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Location: Italy

Pihole - NAT firewall Rule not redirected static DNS

Sun Feb 18, 2024 12:03 am

Hello everyone, I've tried several times, made various attempts, but I can't get out of it.
I have a Pihole docker on mikrotik.

Pihole works.

If I turn off the Pihole docker google chrome gives me this error:

If I put the DNS of the DHCP server (which points to the Pihole)
Filter everything.

If a client puts static DNS (example 8. 8. 8. 8 ) it bypasses the pihole.

If I turn off the docker of the pihole client with the static DNS (example 8. 8. 8. 8 ) gives this error:

So do the rules work?
I don't understand where I'm going wrong... I also asked for help in the pihole forum but they say it's a router problem... can someone help me please...

the best I got is:

With pihole docker running:
dig @ +short
With pihole docker stopped:
dig @ +short

; <<>> DiG 9.16.45 <<>> @ +short
;; global options: +cmd
;; connection timed out; no servers could be reached

My Config:
/container mounts
add dst=/opt/list name=list_pihole src=/usb1-part1/container_pihole/list
add dst=/etc/pihole name=etc_pihole src=/usb1-part1/container_pihole/etc
add dst=/etc/dnsmasq.d name=dnsmasq_pihole src=\
add dst=/etc/cron.d name=crono_pihole src=/usb1-part1/container_pihole/crono
set usb1 type=hardware
add parent=usb1 partition-number=1 partition-offset=512 partition-size=\
    "500 107 861 504" type=partition
/interface bridge
add comment=Capsman name=BR-Capsman port-cost-mode=short priority=0x6000 \
add comment=PiHole name=BR-PiHole port-cost-mode=short
/interface veth
add address= gateway= gateway6="" name=veth1
/interface vlan
add comment=Casa interface=BR-Capsman mtu=1480 name=100-Casa vlan-id=100
add comment=Mamma interface=BR-Capsman mtu=1480 name=200-Mamma vlan-id=200
add comment=Guests interface=BR-Capsman mtu=1480 name=300-Guest vlan-id=300
add comment=Domus interface=BR-Capsman mtu=1480 name=400-Domus vlan-id=400
add comment=Control disabled=yes interface=BR-Capsman mtu=1480 name=\
    900-Control vlan-id=900
add comment=WAN interface=ether1 mtu=1480 name=provider-vlan vlan-id=999
/interface pppoe-client
add add-default-route=yes disabled=no interface=provider-vlan name=\
    provider-pppoe use-peer-dns=yes
/interface list
add name=WAN
add name=LAN
add name=TRUSTED
/interface wifi channel
add band=2ghz-g disabled=no frequency=2437 name=silent width=20/40mhz-Ce
add band=2ghz-g disabled=no name=guest
add band=5ghz-ax disabled=no frequency=5200 name=wlan5_ghz skip-dfs-channels=\
    all width=20/40/80mhz
add band=2ghz-ax disabled=no frequency=2437 name=wlan2_channel6_main width=\
add band=2ghz-ax disabled=no frequency=2412 name=wlan2_channel1
add band=2ghz-ax disabled=no frequency=2462 name=wlan2_channel11
add band=2ghz-ax disabled=yes frequency=2422 name=mcz width=20/40mhz-Ce
/interface wifi datapath
add bridge=BR-Capsman disabled=no name=Wifi_Mamma vlan-id=200
add bridge=BR-Capsman disabled=no name=Wifi_Guest vlan-id=300
add bridge=BR-Capsman disabled=no name=Wifi_Casa vlan-id=100
add bridge=BR-Capsman disabled=no name=Wifi_Domus
add bridge=BR-Capsman disabled=yes name=capmandp vlan-id=900
/interface wifi security
add authentication-types=wpa2-psk disabled=no group-encryption=ccmp name=home
add authentication-types=wpa2-psk disabled=no group-encryption=ccmp name=\
add authentication-types=wpa2-psk disabled=no name=silent
add authentication-types=wpa2-psk disabled=no name=service
add authentication-types=wpa2-psk disabled=yes encryption=tkip \
    group-encryption=tkip group-key-update=1h name=mcz
/interface wifi configuration
add antenna-gain=2 country=Italy datapath=Wifi_Guest disabled=yes name=guest \
