Hi all,
Can anybody give me a hint on this problem?
I would like to receive a DHCP IP from a Linksys router on my Mikrotik router
So for i have only little success on it
I connected the the MK on ether1 to the Linksys router and both have a link light.
Next I went to IP>DHCP-Client and setup the following:
Interface: ether1
Add Default Route
Use Peer-DNS
Use Peer-NTP
Status is:Searching
From there nothing happens anymore.
I also cant see the Mikrotik Router on the ARP List on my Linksys router
However,I can see that datas somehow get thransfered as when I click on Interfaces, ether1 has Tx and Rx values which are changing
PS: When I set up ether1 with a static IP in the Linksys IP range, I can ping the Linksys router!
PS2: When I connect my Laptop the the Linksys router i get an IP address straight away. I tried cross over and straight through cables, but without any success
At the moment I have only WLAN under Interfaces, nothing else is showing up. Under Firewall, I have the seetings set to: NAT:Chain=srcnat, Out-int:ether1, Action: maquerade
I read that DHCP operates at udp 67 and 68. How can i check if that ports are opened and if no, what would be the right way to do this?