Not something normally done. What is your use case for this?
in our working network, vlan numbers are defined by technical documentation, and I cannot change them, and in this case, another network provider provides its services with other VLANs, which we also cannot influence in any way
we previously used a router on linux and there was no problem adding, change, union, because the tag is just 802.1Q Header, but now we decided to try to compact the computer into a hypervisor and virtual routers, including really liked Mikrotik CHR, and to get to know him, purchased the hEX version as close in capabilities and training, including at home. but reading the documentation on mikrotik vlan, misconfiguration, tag stacking, I had questions.
mkx, thanks for your response, i used 'interface=vlan1 pvid=20' , I am sympathetic to this decision