Dear Ahmed,
As per the wiki's example, x6k/y6k is the minimum speed/rate, it appears in Advance Queue as "Limit At".
Changing the users profile, package needs to disconnect and reconnect the user. And that is why bursting does not need to do that manually.
Other way, you have to write some scripts that control the users limits dynamically as per your need ! Not practical method when you have BIG LIST of queued users
Hi Again ;
forget to get your attention to what is wrote in the wiki , here it is :
Also, you can use the same method if you want to make sure that heavy users should not keep downloading or uploading files for long period in order to save the rest of available traffic for light users who are looking for good speed for browsing or occasionally access.
in the brust you will not prevent users doing heavy download for long time , it is the opposite .
you will increase the bandwidth for him for specific time and then come back again to his limit and he could do download for very long time , so you are not going to save the rest of avilable band to light users .
with queue , when you see a users doing download for long time you could reduce his speed further more and it will be done instantly .
also i read in the wiki or the forum there is a scripit reading the uploaded and downloaded bytes from the queue and if the user exceed the limit will be reduced to other speed .
the problem of this script is , if the user logoff and logon again the queue will erase his info because it dynamic .
here again you see the static queue is better than other .
it is true you will have long list you should keep monitor it with the graphing but all this for the sake of the users .
with best regards .