Hello everybody
All the day I was trying doing something this hotspot that in PPPoE is simple.
I have different users profile, which basically give the speed to the clients. I have free users, 512kbps users and 1024kbps user. I want to give priorization to thats groups, so the 1024k groups have the highest priority and the free group the lowest!!.
I tried doing with queue tree, but didn't works, because the queue simple, that regulate the speed of the clients, didn't works, and the user used the speed that was free in the they queue tree group.
The I tried doing the same with queue simple, and was the same. If I put the priorizations queue in the top, was the same as queue tree. And if I put that queue behind the queue of the users, didn't works!!!
How can I prioritize the speed of the user groups?
Thanks very much
Rafael Lore