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[RB5009] "We will have several products in this series"

Fri Jun 21, 2024 1:31 am

> 1:20 "We will have several products in this series."

I see twothree models so far:

- RB5009UG+S+IN (announced July 2021)
- RB5009UPr+S+IN (announced July 2022)
- RB5009UPr+S+OUT (announced March 2023)

Will there be any new releases in this series? I was about to place an order for RB5009UG+S+IN but then I thought to myself thinking like

> "wait a sec [translation: wait an infinity, hodl], the CCR2004-1G-2XS-PCIe was announced February 2022, but it is PCIe 3.0 x8, and PCIe 4.0 GPUs have been available in market for over 5 years now, and even though PCIe 5.0 is relatively available/accessible to consumers/customers/people (noninstitutional/nonWallStreet) now, the maximum bandwidth of PCIe 3.0 x8 slot according to ... ison_table is about 63 gigabits, and that PCIe v3.0 x8 card seems that it can handle the two 25G SFP28 cages. Then how about PCIe v4.0 x16? 252 gigabits bandwidth. That's not enough to jump straight to 400 gigabit per second with Octal Small Form-Factor Pluggable and beyond, but it could handle at least one QSFP56 or multiple lower bandwidth variants. but maybe PCIe 5.0 x16 with 504 gigabit per second may be relatively cost efficient (the price to build a PCIe 5.0 capable computer that is, I'm not sure about cost for a PCIe network interface card (nic)). So, before I place an order that I was about to order RB5009UG+S+IN that has only one 10G SFP+ cage, and even though all of my computers are currently capable of network connections at 10 gigabit per second or less, given that I can shop around for and purchase PCIe 4.0 x16 network cards that technically should be able to enable local area network (lan) connections up to 100 to 250 gigabits per second, why buy RB5009UG+S+IN when I can and will instead realize what I just realized (e.g. all the information I posted here) and wait 100% wait no not waiting, just wait, keep waiting, wait, wait, wait, until I will purchase a network router much better than RB5009UG+S+IN that offers at least 100 gigabit per second connection at the very minimum, because if I am going to buy a router, and then later I buy PCIe network cards for my computers that the motherboards still come with bottlenecking slow minimal barebones ethernet ports (and I can respect that, and do not expect any faster standards on motherboards), and the PCIe network cards offer 100 gigabit per second and beyond that I can daisy chain my computers together maybe, skipping need for a router altogether, that if I even am going to consider standard network equipment such as routers, hubs, switches, etcetera, then I may as well shop a different way, don't shop based on the best available by companies that apparently haven't made available something that technically is able to exist but not existing for Wall Street reasons, but instead just figure out what seems reasonable to exist, should exist, the price doesn't even matter, because first it needs to exist before supply and demand to normalize the price, the supply and demand that used to exist before Wall Street replaced it with
34:24 "Markets are efficient because of active managers setting the prices of securities, firms like Citadel, firms like Fidel.....lity (Fidelity) [...] trying to drive the value of companies towards where we think they should be valued." - Kenneth Cordelle Griffin, Citadel Securities, November 2023

my TL;DR translation -> DTCC Depository Trust Clearing Corporation enables international securities fraud that enables institutions using artificial intelligence systems and operations to facilitate FTD failure to delivers of BUY and SELL market/limit orders in the last 30+ years trapped hostaged in dark pools and brokerage internalizations that hedgefunds, prime brokers, and market makers hide decades of hostaged/thefted/stolen assets in swaps and derivatives, and rehypothecation, suppressing actual short interest, suppressing actual supply and demand, suppressing actual real price discovery, and hundreds of thousands of individual registered hedgefunds and other financial firms involved in this process, they literally set the prices using their operations that enable them (or someone, maybe DTCC or other authorized participants) to release one single BUY or SELL order transaction to appear publicly transacted in market (even if the transaction was made 30 years ago and stuck in the dark pool/internalizations) that they know will trigger a LULD (Limit Up/Limit Down) halt ( that began on 2012, but for 12 years now, and by now, for several years (at least 3) it is very clear now that LULD halts are weaponized by institutions that literally can utilize one single transaction to trigger 5 minutes of delay for all sorts of behind the scenes transactions to happen, but insultingly to injury DTCC Depository Trust Clearing Corporation has been for years literally injecting the transactions to happen publicly too, and now it is exposed clear as day with example of one 5 minute LULD halt, that 2 minutes 19 seconds into the halt, the real-time prices were changed very abruptly, but then at end of day, the public transaction price history (still proof exists in recorded Youtube livestreams that Alphabet Inc Google YouTube can't disappear them so easily anymore) was wiped out and replaced in the books to cover up that day's DTCC enabled market manipulations, and only the millions of persons that were watching in real-time to see evidence know, and the rest of the people don't know yet, lol, but they'll figure it out sooner or later -- that kind of efficiency of markets that somehow is apparently more efficient than human people supply and demand based market efficiency, lol

