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VPN between multiple LAN's over PPPoE DSL connections

Sun Mar 09, 2008 1:20 pm

Hey guys.

I've been looking all over and I just cant seem to get my finger on the perfect solution to connecting multiple networks to each other over DSL connections...using MT that I'm forced to add.

Lets say I have three DSL connections where the LAN side is running hotspot and the WAN side is connecting using PPPoE - Site A, B and C.
I recon I should set one of the routers up as a server and have the other two connect to it. The only trouble is HOW and what type of connection. I also want the LAN's visible to each other so that resources can be shared across these networks.

My three public interface IP's keep changing, so change IP scripts are in place. I will obviously (seeing that for some unknown and not understandable reason MT doesn't support resolving DNS names on its own) need to write some scripts that will need to delete and re-create these what ever connections I will need to make, when ever the IP's change. At least on the client side to start with.

Does any body have an idea of some sort / solution to this relative basic problem? I say basic because you can use opensource firewall systems and click click click your way to a VPN solution within minutes. I would however rather use MT firstly being a product that I payed for and secondly because I'm a fan.

It's strange but it some times looks as if the really difficult stuff, when it comes to networking, is made SO simple when using MT. But the supposedly simpler things (most other router capabilities - like DynDNS, using host name's in stead of IP's etc) are for some unknown reason ridiculously difficult. Is it just me?

Hehe :) anyway, I hope some one has an answer to this - I've been looking for a solution for quite some time now and I'm ready to throw in the towel :?
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Re: VPN between multiple LAN's over PPPoE DSL connections

Sun Mar 09, 2008 11:02 pm

I really don't know what you are trying to do or if it is something than a simple VPN.

Assuming three remote offices, one is the vpn server. If all publics change, then you need a script to updated dynadns or something like that. Its on the wiki. this will update dns, then just a matter of calling the dns in your vpn tunnel.. thats about it.
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Re: VPN between multiple LAN's over PPPoE DSL connections

Mon Mar 10, 2008 10:55 am

Hey gmsmstr,
firstly - to people who have been scripting etc for a long time, it might be as simple as "just a matter of calling the dns in your vpn tunnel".

Anyway, it's not about simple or not simple or even the dynamic IP's. As stated in my first post, my changeIP dynamic IP scripts are in place and working.
I'll explain again:
attempted picture
            /   \
          / int.  \
        /  cloud    \
       B - - - - - - C
     DynIP-B       DynIP-C
      LAN-B         LAN-C
What should I use if I want LAN A-C to be able to see each other and how should I go about setting it up?
PPTP, L2TP, OVPN, VLAN?? Bridges??

And unless you know about some thing that I missed, don't say "check the wiki" cause I've done that and all the VPN explanations ether don't make sense or has to do with single user or static LAN or WiFi VPN connections. I want to connect my networks as a whole.

I can look into single user VPN connections later, but for now I want to connect LAN A, B and C.
I know it SHOULD be easy, but if no one shares knowledge (i.e. no one tells you or if you can't read up on the subject) it kind of gets difficult to just pull stuff out of the air.

So lets focus:
* 3 Dynamic PPPoE connections
* 3 hotspots
* one interconnected VPN

oh, and one clueless nooby :shock: