On release notes of 7.13beta, 7.13rc, 7.13(stable), and 7.14beta there are references to "NAT-PMP".
NAT-PMP is detailed in https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/html/rfc6886.
And is obsolete by RFCs 6887, 7488, 7652, 7843(But this is a theme for another discussion.).
As of today (2023-12-26) there are no references or documentation of how this feature effectively works on RouterOS.
- No references on how firewall rules should by placed to make it work correctly, or even if rules are needed.
- No references of how to define the Interfaces (internal/external/undefined).
- As I could see, no support for interface-lists.
- No explanation of how it interacts with the UPnP on the same box or even on the subscriber's box.
Any predictions on when we will be able to count on some official documentation for this feature?