/export file=FILENAME
Do you have wifi-qcom package on that device ?However....in de web interface one cAP has "Wifi" and "Wireguard" greyed out. So there sure seems to be a slight difference.
set [ find default-name=wifi1 ] configuration.manager=capsman .mode=ap \
datapath.bridge=bridgeLocal disabled=no
set [ find default-name=wifi2 ] configuration.manager=capsman .mode=ap \
datapath.bridge=bridgeLocal disabled=no
/interface wifi provisioning
add action=create-dynamic-enabled disabled=no master-configuration=LAN_2GHz_G \
add action=create-dynamic-enabled
/interface wifi cap
set discovery-interfaces=br0 enabled=yes
Reachable how? ...another thing is, that you have VLANs configured on CRS, but there are no VLANs on CAP? Counldn't that be the issue?The CRS and cAP's are all reachable in the same IP subnet.
/interface vlan
add interface=br0 name=LAN vlan-id=1
yes, sorry, you are spot on. Ik just tried that one also, it didn't do anything....its in your conifg? vlan interface named LAN ?
Code: Select all/interface vlan add interface=br0 name=LAN vlan-id=1