAP ac^3. Sometime after reboot I've got lte interface and internet access but can't access web interface of the modem in hilink mode.CCR1016 after updating to 7.13 not show lte interface anymore.
But in USB list it showing.
wireless already installed
At 7.12 all ok.
Do you have usb modem attached? I've got red blinks right after modem connection.After upgrading my hAP ax^3 to ROS 7.13 everything works fine, but the front WPS button which previously was solid blue, now blinks in red.
Created a ticket (SUP-137799).
There is station bridge mode in new drivers. Tried it just yesterday on LHG52.Are you using the new wifi package? If yes, it does not support station bridge mode yet with old devices/old driver! I use bridge and eoip over wifi link for extending the L2 segmentUpgraded two LHG XL52 ac (PtP setup), settings were intact, no issue with signal (-42), devices register themselves on one another (both 2GHz and 5GHz), but can't see other LHG via Winbox.
Any clues ?
EDIT: on 7.12.1 was working perfectly.
I know it's a guessing game, but I cannot find what seems to be the problem. I have 2 pairs of PtP link, similar setup (apart for SSID names etc). Both pairs were on 6.49.11. I've upgraded both pairs to 7.12.1 and both were working. Now I upgraded one pair to 7.13 and have above issues. I checked all settings but cannot find the cause.Yup, already in beta versions. Tested it as well.
+1, report the same error:Same problem with other scripts:This AM i upgraded my CCR1009 from version 7.12.1 to version 7.13 now getting the following error when running a script
Download from ... latest.csv to RAM FAILED: Fetch failed with status 206
The same script was working fine under 7.12.1 and earlier versions
error ex.
Download from http://::ffff: (::ffff: to RAM FAILED: Host is unreachable
versions prior to 7.12.1 there were no problems
When i upgraded LHG52 to 7.13 first in didn't even see wireless intefaces even if wireless package was installed (checked). Probably because there was also Zerotier package on it and something went wrong with the instalation (to little space for all those packages).I know it's a guessing game, but I cannot find what seems to be the problem. I have 2 pairs of PtP link, similar setup (apart for SSID names etc). Both pairs were on 6.49.11. I've upgraded both pairs to 7.12.1 and both were working. Now I upgraded one pair to 7.13 and have above issues. I checked all settings but cannot find the cause.Yup, already in beta versions. Tested it as well.
Yes!Do you have usb modem attached? I've got red blinks right after modem connection.After upgrading my hAP ax^3 to ROS 7.13 everything works fine, but the front WPS button which previously was solid blue, now blinks in red.
Created a ticket (SUP-137799).
Why is that needed? In my WifiWave2/WiFi CAPsMAN setup I don't use this, and devices connect and roam successfully.Wifi experience was great as soon as I figured out the security connect-priority=0/1 option and managed to work around the VLAN limitation.
Me too. It would make CAP more controlled - better provisioned without a need to manually set bridge ports and VLANs for wifi interfaces on each CAP.Now I'm just hoping that VLAN tagging will find its way back into wifi-qcom-ac driver to restore the flexibility it provides.
My modem is useless with 7.13 (Yes!
Do you have usb modem attached? I've got red blinks right after modem connection.
Just tested this and your're right. After connecting the USB modem the LED starts flashing red.
Unplugging it doesn't change it's behavior. You need to reboot the whole router with the modem unplugged. Plugging it back makes the LED starts blinking red again.
Indeed that is the problem, you have explained it better than me ;)+1, report the same error:
- fetch with ipv4 url are automatically "translated" into ipv6 by being prefixed with "::ffff:"
- This results in either host unreachable or data content = null
Had to roll back to 7.12.1
# Imput CLI:
:local urlSesTokInfo ""
:put ([/tool fetch $urlSesTokInfo output=user as-value]->"data")
# Log message v7.13:
Download from http://::ffff: (::ffff: to RAM FINISHED
# Log message v7.12.1:
No message (ok)
At least with FT disabled, the default connect-priority setting delays roaming to a new AP until a client has disconnected from its previous AP. With my Android phone this caused several seconds of delay when roaming.Why is that needed? In my WifiWave2/WiFi CAPsMAN setup I don't use this, and devices connect and roam successfully.
Download from to <nothing> FINISHED
Download from to RAM FAILED: Fetch failed with status 206
The fetch command has incorporated new features, check the parameters of your "tool/fetch..." script.Hi all!
I have the same problem with script on CHR after upgrade :(What can i do with this?Code: Select allDownload from to <nothing> FINISHED Download from to RAM FAILED: Fetch failed with status 206
/interface wireless cap
set bridge=bridge-lan caps-man-addresses="" caps-man-certificate-common-names="" \
caps-man-names="" certificate=none discovery-interfaces=bridge-lan enabled=yes \
interfaces=wlan1,wlan2 lock-to-caps-man=no static-virtual=no
/caps-man manager
set ca-certificate=none certificate=none enabled=yes package-path="" \
require-peer-certificate=no upgrade-policy=none
/caps-man manager interface
set [ find default=yes ] disabled=no forbid=no interface=all
add disabled=no forbid=yes interface=bridge-wan
add disabled=no forbid=yes interface=sfp-sfpplus1
add disabled=no forbid=yes interface=ether1
add disabled=no forbid=yes interface=ether2
hAP AC2 is quite tight on storage, so check first, if wifi-qcom-ac module is successfully installed and listed in System->Packages? There should be 2: routeros and wifi-qcom-ac.I upgraded my HAP AC2 from 7.12.1 to 7.13.
Neither my 2.4 nor 5 GHz interfaces are visible in the Wifi / Menu.
Thx it worked"If you have another packet except the main uninstall him first. Then make downgrade procedure! "Another issue: I tried to downgrade to version 7.12.1 and also doesn't work!! I just uploaded the RouterOS 7.12.1 ARM64 into the /files of my RB5009 and went to System --> Packages --> Downgrade and the router refuses to downgrade. Reboots and nothing happens!.
I am so annoyed! and first time I have this kind of behavior. I am getting now messages every min in Telegram with non--sensical messages.
