If you are connecting to the internet just fine and users are not complaining, then why open up your router to garbage. Drop all is fine.
Near identical is not identical and one rule can make a huge difference.
Sorry to bring this up after 3 years, but I think the original aim of the question may still deserve a little more advice than "if users are not complaining".
Now, just to avoid misunderstanding, (1) I value anav's contributions and advice in this post and elsewhere in the forums. I started to built my rules based on his answers. (2) I myself cannot provide a better answer, but I have come to similar situation and thus I dare to reopen this topic for discussion.
Basis of my question is - what if my "users" cannot complain? In the world of IoT and all this smart home stuff it can easily happen that no-one is complaining but things do not work.
To make it more to the point. I ran into the same situation = bunch of broadcast traffic dropped on the "Drop all" rule in input chain. No one is complaining, everything seems to be working. I thought, well, whatever the broadcasts are, they should not be destined to router anyway (at least 99% of them). But then I thought - hang on a second, how about forward chain? How do I know that some of my rules are not blocking some super smart home devices protocols and prevents devices to see/talk to each other.
The way I go about it is that I log everything on DROP ALL rules (input and forward chains) and I try to create a separate drop rule for every type of dropped traffic I can identify. This is a bit tedious at the beginning, but manageable. Since individual rules I do not log, that way eventually I can get my log pretty clean and only once in a while something pops out and I check what it is.
Bottom line - is that the "best approach"? Or is there something better (perhaps different to input and forward chains).
If I am completely off, then let me know. I will be just as satisfied
Thank you.