    security=guest ssid=Clochard
add country=Italy datapath=Wifi_Mamma disabled=no hide-ssid=yes mode=ap name=\
    silent security=silent ssid=silent
add channel=wlan2_channel11 country=Italy datapath=Wifi_Domus disabled=no \
    hide-ssid=no mode=ap name=studio_2ghz security=service ssid=\
add channel=wlan2_channel1 country=Italy datapath=Wifi_Domus disabled=no \
    hide-ssid=no mode=ap name=centro_2ghz security=service ssid=\
add channel=wlan2_channel6_main country=Italy datapath=Wifi_Domus disabled=no \
    hide-ssid=no mode=ap name=server_2ghz security=service ssid=\
add channel=wlan2_channel11 country=Italy datapath=Wifi_Domus disabled=no \
    hide-ssid=no mode=ap name=taverna_2ghz security=service ssid=\
add channel=wlan2_channel1 country=Italy datapath=Wifi_Domus disabled=no \
    hide-ssid=no mode=ap name=esterno_2ghz security=service ssid=\
add antenna-gain=2 country=Italy datapath=Wifi_Casa disabled=no mode=ap name=\
    home2G security=home ssid=HyperLimitless
add country=Italy datapath=Wifi_Domus disabled=no hide-ssid=no mode=ap name=\
    service5G security=service ssid=LimitService5G
add channel=wlan5_ghz country=Italy datapath=Wifi_Casa disabled=no mode=ap \
    name=home5G security=home ssid=HyperLimitless
add country=Italy disabled=yes hide-ssid=no mode=station name=mcz security=\
    mcz ssid=MCZ-014A3FDA26BB90
/interface wifi
add configuration=service5G disabled=no name=wifi1 radio-mac=\
add configuration=service5G disabled=no name=wifi2 radio-mac=\
add configuration=service5G disabled=no name=wifi3 radio-mac=\
add configuration=home5G disabled=no mac-address=4A:A9:8A:0E:06:A8 \
    master-interface=wifi1 name=wifi4
add configuration=home5G disabled=no mac-address=4A:A9:8A:BC:A5:24 \
    master-interface=wifi2 name=wifi5
add configuration=home5G disabled=no mac-address=4A:A9:8A:0E:09:5D \
    master-interface=wifi3 name=wifi6
add configuration=service5G disabled=no name=wifi7 radio-mac=\
add configuration=service5G disabled=no name=wifi8 radio-mac=\
add configuration=home5G disabled=no mac-address=4A:A9:8A:0E:03:51 \
    master-interface=wifi7 name=wifi9
add configuration=home5G disabled=no mac-address=4A:A9:8A:0E:06:47 \
    master-interface=wifi8 name=wifi10
add configuration=centro_2ghz disabled=no name=wifi11 radio-mac=\
add configuration=esterno_2ghz disabled=no name=wifi12 radio-mac=\
# SSID not set
add configuration=guest disabled=no mac-address=4A:A9:8A:0E:06:A9 \
    master-interface=wifi11 name=wifi13
add configuration=home2G disabled=no mac-address=4A:A9:8A:0E:06:AA \
    master-interface=wifi11 name=wifi14
add configuration=studio_2ghz disabled=no name=wifi15 radio-mac=\
add configuration=taverna_2ghz disabled=no name=wifi16 radio-mac=\
# SSID not set
add configuration=guest disabled=no mac-address=4A:A9:8A:0E:09:5E \
    master-interface=wifi12 name=wifi17
add configuration=home2G disabled=no mac-address=4A:A9:8A:0E:09:5F \
    master-interface=wifi12 name=wifi18
add configuration=server_2ghz disabled=no name=wifi19 radio-mac=\
# SSID not set
add configuration=guest disabled=no mac-address=4A:A9:8A:0E:03:52 \
    master-interface=wifi15 name=wifi20
add configuration=home2G disabled=no mac-address=4A:A9:8A:0E:03:53 \
    master-interface=wifi15 name=wifi21
# SSID not set
add configuration=guest disabled=no mac-address=4A:A9:8A:0E:06:48 \
    master-interface=wifi16 name=wifi22
add configuration=home2G disabled=no mac-address=4A:A9:8A:0E:06:49 \
    master-interface=wifi16 name=wifi23
# SSID not set
add configuration=guest disabled=no mac-address=4A:A9:8A:BC:A5:25 \
    master-interface=wifi19 name=wifi24
add configuration=home2G disabled=no mac-address=4A:A9:8A:BC:A5:26 \
    master-interface=wifi19 name=wifi25
