I've changed the ip firewall conn track value into this:
Code: Select all
ip firewall connection tracking> pr
enabled: yes
tcp-syn-sent-timeout: 1s
tcp-syn-received-timeout: 1s
tcp-established-timeout: 1d
tcp-fin-wait-timeout: 5s
tcp-close-wait-timeout: 5s
tcp-last-ack-timeout: 1s
tcp-time-wait-timeout: 1s
tcp-close-timeout: 1s
udp-timeout: 1s
udp-stream-timeout: 1m
icmp-timeout: 5s
generic-timeout: 5m
tcp-syncookie: no
max-entries: 1124208
total-entries: 3683
After a while, the router keep on restarting it self.
Does it because this value taking so much resource?
Please help....