Thanks goes @JohnTRIVOLTA
# script settings
:local saveConfigBackup true
:local saveSystemBackup true
:local encryptSystemBackup false
:local keepRecentLocalBackup true
# ftp settings
:local ftpUpload true
:local ftpAddress ""
:local ftpPort "990"
:local ftpUser "****"
:local ftpPassword "****"
:local ftpDestination "/NAS/Mikrotik"
# destination directory for local system backup file (.backup)
:local systemBackupDir "/sd1-part1/"
# destination directory for local config backup file (.rsc)
:local configBackupDir "/sd1-part1/"
# filename prefix
:local filePrefix "MikroTik"
:log warning message="START: Backup Script"
# system identity
:local systemIdentity ([/system identity get name])
# router os version
:local routerOSVersion ("RouterOS v".[/system package get number=0 value-name=version])
# months array
:local months ("jan","feb","mar","apr","may","jun","jul","aug","sep","oct","nov","dec")
# get current time
:local currentTime [/system clock get time]
:set currentTime ([:pick $currentTime 0 2].[:pick $currentTime 3 5].[:pick $currentTime 6 8])
# get current Date
:local currentDate [/system clock get date]
# convert name of month to number
:local month [ :pick $currentDate 0 3 ]
:local monthNumber ([ :find $months $month -1 ] + 1)
:if ($monthNumber < 10) do={
:set monthNumber ("0" . $monthNumber)
# set $currentDate to format YYYY-MM-DD
:set currentDate ([:pick $currentDate 7 11] .".". $monthNumber .".". [:pick $currentDate 4 6])
# filename for system backup
:local backupFilename ($filePrefix."_".$systemIdentity."_".$routerOSVersion."_".$currentDate."_".$currentTime.".backup")
# filename for config backup
:local configFilename ($filePrefix."_".$systemIdentity."_".$routerOSVersion."_".$currentDate."_".$currentTime.".rsc")
# filename for wildcard filename search
:local wildcardFilename ($filePrefix."_".$systemIdentity."_".$routerOSVersion."_")
# store various error messages
:local errorMessage
# do not modify - this variable is used for error handling
:local scriptError false
# do not modify - this variable is used for error handling
:local exitBackupScript false
# remove all previous local backups
:foreach backupFile in=[/file find name~"$wildcardFilename"] do={
:do {
/file remove $backupFile
} on-error={
:set errorMessage "Backup Script: Error removing/clearing backups"
:log error message="$errorMessage"
:set scriptError true
:set exitBackupScript true
# save new system backup
:if (($saveSystemBackup = true) && ($scriptError = false)) do={
:if (($encryptSystemBackup = true) && ($scriptError = true)) do={
:do {
/system backup save name="$systemBackupDir/$backupFilename"
} on-error={
:set errorMessage "Backup Script: Error saving system backup (.backup file)"
:log error "$errorMessage"
:set scriptError true
:set exitBackupScript true
:if (($encryptSystemBackup = false) && ($scriptError = false)) do={
:do {
/system backup save dont-encrypt=yes name="$systemBackupDir/$backupFilename"
} on-error={
:set errorMessage "Backup Script: Error saving encrypted system backup (.backup file)"
:log error "$errorMessage"
:set scriptError true
:set exitBackupScript true
:log info message="Backup Script: Finished system backup $systemBackupDir/$backupFilename"
# save new config backup
:if (($saveConfigBackup = true) && ($scriptError = false)) do={
:do {
/export show-sensitive compact file="/$configBackupDir/$configFilename"
:log info message="Backup Script: Finished config backup $configBackupDir/$configFilename"
} on-error={
:set errorMessage "Backup Script: Error saving config backup (.rsc file)"
:log error "$errorMessage"
:set scriptError true
:set exitBackupScript true
# upload to ftp
:if ($ftpUpload = true) do={
:delay 5
:if (($saveSystemBackup = true) && ($scriptError = false)) do={
:if ([:len [/file find name~"$backupFilename"]] > 0) do={
:do {
/tool fetch mode=ftp address="$ftpAddress" port="$ftpPort" user="$ftpUser" password="$ftpPassword"\
src-path="$systemBackupDir/$backupFilename" dst-path="$ftpDestination/$backupFilename" upload=yes
:log info message="Backup Script: Finished uploading system backup via FTP to $ftpAddress$ftpDestination/$backupFilename"
} on-error={
:set errorMessage "Backup Script: Error uploading system backup $systemBackupDir/$backupFilename via FTP to $ftpAddress$ftpDestination/$backupFilename"
:log error "$errorMessage"
:set scriptError true
:local exitBackupScript true
:delay 5
:if (($saveConfigBackup = true) && ($scriptError = false)) do={
:if ([:len [/file find name~"$configFilename"]] > 0) do={
:do {
/tool fetch mode=ftp address="$ftpAddress" port="$ftpPort" user="$ftpUser" password="$ftpPassword"\
src-path="$configBackupDir/$configFilename" dst-path="$ftpDestination/$configFilename" upload=yes
:log info message="Backup Script: Finished uploading config backup via FTP to $ftpAddress$ftpDestination/$configFilename"
} on-error={
:set errorMessage "Backup Script: Error uploading config backup $configBackupDir/$configFilename via FTP to $ftpAddress$ftpDestination/$configFilename"
:log error "$errorMessage"
:set scriptError true
:set exitBackupScript true
:log warning message="END: Backup Script"
This is the second script for upload to gmail
######## The destination email address #########
:local mailTo "****"
######## File Preferences #########
:local saveUserDb false
:local saveSysBackup true
:local encryptSysBackup false
:local saveRawExport true
########### Change not anything below this line or shit will break ###########
:local ts [/system clock get time]
:set ts ([:pick $ts 0 2].[:pick $ts 3 5].[:pick $ts 6 8])
:local ds [/system clock get date]
:set ds ([:pick $ds 7 11].[:pick $ds 0 3].[:pick $ds 4 6])
:local identity [/system identity get name]
:local version [/system resource get version]
:local serial [/system routerboard get serial-number]
:local model [/system routerboard get model]
# Extract the RouterBoard model series (up to the first space)
:local modelSeries [:pick $model 0 ([:find $model " "])]
:local fname ("BACKUP-" . $identity . "-" . $version . "-" . $model . "-" . $serial . "-" . $ds . "-" . $ts)
:local sfname ("/" . $fname)
:if ($saveUserDb) do={
/tool user-manager database save name=($sfname.".umb")
:log info message="User Manager DB Backup Finished"
:if ($saveSysBackup) do={
:if ($encryptSysBackup) do={
/system backup save name=($sfname.".backup")
} else={
/system backup save dont-encrypt=yes name=($sfname.".backup")
:log info message="System Backup Finished"
if ($saveRawExport) do={
/export show-sensitive file=($sfname.".rsc")
:log info message="Raw configuration script export Finished"
:local backupFileName
#delay between export (sync). If this is too short backup will not exist for email.
