I wanted to log stuff to a USB dongle, so I tried a cheap 8 GB stick and after a while it got ruined, won't work anymore even in other computers.
Then I tried another cheap 8 GB stick of another brand, same story.
Then I tried my expensive 128 GB transcend memory (https://www.transcend-info.com/product/ ... tflash-920) which is more SSD-like and has better electronics. It worked for a while but after a day it got ruined, it became read-only and I can't write anything to it anymore, no matter what computer I plug it into.
While the transcend stick became read-only, the other ones can't even be read.
For example I'd put it into a windows computer, open diskpart in the terminal, select the stick, issue "clean" command which should remove all partitions, create new partitions, copy and paste some files into it using explorer and wait a few minutes, then disconnect it using safe removal. I plug the stick back in and it's as if nothing happened, all the data and partitions before the clean command was issued is still there.