add configuration=silent disabled=no mac-address=4A:A9:8A:BC:A5:27 \
    master-interface=wifi19 name=wifi26
/ip kid-control
add disabled=yes fri=0s-1d mon=0s-1d name=system-dummy sat=0s-1d sun=0s-1d \
    thu=0s-1d tue=0s-1d tur-fri=0s-1d tur-mon=0s-1d tur-sat=0s-1d tur-sun=\
    0s-1d tur-thu=0s-1d tur-tue=0s-1d tur-wed=0s-1d wed=0s-1d
/ip pool
add name=MammaPool ranges=
add name=GuestsPool ranges=
add name=DomusPool ranges=
add name=CasaPool ranges=
add name=ControlPool ranges=
/ip dhcp-server
add add-arp=yes address-pool=CasaPool interface=100-Casa lease-script="# When \
    \"1\" all DNS entries with IP address of DHCP lease are removed\r\
    \n:local dnsRemoveAllByIp \"1\"\r\
    \n# When \"1\" all DNS entries with hostname of DHCP lease are removed\r\
    \n:local dnsRemoveAllByName \"1\"\r\
    \n# When \"1\" addition and removal of DNS entries is always done also for\
    \_non-FQDN hostname\r\
    \n:local dnsAlwaysNonfqdn \"1\"\r\
    \n# DNS domain to add after DHCP client hostname\r\
    \n:local dnsDomain \"lan\"\r\
    \n# DNS TTL to set for DNS entries\r\
    \n:local dnsTtl \"00:15:00\"\r\
    \n# Source of DHCP client hostname, can be \"lease-hostname\" or any other\
    \_lease attribute, like \"host-name\" or \"comment\"\r\
    \n:local leaseClientHostnameSource \"comment\"\r\
    \n:local leaseComment \"dhcp-lease-script_\$leaseServerName_\$leaseClientH\
    \n:local leaseClientHostname\r\
    \n:if (\$leaseClientHostnameSource = \"lease-hostname\") do={\r\
    \n  :set leaseClientHostname \$\"lease-hostname\"\r\
    \n} else={\r\
    \n  :set leaseClientHostname ([:pick \\\r\
    \n    [/ip dhcp-server lease print as-value where server=\"\$leaseServerNa\
    me\" address=\"\$leaseActIP\" mac-address=\"\$leaseActMAC\"] \\\r\
    \n    0]->\"\$leaseClientHostnameSource\")\r\
    \n:local leaseClientHostnameShort \"\$leaseClientHostname\"\r\
    \n:local leaseClientHostnames \"\$leaseClientHostname\"\r\
    \n:if ([:len [\$dnsDomain]] > 0) do={\r\
    \n  :set leaseClientHostname \"\$leaseClientHostname.\$dnsDomain\"\r\
    \n  :if (\$dnsAlwaysNonfqdn = \"1\") do={\r\
    \n    :set leaseClientHostnames \"\$leaseClientHostname,\$leaseClientHostn\
    \n  }\r\
    \n:if (\$dnsRemoveAllByIp = \"1\") do={\r\
    \n  /ip dns static remove [/ip dns static find comment=\"\$leaseComment\" \
    and address=\"\$leaseActIP\"]\r\
    \n:foreach h in=[:toarray value=\"\$leaseClientHostnames\"] do={\r\
    \n  :if (\$dnsRemoveAllByName = \"1\") do={\r\
    \n    /ip dns static remove [/ip dns static find comment=\"\$leaseComment\
    \" and name=\"\$h\"]\r\
    \n  }\r\
    \n  /ip dns static remove [/ip dns static find comment=\"\$leaseComment\" \
    and address=\"\$leaseActIP\" and name=\"\$h\"]\r\
    \n  :if (\$leaseBound = \"1\") do={\r\
    \n    :delay 1\r\
    \n    /ip dns static add comment=\"\$leaseComment\" address=\"\$leaseActIP\
    \" name=\"\$h\" ttl=\"\$dnsTtl\"\r\
    \n  }\r\
    \n}" lease-time=1d name=Casa_dhcp
add add-arp=yes address-pool=MammaPool bootp-support=none interface=200-Mamma \
    lease-time=1d name=Mamma_dchp relay= server-address=\
add add-arp=yes address-pool=GuestsPool interface=300-Guest lease-time=12h \
add add-arp=yes address-pool=DomusPool interface=BR-Capsman lease-script="# Wh\
    en \"1\" all DNS entries with IP address of DHCP lease are removed\r\
    \n:local dnsRemoveAllByIp \"1\"\r\
    \n# When \"1\" all DNS entries with hostname of DHCP lease are removed\r\
    \n:local dnsRemoveAllByName \"1\"\r\
    \n# When \"1\" addition and removal of DNS entries is always done also for\
    \_non-FQDN hostname\r\
    \n:local dnsAlwaysNonfqdn \"1\"\r\
    \n# DNS domain to add after DHCP client hostname\r\