So anyway, yesterday I was still at zero knowledge with regards to multi-gigabit network things, but then I started learning about:
  • fiber-optics Small Form-factor Pluggable things
    • transceivers, transmitters, receivers
    • depending on lanes and half/full-duplex, unidirectional/bidirectional
      Bandwidth/second |
      1 gigabit        | SFP 
      4 gigabit        | QSFP 
      10 gigabit       | SFP+
      25 gigabit       | SFP28
      40 gigabit       | QSFP+
      50 gigabit       | SFP56, QSFP14
      100 gigabit      | SFP112, QSFP28
      200 gigabit      | QSFP56
      400 gigabit      | QSFP112, OSFP
                       | OSFP (Octal Small Form-Factor Pluggable) ...,
      lol no bbcode for tables ... &t=2386686
  • C form-factor pluggable, CFP, 100G form factor pluggable, see

I'm still learning, and taking notes [lol these are basically my notes so far], and here a few random links of things I glanced at: but otherwise I am curious what will the next RB5009 device to be released? Will it enable 100 gigabit per second or faster connections?

Citing Stephen Burke in
9:27 "Okay, so if you can't trust ASUS, or you can't trust Gigabyte, ... who do you trust?" that wonderfully illustrates many years of my realizing anti-consumer business/corporation practices, that too often nowadays extends into anti-human anti-life territority, literally lol (but the suffering of the co-workers mental (and physical, RIP Boeing whistleblowers) well being is not a laughing matter, and it's genuinely frustrating and unfortunate, iykyk)

p.s. I was going to ask via email, but I couldn't quickly find an email address to write via email, so then I found this forum and prepared my question converted into this post here.
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Re: [RB5009] "We will have several products in this series"

Fri Jun 21, 2024 2:39 am

This has to be GPT spam, right? No person with right mind would put together such a mix of technology and finance post. Also, how the hell did mods approve it? Sure on first glance it looks genuine, but then read that applesauce about limit up/ limit down and investments and you know what this really is about.
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Re: [RB5009] "We will have several products in this series"

Fri Jun 21, 2024 11:03 am

I agree, I don't see the point of the this post.
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Re: [RB5009] "We will have several products in this series"

Fri Jun 21, 2024 12:04 pm

I don't think it's a bot, since the same type of question was posted in the youtube comments.
Edit: original thread here, for context:
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Re: [RB5009] "We will have several products in this series"

Fri Jun 21, 2024 5:16 pm

This has to be GPT spam, right? No person with right mind would put together such a mix of technology and finance post. Also, how the hell did mods approve it?
I wish I could upvote You. This wall of text is borderline insane.
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Re: [RB5009] "We will have several products in this series"

Fri Jun 21, 2024 6:24 pm

Well ... in the Reddit thread it was suggested about taking meds again ...
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Re: [RB5009] "We will have several products in this series"

Fri Jun 21, 2024 8:44 pm

Ugh! lol, I check back here now to see if any comments, anticipating, expecting maybe not as toxic or anti-human dehumanizing and whatnot, but nope, similar responses here, and literally, not even addressing the content that I posted, instead the humans are literally complaining that it is not possible for a human to do things that humans used to do those things, but now humans are not permitted to do them anymore and if any human tries, they will be humanly dehumanized. What? This is ridiculous! I didn't post my question for expecting that, but if that is the extent of humanity, cool, I'll take it! Heck, I'll answer my own question doing my own research and notes and whatnot. Sure, I'm not done learning and understanding yet, but with all the obstructions from humans that obstruct and blockade and disrupt progress and whatnot, whether Reddit, here, anywhere, everywhere, lol, hmmmm, damn, what happened?

> "This has to be GPT spam, right?"

lol, I assume the person asking is like "Right? right? right? The only answers I accept are confirming that I am right, because any attempt to tell me I am wrong is not humanly possible and is bot answer because ....."

> "This wall of text is borderline insane."

I am not agreeing that I am insane, but even if I have 100% insanity that 100% of all humans objectively agree that I am 100% insane, I am still a human, and not chat GPT and not spam, and I had legitimate learning process to question what I was trynig to figure out, lol, no matter how insane any tool measuring unit calculation determination of numerical or nonnumerical value of insanity and other characterizations are attributed to my question.

Oh, and also after I reposted this on r/Mikrotik on Reddit, I noticed the pinned announcement post ... hing_nice/ which mentions:
"Please do yourself a favor by collecting all the information you can before posting and make sure to check the MikroTik wiki first - no one wants to spoon feed you all the information."
Even before I read any of this concern I already spent hours compiling notes that repeated my already previous hours and days thinking about what I was thinking, albeit disorgnized and scattered all over the place, that I checked my browser history to try to make sense of what I was thinking, perhaps a combination of two ideas, one, curiosity what will be the next model release in the RB5009 series, and two, I just got excited again thinking about possibly skipping straight to 100 gigabit and beyond speeds. And by all humans means, with all due respect, or whatever, using Internet since 14,400 baud modem, 28,800 baud, 56k flex, etcetera, and then DSL and Cable reaching 512 Kbps, Megabits, even 10 Mbps, 100 Mbps, and now Gigabits, but that is for Internet access speeds.

I remember not too many years back (maybe about 10, I forgot exactly) when I literally was still suffering with 10 megabit per second Internet connection, but now 100 times faster at gigabit, and for at least 5 years, gigabit, nice! So 100 times faster than that, but for LAN local area network, I would love to shop for this and save up and wait until I skip jump straight to 100 times faster speeds, cuz why not, it doesn't make me less human, oh wait nevermind, apparently I am no longer human, never was, lol, rip, I am now nonhuman, apparently I can't even identify as a human anymore, if I even try, I am blocked and ridiculed and character assassinated with mental and medical diagnoses to legitimize the character assassinations, lol

Internet bandwidth is not major primary anymore, because I will be happy with gigabit Internet service, and I will not pay the cost for Internet speeds that are 100 gigabit and beyond, however, I would actually be enthusiastic and love to have a LAN connectivity to my personal home (apartment renting on 3rd floor without air conditioning, it's so hot again this summer) computers and network equipments that are 100 gigabit and higher and be so happy, even if I am no longer humanly accepted by other humans that instantly dehumanize and whatnot, cuz that's just what I started thinking about the last day or two, humanly thinking it, no matter how insane it is for humans to think about these thinkings, if it is even legal to think as a human anymore, or type words to represent admitting to having had such human thoughts, lol, anyway....

I am dumb in terms of whether or not a RB5009 series device is capable of reaching speeds up to 100 gigabit per second, and I realized this from one response in the repost on Reddit of this, this comment here ... ?context=3

and I admit that I didn't even think about this bottleneck limitation specific to RB5009 series, and I wasn't even thinking about that aspect of any series or product availability and whatnot. Sorry for overlooking that aspect.
'Well ... in the Reddit thread it was suggested about taking meds again ..."
Yes! and that user account blocked me immediately, so I replied here ... s/l9jbaq6/