:delay 5s
:foreach backupFile in=[/file find] do={
:set backupFileName ("/" . [/file get $backupFile name])
:if ([:typeof [:find $backupFileName $sfname]] != "nil") do={
:log info message="Sending email of Backup Files"
:put "Sending email of Backup File - $backupFileName"
:local pathFileFix
:for i from=0 to=([:len $backupFileName] - 1) do={
:local char [:pick $backupFileName $i]
:if ($char = "/") do={
:set $char ""
:set pathFileFix ($pathFileFix . $char)
/tool e-mail send to=$mailTo subject="$pathFileFix" file="$pathFileFix"
#delay between message send (sync) and file being deleted. If this is too short, the file will be deleted BEFORE the email is sent. Default 5s
:delay 10s
/file remove $backupFile
I'm talking about old devices connected to the new ones or with new wave2 drivers. For me work station pseudobridge mode, but in the stationbridge mode does not pass traffic, in station mode pass only L2.Yup, already in beta versions. Tested it as well.
where can I find this one liner?ao use oneliner configuration available in WiFi wikipage.
/interface/wifi reset wifi1
It is possible that the wifi-qcom-ac is not installing. I only have routeros and zerotier (which I use to remotely manage the router).hAP AC2 is quite tight on storage, so check first, if wifi-qcom-ac module is successfully installed and listed in System->Packages? There should be 2: routeros and wifi-qcom-ac.I upgraded my HAP AC2 from 7.12.1 to 7.13.
Neither my 2.4 nor 5 GHz interfaces are visible in the Wifi / Menu.
After getting wifi-qcom-ac installed, by default both wifi interfaces are without configuration and disabled, so use oneliner configuration available in WiFi wikipage.
Has MT an air time fairness implementation at all? Isn't that something off-standards?Thank you very much for new wifi-qcom-ac package and it's included support for cAP ac. Is airtime fairness feature (ATF) enabled by default for IPQ40xx devices? Or is it disabled?
You can't use station bridge mode between old wireless and new wifi driver, it requires the same driver on both sides. This is documented in the manual.Station bridge mode - the radio does not connect
OK, but why device with the wifi card /AR9888/ with old drivers on RBM33G, works with a device with new drivers /cAP AC/ in station pseudobridge mode transparently?You can't use station bridge mode between old wireless and new wifi driver, it requires the same driver on both sides. This is documented in the manual.Station bridge mode - the radio does not connect
Because station-pseudobridge uses standard 802.11 over the air, the "pseudobridge" magic happens entirely inside station device while "bridge" part of station-bridge uses non-standard extensions of 802.11 over the air ... and those extensions are in principle incompatible between different vendors. MT started to use chipset-producer drivers and thus became incompatible with themselves (previously drivers were made by MT). Which makes me believe there willl be another incompatibility if/when MT starts to use wifi chipsets not made by Qualcomm.OK, but why device with the wifi card /AR9888/ with old drivers on RBM33G, works with a device with new drivers /cAP AC/ in station pseudobridge mode transparently?
You can't use station bridge mode between old wireless and new wifi driver, it requires the same driver on both sides. This is documented in the manual.
Thank you @mkx . My question is why BaseBox2 can't connect or can't set station modes with bridge, but other radio can - in this case rbm33g with AR9888 , if we claim that something is not possible with old drivers? Basebox2 can't create station pseudobridge, RBM33G can?Because station-pseudobridge uses standard 802.11 over the air, the "pseudobridge" magic happens entirely inside station device while "bridge" part of station-bridge uses non-standard extensions of 802.11 over the air ... and those extensions are in principle incompatible between different vendors. MT started to use chipset-producer drivers and thus became incompatible with themselves (previously drivers were made by MT). Which makes me believe there willl be another incompatibility if/when MT starts to use wifi chipsets not made by Qualcomm.
OK, but why device with the wifi card /AR9888/ with old drivers on RBM33G, works with a device with new drivers /cAP AC/ in station pseudobridge mode transparently?
The "transparently" part of your question is yet another thing. station-pseudobridge is not truly transparent in sense that L2 properties (MAC addresses) are masked off ... and that causes problems with any services which rely on transparency of L2 (ARP tables, DHCP protocol, etc.).
You were all correct.hAP AC2 is quite tight on storage, so check first, if wifi-qcom-ac module is successfully installed and listed in System->Packages? There should be 2: routeros and wifi-qcom-ac.I upgraded my HAP AC2 from 7.12.1 to 7.13.
Neither my 2.4 nor 5 GHz interfaces are visible in the Wifi / Menu.
After getting wifi-qcom-ac installed, by default both wifi interfaces are without configuration and disabled, so use oneliner configuration available in WiFi wikipage.
Hi all!
I have the same problem with script on CHR after upgrade :(What can i do with this?Code: Select allDownload from to <nothing> FINISHED Download from to RAM FAILED: Fetch failed with status 206
Thank you @mkx! Station standalone mode works on both boards /Basebox2 or RBM33G/, but i don't want L3 with EoiP/VPLS for the L2 transparent connectivity! My question is why basebox2 can't work in this mode /station pseduebridge, others modes not works with bridge/ like the RBM33G , both with same ros version and old drivers, if the problem is the old driver only?@JohnTRIVOLTA, I think you should focus on getting straight "station" to pass traffic. That's the most straight forward station mode and should work in any case, regardless the vendor and/or driver generation of either AP or station. After you get station working, pseudobridge should be a relatively easy task.
But make sure the other end is not set to "bridge", it has to run either as "AP" or "AP-bridge".
That's interesting. When I went to 7.13 it broke my slave configurations. Running on a HAP AC. Took me a bit to troubleshoot then went back to 7.12.1 and had to reload (same) config for it to come back. Debating on trying again today.Transferred the 2.4ghz network from capsman to the new 7.13 driver with RB3011 and 2 AP hac ac2. Everything seems to be working correctly.