    \n:local dnsDomain \"domus\"\r\
    \n# DNS TTL to set for DNS entries\r\
    \n:local dnsTtl \"00:15:00\"\r\
    \n# Source of DHCP client hostname, can be \"lease-hostname\" or any other\
    \_lease attribute, like \"host-name\" or \"comment\"\r\
    \n:local leaseClientHostnameSource \"comment\"\r\
    \n:local leaseComment \"dhcp-lease-script_\$leaseServerName_\$leaseClientH\
    \n:local leaseClientHostname\r\
    \n:if (\$leaseClientHostnameSource = \"lease-hostname\") do={\r\
    \n  :set leaseClientHostname \$\"lease-hostname\"\r\
    \n} else={\r\
    \n  :set leaseClientHostname ([:pick \\\r\
    \n    [/ip dhcp-server lease print as-value where server=\"\$leaseServerNa\
    me\" address=\"\$leaseActIP\" mac-address=\"\$leaseActMAC\"] \\\r\
    \n    0]->\"\$leaseClientHostnameSource\")\r\
    \n:local leaseClientHostnameShort \"\$leaseClientHostname\"\r\
    \n:local leaseClientHostnames \"\$leaseClientHostname\"\r\
    \n:if ([:len [\$dnsDomain]] > 0) do={\r\
    \n  :set leaseClientHostname \"\$leaseClientHostname.\$dnsDomain\"\r\
    \n  :if (\$dnsAlwaysNonfqdn = \"1\") do={\r\
    \n    :set leaseClientHostnames \"\$leaseClientHostname,\$leaseClientHostn\
    \n  }\r\
    \n:if (\$dnsRemoveAllByIp = \"1\") do={\r\
    \n  /ip dns static remove [/ip dns static find comment=\"\$leaseComment\" \
    and address=\"\$leaseActIP\"]\r\
    \n:foreach h in=[:toarray value=\"\$leaseClientHostnames\"] do={\r\
    \n  :if (\$dnsRemoveAllByName = \"1\") do={\r\
    \n    /ip dns static remove [/ip dns static find comment=\"\$leaseComment\
    \" and name=\"\$h\"]\r\
    \n  }\r\
    \n  /ip dns static remove [/ip dns static find comment=\"\$leaseComment\" \
    and address=\"\$leaseActIP\" and name=\"\$h\"]\r\
    \n  :if (\$leaseBound = \"1\") do={\r\
    \n    :delay 1\r\
    \n    /ip dns static add comment=\"\$leaseComment\" address=\"\$leaseActIP\
    \" name=\"\$h\" ttl=\"\$dnsTtl\"\r\
    \n  }\r\
    \n}" lease-time=1d name=Domus_dhcp
add add-arp=yes address-pool=ControlPool disabled=yes interface=BR-Capsman \
    lease-time=2w1d name=Control_dhcp
add envlist=pihole_envs interface=veth1 mounts=\
    list_pihole,etc_pihole,dnsmasq_pihole,crono_pihole root-dir=\
    usb1-part1/pihole start-on-boot=yes
/container config
set registry-url= tmpdir=usb1-part1/pull
/container envs
add key=TZ name=pihole_envs value=Europe/Rome
add key=WEBPASSWORD name=pihole_envs value="password"
add key=DNSMASQ_USER name=pihole_envs value=root
add key=FTLCONF_LOCAL_IPV4 name=pihole_envs value=
/interface bridge port
add bridge=BR-Capsman interface=sfp-sfpplus1 internal-path-cost=10 path-cost=\
add bridge=BR-Capsman interface=ether8 internal-path-cost=10 path-cost=10
add bridge=BR-PiHole interface=veth1 internal-path-cost=10 path-cost=10
/ip neighbor discovery-settings
set discover-interface-list=TRUSTED
/ipv6 settings
set disable-ipv6=yes forward=no
/interface bridge vlan
add bridge=BR-Capsman comment="Mamma VLAN" tagged=BR-Capsman,sfp-sfpplus1 \
add bridge=BR-Capsman comment="Guest VLAN" tagged=BR-Capsman,sfp-sfpplus1 \
add bridge=BR-Capsman comment="Domus VLAN" tagged=BR-Capsman,sfp-sfpplus1 \
add bridge=BR-Capsman comment="Casa VLAN" tagged=BR-Capsman,sfp-sfpplus1 \
# BR-Capsman not a bridge port
add bridge=BR-Capsman comment="Control VLAN" disabled=yes tagged=\
    BR-Capsman,sfp-sfpplus1 vlan-ids=900
/interface list member
add interface=provider-pppoe list=WAN
add interface=100-Casa list=LAN
add interface=provider-vlan list=WAN
add interface=200-Mamma list=LAN
add interface=300-Guest list=LAN
add interface=400-Domus list=LAN
add interface=100-Casa list=TRUSTED
add interface=400-Domus list=TRUSTED
add disabled=yes interface=900-Control list=LAN