I don't always reply to hostile toxic shill persons, maybe most of the time, but not always, but first impressions, or rather, first encounter, innocent until proven guilty, I will treat as human and with effort to value that communication as valuable as any and all communications from any human to be equal value, given energy and attention that may otherwise seem like not worth the time or effort, but what does that even mean anyway, especially when nonresponding leaves interpretation to be potentially misunderstanding for anyone that is able to have convenience in misunderstanding with no ability to not misunderstand such that I do not even respond to point out the mistakes? Sure, apparently correcting or responding to someone leads to avalanche of more insults and abuse and accusations and character assassinations and rewardingly so incentivized to fuel the fire, punishing anyone that doesn't join in on the abuse, but why is that? and why can't I ask the question that I asked and get potentially useful informations that if I do, I may as well just do it all myself and save the hassle/trouible of even presenting the question/information in the first place?

Anyway, I'm still learning, and I apologize for any inconvenience or harassment or whatever that has manifested, however, that is in no way whatsoever my intention, and I did not in any way expect any such phenomena to happen or ensue. That is beyond my influence/control, but I also will not be afraid or uncertain or doubtful and whatnot. Why should I be? What did I do?
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Re: [RB5009] "We will have several products in this series"

Fri Jun 21, 2024 9:04 pm

Actually, one more thing..... Linksys WRT54G v4, I've probably had that since like 2002 or whatever, 20+ years, and I don't use it anymore, but it provided up to about 100 megabit bandwith on wired ethernet cable connecitons. and for over 10 years I wasn't able to have Internet connection that surpassed that limitation.

So to KISS keep it simple stupid, I think to myself about the simple idea that LAN connections and home residential networking equipment being way faster than common consumer residential Internet speeds for years/decade or whatever, what happened to this trend and why does this seem like it's been sabotaged and who is contributing to the disruption and obstruction and how and whatnot? I wasn't expecting to be bombarded with these human psychological phenomena, but that's besides the poiint, my memories of using consumer grade network equipment for decades having faster local bandwidth speeds than Internet speeds, I want to recreate this experience again, and I don't even care about the price practically, because the price is meaningless if no such existing products are existing however that may be the case. Again, still I'm trying to learn and catch up, just started, so, one post, I created one writing that I represented my beginning entry level process to inquire about this, and I decided to appreciate a sense of MikroTik maybe possibly being something to favor more than any other company/brand, but who knows, I have on idea which company is what, or if they are even different owned by different financial things and whatnot, whether private secret hidden or public transparent, not my concern, but as a real living human person consumer shopping and whatnot, I want to make sure I like what I get and skip all the anti-consumer business practice headaches, which I tried to reference a little bit, for example, things like Stephen Burke's
9:27 "Okay, so if you can't trust ASUS, or you can't trust Gigabyte, ... who do you trust?"
and all industries all companies in those industries, regardless of public vs private funding, are affected by the same concerns that are as of yet not overcome, a process that is offtopic that everyone can figure out for themselves, but in the meantime, I am still shopping and buying and spending moneys and whatnot, and I want to know what I'm paying for and also what is possible to wait for if waiting is still humanly legal
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Re: [RB5009] "We will have several products in this series"

Fri Jun 21, 2024 10:29 pm

I can shop around for and purchase PCIe 4.0 x16 network cards that technically should be able to enable local area network (lan) connections up to 100 to 250 gigabits per second

Have you tested whether putting a pair of those into your local computers lets you push 100-250 Gbit/sec between them continuously?

If by some miracle it did, how much CPU did it use to accomplish that feat?

How does that compare to the CPU in the RB5009 you're trying to avoid buying?

If MikroTik were to put a 100 Gbit/sec port into the current RB5009, they would need to increase its CPU processing power by roughly 10× to make it a worthwhile upgrade. How do you expect them to do that while keeping the passively-cooled enclosure that you presumably found attractive?

Above all, realize that the RB5009 is a router and not a switch. The ready availability of 100+ Gbit/sec optics tells you nothing about the amount of CPU power needed to drive it. If you put that same optic into an ASIC-driven switch, none of the traffic passes through the CPU in normal operation. When you instead put it into a router, the CPU must become involved with the traffic flows unless your application allows pure L3HW offloading.