Code: Select all/interface wifi channel add band=2ghz-n disabled=no frequency=2412 name="Canales 2,4GHz" width=20/40mhz /interface wifi datapath add bridge=HOME disabled=no name=HOME add bridge=bridge-VLANs disabled=no name=CRISWIFI vlan-id=28 add bridge=bridge-VLANs disabled=no name=DANWIFI vlan-id=24 add bridge=bridge-VLANs disabled=no name=GUEST vlan-id=11 add bridge=bridge-VLANs disabled=no name=IFI-IoT vlan-id=12 /interface wifi security add authentication-types=wpa2-psk,wpa3-psk disabled=no encryption="" name=WIFI-HOME passphrase=*+password* add authentication-types=wpa2-psk,wpa3-psk disabled=no encryption="" name=DANWIFI passphrase=++password+ add authentication-types=wpa2-psk,wpa3-psk disabled=no encryption="" name=CRISWIFI passphrase=-+password- add authentication-types=wpa2-psk,wpa3-psk disabled=no encryption="" name=GUEST passphrase=+password** add authentication-types=wpa2-psk,wpa3-psk disabled=no encryption="" name=WIFI-IoT passphrase=+password /interface wifi configuration add channel="Canales 2,4GHz" datapath=HOME disabled=no mode=ap name=HOME-DYC security=WIFI-HOME ssid="DAN y CRIS" add channel="Canales 2,4GHz" datapath=DANWIFI disabled=no mode=ap name=DANWIFI security=DANWIFI ssid="WiFi de DAN" add channel="Canales 2,4GHz" datapath=CRISWIFI disabled=no mode=ap name=CRISWIFI security=CRISWIFI ssid="WiFi de CRIS" add channel="Canales 2,4GHz" datapath=IFI-IoT disabled=no mode=ap name="WiFi - IoT" security=WIFI-IoT ssid="WiFi - IoT" add channel="Canales 2,4GHz" datapath=GUEST disabled=no mode=ap name=GUEST security=GUEST ssid="WiFi GUEST" /interface wifi access-list add action=accept allow-signal-out-of-range=5s disabled=no interface=any signal-range=-83..120 ssid-regexp="" add action=reject allow-signal-out-of-range=5s disabled=no interface=any ssid-regexp="" /interface wifi capsman set enabled=yes interfaces=all package-path="" require-peer-certificate=no upgrade-policy=none /interface wifi provisioning add action=create-dynamic-enabled disabled=no master-configuration=HOME-DYC radio-mac=MIMACADDRESS slave-configurations=\ "DANWIFI,CRISWIFI,WiFi - IoT,GUEST"
Basebox2 does not work in any mode and rbm33g only works with station pseudobridge great like station bridge , but why?If basebox2 works in station mode but not in station-pseudobridge, then it's the pseudobridge function on basebox2 which is broken. Pseudobridge doesn't "offload" anything on the other end if the radio link.
I've got the same problem with a Huawei E3372h-153. I've also got a E3372h-320 that seems to work fine.CCR1016 after updating to 7.13 not show lte interface anymore.
But in USB list it showing.
wireless already installed
At 7.12 all ok.
Well, make up your mind, you wrote in your previous post that ...Basebox2 does not work in any mode
Station standalone mode works on both boards /Basebox2 or RBM33G/
Make a difference between wifi station mode alone and wifi station mode as a bridgeport in the bridge!Well, make up your mind, you wrote in your previous post that ...Basebox2 does not work in any mode
Station standalone mode works on both boards /Basebox2 or RBM33G/
Тo try to somehow get l2 connectivity working.Why would you add a station mode interface to a bridge? This makes no sense at all and cannot produce any usable result.
Why station pseudobridge work with old drivers on RBM33G, but not with basebox2 ? This is my question!
Focus on the question that interests me please! I tested again with a different board/NetMetal 5/ and with the old driver work in station pseudobridge mode too. If the driver incompatibility old/new was a problem, why some boards can work, other not?IMO wifi interface in straight station mode is useless as bridge port by definition. Because only that particular device (as an L3 entity) can communicate via wireless in station mode.
Thank you ! I will make some more tests with another models.Why station pseudobridge work with old drivers on RBM33G, but not with basebox2 ? This is my question!
As I already wrote: it is probably a bug ... either in ROS on basebox2 or in config applied to basebox2. If you suspect a bug in ROS (I guess you do), then make supout.rif of non-working basebox2 (and preferably of the working basebox2 running 7.12.1 for a refrence) and send them to Mikrotik to investigate.
Yes, if i knew that 16 MB devices are crap, i would not buy AC2.You were all correct.
I set up a VPN to my edge router, so I could test the process using a "local" IP instead of Zerotier.
After removing Zerotier, I was able to load wifi-qcom-ac and the interfaces were visible and could be configured.
After all of that I decided to roll back though, as Zerotier is more important (ability to remotely manage) for me at the moment.
I will check in future if there is more unbundling taking place, and whether I will be able to get wifi-qcom-ac and Zerotier running together.
A few of the core components are not really vital to me, as the HAP AC2s I have are just APs, the edge device is an RB5009 where I need full functionality.
It is really a pity that storage is so limited on the HAP AC2, as it is otherwise an excellent device.
Looks like 7.13 breaks E3372h-153 somehow, after downgrade ROS to 7.12 I can't use HiLink API for sms and I can't send sms from modem either. I tried to reflash, upgrade modem and reset to factory, still have an issue with sms. May be something happened with sim card, but can only check in the next year (I've got the same problem with a Huawei E3372h-153. I've also got a E3372h-320 that seems to work fine.CCR1016 after updating to 7.13 not show lte interface anymore.
But in USB list it showing.
wireless already installed
At 7.12 all ok.
But the E3372h-153 just disappears. It goes up for a split second and then goes down. Tried in a RB5009 and a AX3. I've also tried with a RB2011 and it works for a few seconds after restart, but then RX/TX stays at 0 mbps. I ended up downgrading to 7.12 and works fine again. There's definitely something broken in 7.13.
Also, after upgrading +30 devices, I've got a problem with a CRS328: interfaces didn't go up after upgrade. I had to connect using the console cable and observed there were 0 bytes left. After deleting some files and the wireless package, it booted correctly.
small note outside the version. . . hap ax2 if it had at least USB2 (better USB3.X) it would be an ideal small device and I think its sales would increase several times. . .
This way we have ac2 with USB but little storage space and limited RAM, and ax2 without USB but with lots of RAM and enough storage space.
I don't know what led MKT to such a failed solution.
Thanks for the tip, man. You are a lifesaver!Setting connect-priority=0/1 ensures connections to a new AP are immediately accepted and the old AP connection is dropped automatically. When using PSK authentication, this allows seamless roaming even without FT.
Here the same, i have a RB5009UG+S After upgrade it keeps rebooting after 5 á 10 minutes.I tested this version on my CCR 1016 where MPLS and VPLS {LDP} is running. After 3 to 5 minutes router reboots and it keeps repating over and over. On version 7.12.1 everything is ok. Has anyone same experience? No error in log.