add interface=BR-Capsman list=LAN
add disabled=yes interface=BR-PiHole list=LAN
/interface wifi access-list
add action=accept comment="Apple Device" disabled=no mac-address=\
    18:34:51:00:00:00 mac-address-mask=FF:FF:FF:00:00:00
/interface wifi capsman
set enabled=yes interfaces=BR-Capsman package-path="" \
    require-peer-certificate=no upgrade-policy=none
/interface wifi provisioning
add action=create-enabled disabled=no master-configuration=service5G \
    name-format="" radio-mac=48:A9:8A:BC:A5:24 slave-configurations=home5G
add action=create-enabled disabled=no master-configuration=studio_2ghz \
    name-format="" radio-mac=48:A9:8A:0E:03:52 slave-configurations=\
add action=create-enabled disabled=no master-configuration=service5G \
    name-format="" radio-mac=48:A9:8A:0E:06:47 slave-configurations=home5G
add action=create-enabled disabled=no master-configuration=service5G \
    name-format="" radio-mac=48:A9:8A:0E:09:5D slave-configurations=home5G
add action=create-enabled disabled=no master-configuration=service5G \
    name-format="" radio-mac=48:A9:8A:0E:06:A8 slave-configurations=home5G
add action=create-enabled disabled=no master-configuration=esterno_2ghz \
    name-format="" radio-mac=48:A9:8A:0E:09:5E slave-configurations=\
add action=create-enabled disabled=no master-configuration=server_2ghz \
    name-format="" radio-mac=48:A9:8A:BC:A5:25 slave-configurations=\
add action=create-enabled disabled=no master-configuration=service5G \
    name-format="" radio-mac=48:A9:8A:0E:03:51 slave-configurations=home5G \
add action=create-enabled disabled=no master-configuration=centro_2ghz \
    name-format="" radio-mac=48:A9:8A:0E:06:A9 slave-configurations=\
add action=create-enabled disabled=no master-configuration=taverna_2ghz \
    name-format="" radio-mac=48:A9:8A:0E:06:48 slave-configurations=\
/ip address
add address= interface=100-Casa network=
add address= interface=300-Guest network=
add address= interface=200-Mamma network=
add address= interface=BR-Capsman network=
add address= interface=BR-PiHole network=
add address= disabled=yes interface=BR-Capsman network=
/ip dns
set allow-remote-requests=yes cache-max-ttl=1m servers=,
/ip firewall address-list
add address= comment="Casa NET" list=net_casa
add list=PublicIP
add address= comment="Mamma NET" list=net_mamma
add address= comment="Guest NET" list=net_guest
add address= comment="Excluded from PiHole" list=excluded
add address= comment="Excluded from PiHole" list=excluded
add address= comment="Excluded from PiHole" list=excluded
add address= comment="Domus NET" list=net_domus
add address= comment="Excluded from PiHole" list=excluded
add address= comment="Excluded from PiHole" list=excluded
add address= comment="Filtered from PiHole" list=filtered
add address= comment="Filtered from PiHole" list=filtered
add address= comment="Control NET" list=net_control
/ip firewall filter
add action=accept chain=input comment=\
    "defconf: accept established,related,untracked" connection-state=\
add action=drop chain=input comment="defconf: drop invalid" connection-state=\
add action=accept chain=input comment="defconf: accept ICMP" protocol=icmp
add action=accept chain=input comment=\
    "defconf: accept to local loopback (for CAPsMAN)" dst-address=
add action=accept chain=input comment=\
    "ONLY allow trusted subnet full access to router services" \
add action=accept chain=input comment=PiHole dst-port=53,123 \
    in-interface-list=LAN protocol=udp
add action=accept chain=input comment=PiHole dst-port=53 in-interface-list=\
    LAN protocol=tcp
add action=drop chain=input comment="DROP ALL ELSE"
add action=accept chain=forward comment="defconf: accept in ipsec policy" \
