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HotSpots user priorization

Mon Mar 10, 2008 4:58 am

Hello everybody
All the day I was trying doing something this hotspot that in PPPoE is simple.
I have different users profile, which basically give the speed to the clients. I have free users, 512kbps users and 1024kbps user. I want to give priorization to thats groups, so the 1024k groups have the highest priority and the free group the lowest!!.
I tried doing with queue tree, but didn't works, because the queue simple, that regulate the speed of the clients, didn't works, and the user used the speed that was free in the they queue tree group.
The I tried doing the same with queue simple, and was the same. If I put the priorizations queue in the top, was the same as queue tree. And if I put that queue behind the queue of the users, didn't works!!!
How can I prioritize the speed of the user groups?
Thanks very much
Rafael Lore
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Re: HotSpots user priorization

Mon Mar 10, 2008 6:11 am

In hotspot profiles,rate limite:
use the following string: x1k/y1k x2k/y2k x3k/y3k x5/y5 P x6k/y6k

x1k/y1k: Rate (txrate/rxrate i.e 128k/1024k)
x2k/y2k: Burst Rate (i.e 256k/2048k)
x3k/y3k: Burst Threshold (i.e 160k/1280k)
x5/y5: Burst Time (in seconds i.e: 60/60)
Priority: P (use integer from 1-8)
Minimum rate: x6k/y6k (i.e 32k/256k)

for example: 24k/128k 32k/256k 24k/196k 30/30 8 16k/64k

Burst Rate: 32k/256k
Burst Threshold: 24k/196k
Burst Time: 30/30
Priority: 8
Minimum rate: 16k/64k

if you just want to use rate and priority, then use:
Rate, Burst Rate, Burst Priority, Minimum rate.

I hope that can help you.

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Re: HotSpots user priorization

Mon Mar 10, 2008 3:28 pm

Alaa Tahnks you very much!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I didn´t know that I can use its in the part of speed
Thank again!!!
Rafael Lore
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Re: HotSpots user priorization

Tue Mar 11, 2008 4:14 am

Alaa Tahnks you very much!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I didn´t know that I can use its in the part of speed
Thank again!!!
Rafael Lore
Hi Rafael Lore,

You are welcome ..
to make it easier for other users to understand how it should be configured exactly, I just wrote a new article in the wiki to make it easier to understand and to allow other people to add there comments.

Best Regards,
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Re: HotSpots user priorization

Tue Mar 11, 2008 2:53 pm

I recently read your wiki and is wonderfull, thank!!
I not only implemented it in HotSpot, yesterday I changed fully a PPPoE with its!!! and is working
Rafael Lore
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Re: HotSpots user priorization

Fri Mar 21, 2008 1:43 am

this is great however i am finding that with burst when the user opens an HTTP download (a file downloaded via http) he/she is always getting the max burst speed. The user is NOT going down to the MAX speed defined.

I also dont seem to understand the purpose of Burst Threshhold and why in the example above its TX is lower than that of the BURST TX.
Is burst threshold borrowed bandwidth that keeps getting added?

Basically this works great however like i said all i want is when one of my users opens a page they get a fast jump start then it drops down to something like 30k/60k and NOT stay at burst speed.

Pls advise.
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Re: HotSpots user priorization

Sat Mar 29, 2008 11:42 am

Hi cylent,

The Burst Threshold is the limit where the bandwidth if exceeded for the specified threshold time, burst is downgraded to the normal limit. And therefore, there is no burst as you are asking for after a period of time.

You can set Burst Threshhold tx/rx to ZEROs, so, at any level, when a user getting bandwidth, the burst will apply only for the Threshhold Time and after that time it goes back to normal limit. (The user will never then be able to reach the burst limit unless if he left the PC for a portion of time with idle status.)