Uninstall the Wireless Package before downgrade.Another issue: I tried to downgrade to version 7.12.1 and also doesn't work!! I just uploaded the RouterOS 7.12.1 ARM64 into the /files of my RB5009 and went to System --> Packages --> Downgrade and the router refuses to downgrade. Reboots and nothing happens!.
I am so annoyed! and first time I have this kind of behavior. I am getting now messages every min in Telegram with non--sensical messages.
Upgrading from what version?After upgrading to 7.13, the connectivity to CCR1009 router was lost.
Has been suggested before, e.g. when the hAP ac2 could not run wifiwave2 due to space restrictions, but that model has USB.Regarding 16MB flash devices, to have possibility in future to install any new ROS versions and any supported packages for device architecture maybe MT needs to consider feature to extend system partition with external drive or even possibility to completely use external drive partition as system root.
If stable, 7.12 or 7.12.1, obviously.Upgrading from what version?After upgrading to 7.13, the connectivity to CCR1009 router was lost.
I have same behavior with CCR1036-8G-2S+,CCR1009-7G-1C-1S+ and CCR2004-1G-12S+2XS.I tested this version on my CCR 1016 where MPLS and VPLS {LDP} is running. After 3 to 5 minutes router reboots and it keeps repating over and over. On version 7.12.1 everything is ok. Has anyone same experience? No error in log.
We experience that too!Here the same, i have a RB5009UG+S After upgrade it keeps rebooting after 5 á 10 minutes.I tested this version on my CCR 1016 where MPLS and VPLS {LDP} is running. After 3 to 5 minutes router reboots and it keeps repating over and over. On version 7.12.1 everything is ok. Has anyone same experience? No error in log.
My guess is they don't want additional development cost to sell less devices.No meaningful reaction, so I presume they "just don't want to do that" for whatever reason. ... ss'packageIs there a list of devices that require/support the "wifi-qcom-ac" package? Should the "wireless" package be uninstalled first?
My dear Mozerd, one should know that a 7.X.0 offering will be quickly followed by 7.X.1, as you note you yourself were using 7.12.1,,,,,,,,,,This AM i upgraded my CCR1009 from version 7.12.1 to version 7.13 now getting the following error when running a script
Download from ... latest.csv to RAM FAILED: Fetch failed with status 206
The same script was working fine under 7.12.1 and earlier versions
I did a quick lab on the rc version (only between ros devices) and so far.. it was ok.Is anyone trying IS-IS cli? is it good?
I'm new to MT scripts so i need help with it; if anyone can do this for me i will be glad.Hi all!
I have the same problem with script on CHR after upgrade :(What can i do with this?Code: Select allDownload from to <nothing> FINISHED Download from to RAM FAILED: Fetch failed with status 206
206 Partial Content
The server is delivering only part of the resource (byte serving) due to a range header sent by the client. The range header is used by HTTP clients to enable resuming of interrupted downloads, or split a download into multiple simultaneous streams.
Mikrotik has implemented changes to the "fetch" command.
*) fetch - added "http-auth-scheme" parameter, allows to select HTTP basic or digest authentication;
*) fetch - added "http-content-encoding" setting;
*) fetch - added raw logging;
*) fetch - allow to receive HTTP response headers;
*) fetch - require "ftp" user policy;
- MT's own old wireless drivers? => NoHas MT an air time fairness implementation at all? Isn't that something off-standards?
have a similar experience, report SUP-132127 and no reply ever since.I tested this version on my CCR 1016 where MPLS and VPLS {LDP} is running. After 3 to 5 minutes router reboots and it keeps repating over and over. On version 7.12.1 everything is ok. Has anyone same experience? No error in log.
Please send supout file from you both devices to support@mikrotik.comI'm observing PoE issue with hAP ax2 and SXT LTE6 kit: when ether1 on hAP ax2 is configured with PoE Out = "auto on", PoE seems to be reset (during LTE modem init ?) and SXT LTE6 kit is rebooted. This continues in a loop. SXT LTE6 kit could boot on 6 or 7 iterations successfully.
Setting ether1 on hAP ax2 with PoE Out = "forced on" fixes the issue.
It worked fine with PoE Out = "auto on" on firmwares before 7.13 (especially on 7.12 RC4).
Ether1 of SXT LTE6 kit is connected to Ether1 of hAP ax2, hAP ax2 is powered via stock power adapter.
Please create a support ticket and attach a supout file from both RouterOS versions.CCR1016 after updating to 7.13 not show lte interface anymore.
But in USB list it showing.
wireless already installed
At 7.12 all ok.
@pe1chl, exacly, from 7.12.1.If stable, 7.12 or 7.12.1, obviously.
Upgrading from what version?
Ok but was it enabled on the 7.12.1 config and did it get disabled by the upgrade, or were you running a bridge configured with VLANs but with VLAN filtering not (yet) enabled and did that now fail to work under 7.13?@pe1chl, exacly, from 7.12.1.
If stable, 7.12 or 7.12.1, obviously.
After enabling bridge VLAN filtering all went working, but it cost us a long journey...
I agree 100%.small note outside the version. . . hap ax2 if it had at least USB2 (better USB3.X) it would be an ideal small device and I think its sales would increase several times. . .
This way we have ac2 with USB but little storage space and limited RAM, and ax2 without USB but with lots of RAM and enough storage space.
I don't know what led MKT to such a failed solution.
(And putting PoeIn and PoeOut on one port, I didn't understand that either.)
[ ] > :put ([/tool fetch url="" as-value output=user]->"data")
7.12.1 1700221125
Old drivers are no longer bundled in routeros main package, wireless package must be installed with main to use old drivers.For me on several 951s and one hap ac2 after the upgrade the "old-gen" wireless package was missing and wifi stopped working.
I needed to install the "wireless" package manually in order to see the interfaces again.
AFAIK it will only report 7.12.1 if your current version is below 7.12.1. This is because else the update to 7.13 will likely fail.Hi, follow this error:
Code: Select all[ ] > :put ([/tool fetch url="" as-value output=user]->"data") 7.12.1 1700221125
It should report: 7.13 and epoch date: 1702542240 approx.
Hello, I mentioned the problem above and the same situation happened to me.+1
Cube 60Pro ac bonding stopped working after upgrading 7.12 -> 7.13
Yes you are correct .... even through My CCR1009 is on 7.13 your code reports 7.12.1 1700221125It should report: 7.13 and epoch date: 1702542240 approx.Code: Select all[ ] > :put ([/tool fetch url="" as-value output=user]->"data") 7.12.1 1700221125
I tried 2 methods for the downgradeomitting package system-7.12.1: newer package system-7.13 is already installed
Thank you very much, everything works.Old ROS 7 versions don't need a separate wireless package, just uninstall wireless and downgrade the main routeros package.