add action=accept chain=forward comment="defconf: accept out ipsec policy" \
add action=fasttrack-connection chain=forward comment="defconf: fasttrack" \
    connection-state=established,related hw-offload=yes
add action=accept chain=forward comment=\
    "defconf: accept established,related, untracked" connection-state=\
add action=accept chain=forward comment="internet traffic" in-interface-list=\
    LAN out-interface-list=WAN src-address-list=!net_control
add action=accept chain=forward comment="internet traffic" \
    out-interface-list=WAN src-address=
add action=accept chain=forward comment="allow access to ALL DomusNET" \
    dst-address-list=net_domus src-address-list=net_casa
add action=accept chain=forward comment="allow access to ALL ControlNET" \
    dst-address-list=net_control src-address-list=net_casa
add action=accept chain=forward comment="allow access to AP Mamma" \
    dst-address= src-address-list=net_casa
add action=accept chain=forward comment="allow access to PiHOLE" dst-address=\ in-interface-list=LAN
add action=accept chain=forward comment="port forwarding" \
add action=drop chain=forward comment="DROP ALL ELSE"
/ip firewall nat
add action=masquerade chain=srcnat comment=Internet out-interface-list=WAN
add action=dst-nat chain=dstnat comment="DNS Redirect to PI-Hole" dst-port=53 \
    in-interface-list=LAN protocol=udp src-address-list=!excluded \
    to-addresses= to-ports=53
add action=dst-nat chain=dstnat comment="DNS Redirect to PI-Hole" dst-port=53 \
    in-interface-list=LAN protocol=tcp src-address-list=!excluded \
    to-addresses= to-ports=53
add action=masquerade chain=srcnat comment="PiHole hairpin NAT" dst-address=\ dst-port=53 protocol=udp src-address-list=filtered
add action=masquerade chain=srcnat comment="PiHole hairpin NAT" dst-address=\ dst-port=53 protocol=tcp src-address-list=filtered
/ip firewall service-port
set ftp disabled=yes
set h323 disabled=yes
set pptp disabled=yes
/ip route
add disabled=no dst-address= gateway= \
    routing-table=main suppress-hw-offload=no
add disabled=no dst-address= gateway= \
    routing-table=main suppress-hw-offload=no
add disabled=no dst-address= gateway= \
    routing-table=main suppress-hw-offload=no
/ip upnp interfaces
add interface=provider-pppoe type=external
add interface=100-Casa type=internal
add interface=400-Domus type=internal
add interface=provider-vlan type=external
add interface=BR-PiHole type=internal
/ipv6 firewall address-list
add address=::/128 comment="defconf: unspecified address" list=bad_ipv6
add address=::1/128 comment="defconf: lo" list=bad_ipv6
add address=fec0::/10 comment="defconf: site-local" list=bad_ipv6
add address=::ffff: comment="defconf: ipv4-mapped" list=bad_ipv6
add address=::/96 comment="defconf: ipv4 compat" list=bad_ipv6
add address=100::/64 comment="defconf: discard only " list=bad_ipv6
add address=2001:db8::/32 comment="defconf: documentation" list=bad_ipv6
add address=2001:10::/28 comment="defconf: ORCHID" list=bad_ipv6
add address=3ffe::/16 comment="defconf: 6bone" list=bad_ipv6
add address=:: comment="defconf: other" list=bad_ipv6
add address=:: comment="defconf: other" list=bad_ipv6
add address=::/104 comment="defconf: other" list=bad_ipv6
add address=:: comment="defconf: other" list=bad_ipv6
/ipv6 firewall filter
add action=drop chain=input
add action=drop chain=forward
/system clock
set time-zone-name=Europe/Rome
/system identity
set name=Router
/system logging
set 2 disabled=yes
add action=echo disabled=yes topics=dhcp
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/system note
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Re: Pihole - NAT firewall Rule not redirected static DNS  [SOLVED]

