Last time i`m using V 2.9.51 and there`s no problem with DNS cache.
Now i`m using RouterOS V 3.6 with x86 platform, but i found the BIG problem :
Every i see the name ".com" (there are many, not just 1) in DNS cache, there`re many site cannot be opened. Always show "Server not found" in browser.
I try to flush cache and change DNS`s IP, it`s work... but i think RouterOS always catch and caching that ".com" name, than the problem appear again.
Then i flush cache again, it`s work...but i think RouterOS always catch that ".com" name and caching that one, than the problem appear again.
Again, again and again..
Now i set client DNS IP from DHCP server, without my RouterOS IP. And after 3d uptime there`re no problem.
Can somebody help me?