It makes no sense what you say, if I consult that web address (I use it in my scripts) it has to inform you which is the latest stable version that Mikrotik has, just that (it has nothing to do with which router I make the request from).AFAIK it will only report 7.12.1 if your current version is below 7.12.1. This is because else the update to 7.13 will likely fail.
Hi friend, to downgrade from 7.13 to 7.12.X you only have to have in /system/package the package "routeros" and delete the rest, then the downgrade works.on my CCR1009
After upgrade to 7.13 from 7.12.1 when I attempt to downgrade back to 7.12.1 the downgrade fails.
Log file showsI tried 2 methods for the downgradeomitting package system-7.12.1: newer package system-7.13 is already installed
1. via terminal
2. via Packages
Both return the same result as shown the above quote ...
I suspect that URL was used by RouterOS itself to check for new versions. Now that they mandate the 7.12.x to be an intermediate stop on the upgrade path to 7.13 and newer, I believe they introduced a new URL, and the old one will point to the latest 7.12.x version forever.It should report: 7.13 and epoch date: 1702542240 approx.
And still.It makes no sense what you say, if I consult that web address (I use it in my scripts) it has to inform you which is the latest stable version that Mikrotik has, just that (it has nothing to do with which router I make the request from).AFAIK it will only report 7.12.1 if your current version is below 7.12.1. This is because else the update to 7.13 will likely fail.
It should report that the LATEST VERSION available is v7.13. (and not 7.12).
It makes sense what you say. Then I will have to find out what the new web address is.I suspect that URL was used by RouterOS itself to check for new versions. Now that they mandate the 7.12.x to be an intermediate stop on the upgrade path to 7.13 and newer, I believe they introduced a new URL, and the old one will point to the latest 7.12.x version forever.It should report: 7.13 and epoch date: 1702542240 approx.
Maybe I have not explained well, it is not about upgrading, my version before upgrading to 7.13 was version 7.12.1 that I know, that web address I use in some of my scripts to know the last available version 7.X and its upgrade date in epoch format. As @andriys says they may have changed the address.And still.
You HAVE to pass 7.12 or 7.12.1 before you can go up.
[ ] > :put ([/tool fetch url="" as-value output=user]->"data") 7.12.1 1700221125 [ ] > :put ([/tool fetch url="" as-value output=user]->"data") 0.00 [ ] > :put ([/tool fetch url="" as-value output=user]->"data") 7.12.1 1700221125 [ ] > :put ([/tool fetch url=" ... evelopment" as-value output=user]->"data") 7.12.1 1700221125
Did you upgrade by downloading routeros 7.13 and then uploading it to the device?For me on several 951s and one hap ac2 after the upgrade the "old-gen" wireless package was missing and wifi stopped working.
I needed to install the "wireless" package manually in order to see the interfaces again.
I have a similar problem, on devices using MPLS/VPLS I see kernel panics every few hours and a lot of problems with packets not being forwarded or routed properly. I have seen it on an RB4011 (arm), RB5009 (arm64), and CCR1009 (tile). No supout generated, just a log message about the router being improperly rebooted and a suggestion that a kernel panic might be the reason.I tested this version on my CCR 1016 where MPLS and VPLS {LDP} is running. After 3 to 5 minutes router reboots and it keeps repating over and over. On version 7.12.1 everything is ok. Has anyone same experience? No error in log.
> :put ([/tool fetch url="" as-value output=user]->"data")they may have changed the address.
Hi diamuxinHi friend, to downgrade from 7.13 to 7.12.X you only have to have in /system/package the package "routeros" and delete the rest, then the downgrade works.
thanks a lot!!> :put ([/tool fetch url="" as-value output=user]->"data")they may have changed the address.
7.13 1702545848
I did it with an RB4011 and it worked for me.Hi diamuxin
Your suggested fix did not work for me ...
1st step is copy file routeros-7.12.1-tile.npk to Files except I renamed the file like you suggested routerosWhat process did you follow?
Do not rename the routeros-7.12.1-tile.npk file uploaded to files.1st step is copy file routeros-7.12.1-tile.npk to Files except I renamed the file like you suggested routerosWhat process did you follow?
2nd step is via terminal issue /system/package/downgrade
This did not work
The procedure that is outlined in the MikroTiK Docs as follows also did not work for me ... ... g+RouterOS
OK followed your suggestion but that did not work ... thanks but now i will wait for 7.13.1 :-)In v7.13 the package "routeros" already exists in System > Package. You have to delete (uninstall) the existing packages except the "routeros" package, then do the downgrade.
I don't have the Wireless Wire, but a CubeG-5ac60ad kit. Both have similar hardware.
Thanks very much, guess its upgrade time, cheers again.I don't have the Wireless Wire, but a CubeG-5ac60ad kit. Both have similar hardware.
Updated both units the day 7.13 was released. 60G link has an uptime of over 3 days now.
No issues so far, should be safe to update.
I can confirm that Wireless Wire has upgraded successfully. It took approx 3-4 minutes to reboot and upgrade.I don't have the Wireless Wire, but a CubeG-5ac60ad kit. Both have similar hardware.
Updated both units the day 7.13 was released. 60G link has an uptime of over 3 days now.
No issues so far, should be safe to update.
You did upload the downgrade package to files before hitting "Downgrade", did you ?OK followed your suggestion but that did not work ... thanks but now i will wait for 7.13.1In v7.13 the package "routeros" already exists in System > Package. You have to delete (uninstall) the existing packages except the "routeros" package, then do the downgrade.![]()
Yes I did upload the downgrade package to Files before hitting the “Downgrade” …You did upload the downgrade package to files before hitting "Downgrade", did you ?
I have same kind of problems with CCR1009. I had a Mikrotik S+85DLC03D 10G SFP+ module (10G fiber link to Unifi SW) and it has worked up to 7.12.1 but now with 7.13 it says link is up but it's not working. If I unplug SFP+ module and plug it back then it works but not if I reboot CCR. I switched Mikrotik S+85DLC03D to Unifi UF-MM-10G module and now its working and also works after reboot.I have an issue with 7.13 that 7.12.1 didn't have (nor before) - I have a bunch of 1gb SFP's in a CRS328-4C-20S-4S+ switch. None of them will link up auto negotiation at full duplex (they are all fiber). I can hard code both sides of a link and it works full duplex, but with auto negotiation duplex is never picked up and you end up with hundreds of "sfpxx excessive or late collision, link duplex match?" errors and most paths not even passing traffic. Downgrade to 7.12 and it auto negotiates correctly. My 10GB SFP+'s are auto negotiating, only 1GB SFP modules are failing to.