Mon Feb 19, 2024 5:46 pm

This doesn't make sense since have hairpin dst-nat NAT rule for all outgoing DNS traffic from LAN to Pi-hole unless Chrome is performing DoH request to Google DNS when is set manually and that bypasses router NAT rules. Did you try with other browsers? Since dig is unable to connect due to NAT rules when Pi-hole is down (assuming that is performed from host which is not in excluded address list) I suspect it is a DoH request from Chrome that is used for resolving.

See: ... ps-setting
Chrome will have a small (i.e. non-exhaustive) table to map non-DoH DNS servers to their equivalent DoH DNS servers. Note: this table is not finalized yet.
If is implemented as stated (not using Chrome), Chrome checks if set DNS is in DoH server list and uses it over DoH for resolving, I'm pretty sure that Google DNS is in that mapping list and that bypasses hairpin NAT for DNS.

To avoid such bypasses (someone can also run DNS server locally which is using DoH/DoQ/DoT upstream DNS and set local IP as DNS server for interface in OS) you can maintain some DoH/DoQ/DoT servers address list and block tcp/udp port 443 (DoH) and tcp/udp 853 (DoQ/DoT) connections from LAN to that address list in router firewall. Some servers can be found at: but also others exists... You can't block all (like when DoH server running on some VPS which is not in address list on router) since HTTPS/QUIC is used for web and applications, except DoQ/DoT and block all DoQ/DoT connections from LAN.
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Re: Pihole - NAT firewall Rule not redirected static DNS

Thu Feb 29, 2024 8:22 pm

A thousand thanks!!! The DOH were the problem! Thank you!!!
Taking advantage of your idea, which of the three rulesets is better? Thank you

add action=drop chain=forward comment="block internal DOH" dst-address-list=\
    DNS-DOH dst-port=443 protocol=udp src-address-list=filtered
add action=drop chain=forward comment="block internal DOH" dst-address-list=\
    DNS-DOH dst-port=443 protocol=tcp src-address-list=filtered
add action=drop chain=forward comment="BLOCK DOT" dst-address-list=DNS-DOH \
    dst-port=853 protocol=udp src-address-list=filtered
add action=drop chain=forward comment="BLOCK DOT" dst-address-list=DNS-DOH \
    dst-port=853 protocol=tcp src-address-list=filtered

add action=drop chain=forward comment="block internal DOH" dst-address-list=\
    DNS-DOH port=443 protocol=udp src-address-list=filtered
add action=drop chain=forward comment="block internal DOH" dst-address-list=\
    DNS-DOH port=443 protocol=tcp src-address-list=filtered
add action=drop chain=forward comment="BLOCK DOT" dst-address-list=DNS-DOH \
    port=853 protocol=udp src-address-list=filtered
add action=drop chain=forward comment="BLOCK DOT" dst-address-list=DNS-DOH \
    port=853 protocol=tcp src-address-list=filtered

add action=drop chain=forward comment="block internal DOH" dst-address-list=\
    DNS-DOH src-address-list=filtered
add action=drop chain=forward comment="BLOCK DOT" port=853 protocol=tcp \
add action=drop chain=forward comment="BLOCK DOT" port=853 protocol=udp \

Thank You Again!
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Re: Pihole - NAT firewall Rule not redirected static DNS

Thu Feb 29, 2024 10:47 pm

Personally I will go with strict as possible rule just for DoH and block all DoT - 1st option, without dst-address-list in DoT rules to block all DoT but to avoid potential blocking other service ports (if maybe I will need them) for addresses in DNS-DOH list which is in DoH rule (unlike DoH rule in 3rd option), but if you don't care about that then go with 3rd.
If you choose 1st or 2nd, you can create single rule per protocol with multiple ports defined like dst-port=443,853. This will reduce number of firewall rules and in most cases it is best have them less as possible to offload CPU, for 3rd you don't have such case.
Note: dst-port, src-port and port can contain single port, comma (,) separated list or dash (-) separated range of ports (also in combination), eg. dst-port=1231 or dst-port=1231,3452 or dst-port=7644-8000 or dst-port=1231,3452,7644-8000,9000 etc...

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