Buy the router that meets your current needs. None of these facts are going to change rapidly.
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Re: [RB5009] "We will have several products in this series"

Sat Jun 22, 2024 6:32 am

Hi forum. I will respond to the last message shortly, but before I do, and I am pretty sure that r/MikroTik subreddit is in NO WAY AFFILIATED with MikroTik company, but I just wanted to say that I am appealing my ban that I think is incredibly abusive and in incredibly poor taste and incredibly disrespectful to the entire community of MikroTik everyone, the business employees and all consumers/customers, and even though I don't expect any further mention here to address the situation, I just wanted to mention here, because that community should be safe for everyone, or rather, it should not be managed and filled with persons that not only are not at all in any way showing any information or help or knowledge, but literally engaged in practically types of behavior, and with moderators that seem to add insult to injury to reward these phenomena. I am now going to send my ban appeal to moderators, and also ( after sending) and also follow up with "To file a Moderator Code of Conduct report, please use this form." as listed in ... of-conduct

Again I will reply to the last reply here shortly, after I finish handling this frustrating nonsense. Sure I could have been a little bit more polite by not using profanity in any of my responses, but the order and sequence of events, it's messed up, and I didn't cause the behaviors and communications to happen the way they did.
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Re: [RB5009] "We will have several products in this series"

Sat Jun 22, 2024 7:44 am

Have you tested whether putting a pair of those into your local computers lets you push 100-250 Gbit/sec between them continuously?
Not yet, but that's a good idea. I was excited to see the PCIe 3.0 x8 card, but then disappointed that there are no PCIe 4.0 x8 or x16, but I noticed a few comments suggesting the idea that (I haven't confirmed this, but I remember it) the idea that it is not possible for any motherboards to offer full PCIe 4.0 x16 bandwidth to match specs that translates into network bandwidth also matching the specs (or close to it). I could be wrong, and I don't have links to cite where I saw these mentioned, but it was more than one place, so it might relate to your questioning.
If by some miracle it did, how much CPU did it use to accomplish that feat?
Ah yeah, I'm searching for examples and I see these:
  • ... SDEM22.pdf

    ASRock Taichi B550 / Ryzen 5950X / 2x 100GbE QSFP28 but it doesn't seem easy to understand if it can actually reach 100 gigabit per second, or if it does, I don't understand the data well enough
  • ... troduction mentions 16 gigatransfers per second, which is 1024 gigabits per second I think, but I don't know much about and will not touch anything NVIDIA in any way, never, nope, not at all, heck these numbers may as well be fake/deceptive/misleading, lol
  • ... card_a5946 mentions "PCIe 4.0 x16 LAN card can potentially reach speeds of up to 256 Gbps," but that's about the same as what I already calculated in original post
  • Oh sweet! I'm not gonna buy this, but I think I might start a spreadsheet, this QSFP28, PCIe 4.0 x16 is currently priced at $645.24. This is kind of what I was wanting to see available by MikroTik given they have a PCIe 3.0 x8 card, but it's cool if they don't or can't make such a card
How does that compare to the CPU in the RB5009 you're trying to avoid buying?
not finished replying yet
If MikroTik were to put a 100 Gbit/sec port into the current RB5009, they would need to increase its CPU processing power by roughly 10× to make it a worthwhile upgrade. How do you expect them to do that while keeping the passively-cooled enclosure that you presumably found attractive?
not finished replying yet

work in progress, will edit post to finish reply later, MikroTik site is failing with 500 server error now, so I'll check back later, e.g. see ... 009ug_s_in or
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Re: [RB5009] "We will have several products in this series"

Sat Jun 22, 2024 3:53 pm

I am notoriously cheap (and also getting increasingly old), but $645.24 is what I would budget for a whole (common) desktop PC[1], I find hard to believe that many people (with a few exceptions in specific fields) are going to spend that kind of money for a single network card.
So likely there is not much request (at the moment) for 100 GB NIC's.

[1] roughly you can get with that kind of money a i9, 32GB RAM, 500 GB SSD, not too shabby.
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Re: [RB5009] "We will have several products in this series"

Sat Jun 22, 2024 9:55 pm

Topic closed.
User suspended.