My CCR1009 shows under /system/packagesIf you do try to upgrade/downgrade RouterOS manually, then router do expect 1:1 packages match. If that is not possible (for example, wifi-qcominstalled on 7.13) then on packages menu schedule these packages for uninstall. Uploadpackages that you want to install and execute downgrade command.
I have explained it to you several times but you don't want to understand.My CCR1009 shows under /system/packages
I do not see a match under 7.12.1 in the archive
Plus why would CCR1009 load a wireless package ?
v7.12.1 Packages: routeros (core + wifi) v7.13 Packages: routeros (core) wireless (wifi) To downgrade must be 1:1 means that: v7.12.1 v7.13 Downgrade now routeros (1) : routeros (1) wireless <- Uninstall and leave only "routeros"
OK so I finally succeeded downgrading to 7.12.1My CCR1009 shows under /system/packages
I do not see a match under 7.12.1 in the archive
Plus why would CCR1009 load a wireless package ?
@diamuxin, you are correct ... I did not fully comprehend the meaning of your comment "You have to delete (uninstall) the existing packages except the "routeros" package, then do the downgrade."If after this you do not understand it open a support ticket with Mikrotik.
You are welcome.@diamuxin, you are correct ... I did not fully comprehend the meaning of your comment "You have to delete (uninstall) the existing packages except the "routeros" package, then do the downgrade."If after this you do not understand it open a support ticket with Mikrotik.
Please accept my apology ... and Thank You ...
Exact same issue here on CRS328-4C-20S-4S+'s. Downgrading to 7.12.1 fixes it. Only an issue with 1G SFP's.I have an issue with 7.13 that 7.12.1 didn't have (nor before) - I have a bunch of 1gb SFP's in a CRS328-4C-20S-4S+ switch. None of them will link up auto negotiation at full duplex (they are all fiber). I can hard code both sides of a link and it works full duplex, but with auto negotiation duplex is never picked up and you end up with hundreds of "sfpxx excessive or late collision, link duplex match?" errors and most paths not even passing traffic. Downgrade to 7.12 and it auto negotiates correctly. My 10GB SFP+'s are auto negotiating, only 1GB SFP modules are failing to.
# FTP settings
:local ftpAddress ""
:local ftpPort "990"
:local ftpUser "****"
:local ftpPassword "***"
:local ftpDestination "/NAS/Mikrotik"
# System backup settings
:local systemBackupDir "/sd1-part1/"
# Router identity
:local routerOSVersion ("RouterOS_v" . [/system package get number=0 value-name=version])
:local routerBoardModel [/system routerboard get model]
# Clean special characters in model name for filenames
:local cleanedRouterModel [:tostr $routerBoardModel]
# Create backup filenames with timestamp, model, and version
:local currentTime [/system clock get time]
:set currentTime ([:pick $currentTime 0 2] . [:pick $currentTime 3 5])
:local currentDate [/system clock get date]
:set currentDate ([:pick $currentDate 7 11] . [:pick $currentDate 4 6] . [:pick $currentDate 1 3])
:local backupFilenameBackup ($cleanedRouterModel . "_" . $routerOSVersion . "_" . $currentDate . "_" . $currentTime . ".backup")
:local backupFilenameConfig ($cleanedRouterModel . "_" . $routerOSVersion . "_" . $currentDate . "_" . $currentTime . ".rsc")
# Perform system backup for .backup file
/system backup save name=($systemBackupDir . $backupFilenameBackup)
# Export show-sensitive for .rsc file
/export show-sensitive file=($systemBackupDir . $backupFilenameConfig)
# Upload .backup file to FTP
/tool fetch mode=ftp address=$ftpAddress port=$ftpPort user=$ftpUser password=$ftpPassword \
src-path=($systemBackupDir . $backupFilenameBackup) dst-path=($ftpDestination . "/" . $backupFilenameBackup) upload=yes
# Upload .rsc file to FTP
/tool fetch mode=ftp address=$ftpAddress port=$ftpPort user=$ftpUser password=$ftpPassword \
src-path=($systemBackupDir . $backupFilenameConfig) dst-path=($ftpDestination . "/" . $backupFilenameConfig) upload=yes
Is this limitation described anywhere? This is crucial information to me, as I have already upgraded hap ac2s to the 7.13, using wireless so far, and will travel soon there to switch to the wave2 package. Well, I could use vxlan tunel probably, or stay with the old wireless package, but was really looking into hassle free station bridge solution :-(Are you using the new wifi package? If yes, it does not support station bridge mode yet with old devices/old driver! I use bridge and eoip over wifi link for extending the L2 segmentUpgraded two LHG XL52 ac (PtP setup), settings were intact, no issue with signal (-42), devices register themselves on one another (both 2GHz and 5GHz), but can't see other LHG via Winbox.
Any clues ?
EDIT: on 7.12.1 was working perfectly.
What script?I tried 7.13 on RBM11g but the scripts don't work anymore!
Is this limitation described anywhere?
Are you using the new wifi package? If yes, it does not support station bridge mode yet with old devices/old driver! I use bridge and eoip over wifi link for extending the L2 segment
I'm getting 1 or 2 reboots a day in my RB5009 since upgrading 7.13, no sup file creation. Though I don't use VPLS....I have a similar problem, on devices using MPLS/VPLS I see kernel panics every few hours and a lot of problems with packets not being forwarded or routed properly. I have seen it on an RB4011 (arm), RB5009 (arm64), and CCR1009 (tile). No supout generated, just a log message about the router being improperly rebooted and a suggestion that a kernel panic might be the reason.
It would be interesting to understand what needs to be changed in the scripts to make them work again.I have updated my RB5009 and my CRS326-24G and my scripts for Telegram are not working as expected. I am not getting any message more than the download message with the Chat ID.
I will be rolling back to version 7.12 if this not going to be fixed quickly by Mikrotik
scripts that include the fetch command for telegramWhat script?I tried 7.13 on RBM11g but the scripts don't work anymore!
PS Do add image to the post use Attachements when in full post mode. Link to other site may go away.
No such thing here.I'm getting 1 or 2 reboots a day in my RB5009 since upgrading 7.13, no sup file creation. Though I don't use VPLS....
