Thu Mar 06, 2008 8:42 pm
Hows this.. If you are using a $250 license, and NEED this, then you can afford the cost of doing business. Look at CISCO or any other major router brands. If you need a upgrade with Cisco, you have to have a smartnet, and most of them are over $100 bucks.
I guess I am jut in another world here, but when a customer is buying a level 6 from me, they have THOUSANDS of PPPoE clients etc, $250 is not much for their software! Their hardware is much more than that to handle that.
In most cases a L4 can work just fine for most people, again, back to the $45 cost. Unless you are not an ISP i.e. a home user, then I guess you have something to compain about. However, I VERY VERY RARELY put a License on a Hard Drive. Why, cause it will fail! Just a matter of time. Use one of MTs IDE Flashes or a CF card.
IF you need caching, put a HD in and a CF with the OS on it. IF the Drive dies, the OS runs and you don't have caching. I guess I don't see how the cost of MT License is anywhere NEAR the cost of virtually any other router out there. Cause with them you are either paying more cause you have to buy their hardware or a contract that is more than the MT license.