Also, it is always good to realize that any conversion from "7.13 with routeros+wireless package" to "routeros+wifi_qcom_ac" will always make you lose all configuration of the wifi. There is no attempt to convert even simple configurations like "station connecting to an SSID with a WPA2-PSK password" or "AP with SSID and WPA2-PSK password" into a new configuration after this change.Yes, in wifi documentation, read through replacing 'wireless' package section. It's last item in "lost features".Is this limitation described anywhere?
user policy "ftp" is enabled?scripts that include the fetch command for telegram
is enabled.user policy "ftp" is enabled?scripts that include the fetch command for telegram
[a<some_user>@<some_router>] > interface/wifi/radio reg-info country=Belgium
number: 0
ranges: 2402-2482/20
Yes, just found it :)This ?
[a<some_user>@<some_router>] > interface/wifi/radio reg-info country=Belgium
number: 0
ranges: 2402-2482/20
It's already written, just read.Did you install the wifi-qcom or wifi-qcom-ac package?
Could you elaborate? I read the doc but I may have missed something. If you know what wouldn't it be more helpful (not only for me but for others coming) to point to the mistakes instead of being... that?It's already written, just read.Did you install the wifi-qcom or wifi-qcom-ac package?
It is obvious that the user wanted to read what he wanted, and installed the packages at random, without logic.
He didn't even read/understand the documentation he linked...
I've installed both, I guess that was my mistake? What's the difference between those?Did you install the wifi-qcom or wifi-qcom-ac package?
wifi-qcom is only for 802.11AX WiFi6 devices. Audience does not support that package.Did you install the wifi-qcom or wifi-qcom-ac package?
Please report the issue to MikroTik support with Supout.rif files created on v7.13 and v7.12.CCR1016 after updating to 7.13 not show lte interface anymore.
But in USB list it showing.
wireless already installed
At 7.12 all ok.
Thank you for the clarification. I must say the naming is rather confusing.wifi-qcom is only for 802.11AX WiFi6 devices. Audience does not support that package.Did you install the wifi-qcom or wifi-qcom-ac package?
You are correct, at the same time the package names are confusing. I'd suggest renaming it or making it bold in the docs.mazay, the documentation clearly says "wifi-qcom-ac package" not wifi-qcom
here is a video too:
Please create and send to support Supout.rif file created after a traffic flow outage has occurred.I've got the same problem with a Huawei E3372h-153. I've also got a E3372h-320 that seems to work fine.CCR1016 after updating to 7.13 not show lte interface anymore.
But in USB list it showing.
wireless already installed
At 7.12 all ok.
But the E3372h-153 just disappears. It goes up for a split second and then goes down. Tried in a RB5009 and a AX3. I've also tried with a RB2011 and it works for a few seconds after restart, but then RX/TX stays at 0 mbps. I ended up downgrading to 7.12 and works fine again. There's definitely something broken in 7.13.
Also, after upgrading +30 devices, I've got a problem with a CRS328: interfaces didn't go up after upgrade. I had to connect using the console cable and observed there were 0 bytes left. After deleting some files and the wireless package, it booted correctly.
This is getting annoying for me, it's the same error and reboots I had a few releases ago related with some OVPN issue.No such thing here.I'm getting 1 or 2 reboots a day in my RB5009 since upgrading 7.13, no sup file creation. Though I don't use VPLS....
Stable since update last Friday.
I have not changed anything and I use Telegram in NetWatch and also on home based built scripts. After the upgrade I start getting this message:is enabled.
user policy "ftp" is enabled?
I get this from the logs:
fetch,info,debug Download from ... endMessage to RAM FAILED: Fetch failed with status 400
Does this help? viewtopic.php?t=202578You are correct, at the same time the package names are confusing. I'd suggest renaming it or making it bold in the docs.mazay, the documentation clearly says "wifi-qcom-ac package" not wifi-qcom
here is a video too:
My Telegram script works fine in v7.13is enabled.
I get this from the logs:
fetch,info,debug Download from ... endMessage to RAM FAILED: Fetch failed with status 400
:global tgFunc do={
:do {
:local ChatID "XXXXXXXXX"
:local parseMode "HTML"
:local DisableWebPagePreview true
:local SendText $1
/tool fetch url="$BotToken/sendMessage\?chat_id=\
$DisableWebPagePreview" keep-result=no
:log info "=> Telegram message sent successfully"
} on-error={
:log info "=> Telegram message sent failed"
Thanks for an advice. I am aware of that, mostly thinking about new wi-fi r/k/v roaming capabilities / a bit more throughput, being worth a slight hassle setting up vxlan tunnel, splitting radios with hidden SSID for the tunnel transport, etc. I still have it with my hap-ax2s, as initially ROS7 did not support station bridge. Hopefully vxlan solution would work with ac driver too.Also, it is always good to realize that any conversion from "7.13 with routeros+wireless package" to "routeros+wifi_qcom_ac" will always make you lose all configuration of the wifi. There is no attempt to convert even simple configurations like "station connecting to an SSID with a WPA2-PSK password" or "AP with SSID and WPA2-PSK password" into a new configuration after this change.
Yes, in wifi documentation, read through replacing 'wireless' package section. It's last item in "lost features".
Of course it would be possible to make a script for that, but it isn't there. So be careful with remote systems or with routers that you manage via WiFi!
is enabled.
I get this from the logs:
fetch,info,debug Download from ... endMessage to RAM FAILED: Fetch failed with status 400
My Telegram script works fine in v7.13
BR.Code: Select all:global tgFunc do={ :do { :local BotToken "XXXXXXXXX:XXXXXXXXXXX-XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX" :local ChatID "XXXXXXXXX" :local parseMode "HTML" :local DisableWebPagePreview true :local SendText $1 /tool fetch url="$BotToken/sendMessage\?chat_id=\ $ChatID&parse_mode=$parseMode&text=$SendText&disable_web_page_preview=\ $DisableWebPagePreview" keep-result=no :log info "=> Telegram message sent successfully" } on-error={ :log info "=> Telegram message sent failed" } }
:global temp2
:global url "¶m=udevice&idx=57&nvalue=0&svalue=$temp2";
/tool fetch keep-result=no url=$url mode=https
:global temp1
:set temp1 55
:global temp (:tostr(:put [/ interface lte at-chat input="at+qtemp" lte1 wait=yes as-value]));
:global tempstring ([:pick $temp 0]);
:global temp2 ([:pick $tempstring 47] . [:pick $tempstring 48]);
:if ($temp2 > $temp1) do= {/tool fetch url=" Warning!!! Temperature is $temp2 Degrees" keep-result=no}