How do you test cards when you receive them new? Equipment, software, setup, etc? I have no clue and i'd hate to get a radio setup and up a roof or tower or wherever to find out it does not work well even if it does in the office right after being set up...We just received 10 defective R52Hs, right out of the box ... the best one had a signal strength of 29mW.
There you have it. Overdriving cards will blow them every time.I used to change them to fixed at 26
Because it should last longer than that. If you bought a new car and the transmission went out after 1000 miles, would you blame the dealer?How are you going to blame MT for something that has been working for 2-3 weeks?
make sure the equipment is properly grounded, that they have never been used with the pigtail disconnected and that the power settings are default (you already said they are)I originally posted the message about getting 11 out of 15 R52H cards DOA about 4 weeks ago. We stopped using them right then.
All of our settings were left default (and always have been for the last 6 years using MT). Mikrotik has a QA problem with these cards right now. We even had 1 fail on a tower that had been working for 2-3 weeks, with all power settings at default.
Our equipment is all in metal enclosures and well grounded. We always use either default power settings or "card rates" with power betwen 4-10dBm. We still continue to have problems with R52H cards dying. Sometimes they lose receive sensitivity. Sometimes they lose 20dB of transmit power. Sometimes a single card will prevent the routerboard from booting. Sometimes everything looks good except the latency and jitter on a link is terrible. Replace with an R52 and everything is good. (too bad I don't have an unlimited supply of R52).make sure the equipment is properly grounded, that they have never been used with the pigtail disconnected and that the power settings are default (you already said they are)
As reported elsewhere on this forum I've just returned my first and last RB333 to my distributor because of booting problems. Interestingly it gave no trouble when I took it from the envelope, sat it on the testbench and connected to it via ethernet - I upgraded it, configured it as far as I could and installed it in a Rootenna. Then I populated the card slots with two R52H's and an Engenius EMP-3601 and the problems began - the board would power up but only boot occasionally. And this continued even after the cards were removed.Sometimes a single card will prevent the routerboard from booting.
My winbox (latest version) shows the same, but actually I noticed these changes after start using ros3.x family. So could be both or either one of them.Bill - that's an interesting image. Could you;
1. Tell me where you got it? It looks like something out of Winbox but I can't find it's equivalent in any Winbox of mine. Is it related to a particular Board or RouterOS version?
SweetSunday, It can be I am an even more thicko, but don't understand your question. But actually don't understand what info Bill was trying to tell us here to start with....2. Interpret it for the amateur/thicko class (eg. me). It seems counter-intuitive to me, in that I thought -75 was a weaker signal than -69 so you'd be looking for a lower throughput rather than a higher one.
Good question. I never understood how one card can tell how its signal is received on the other end?[/quote]3. What is the TX CCQ? My best guess is that RX CCQ is the % of uncorrupted packets received c/f the total number transmitted, but unless the device at the other end is relaying information about its own RX CCQ in the background I can't envisage what TX CCQ is.
Good question! The graphs shows the other card is sending well, by showing the receiving result of this end. I don't see what is wrong with the remote card apart from the fact that the signal strengths between this end send and the other end receive is a bit different. But that can have many other reasons.4. If the R52H was dead when it was installed, how is it you are receiving anything?
My winbox (latest version) shows the same, but actually I noticed these changes after start using ros3.x family. So could be both or either one of them.Bill - that's an interesting image. Could you;
1. Tell me where you got it? It looks like something out of Winbox but I can't find it's equivalent in any Winbox of mine. Is it related to a particular Board or RouterOS version?SweetSunday, It can be I am an even more thicko, but don't understand your question. But actually don't understand what info Bill was trying to tell us here to start with....2. Interpret it for the amateur/thicko class (eg. me). It seems counter-intuitive to me, in that I thought -75 was a weaker signal than -69 so you'd be looking for a lower throughput rather than a higher one.
Good question. I never understood how one card can tell how its signal is received on the other end?3. What is the TX CCQ? My best guess is that RX CCQ is the % of uncorrupted packets received c/f the total number transmitted, but unless the device at the other end is relaying information about its own RX CCQ in the background I can't envisage what TX CCQ is.
Good question! The graphs shows the other card is sending well, by showing the receiving result of this end. I don't see what is wrong with the remote card apart from the fact that the signal strengths between this end send and the other end receive is a bit different. But that can have many other reasons.4. If the R52H was dead when it was installed, how is it you are receiving anything?
I agree, partially. I have just had a case that an installer of mine fit a RIC/522C that was to point at an rb333 unit with sector antenna. Since the sector was higher then the CPE he should tilt the RIC/522C upwards which he forgot to do. The result was that the RIC/522C had a strong signal strength from the AP but that the AP had one that was almost 20db lower! It was even so bad the connection regularly dropped. By pointing the CPE upwards the problem was solved and both readings became almost equeal (1-3dbm difference).My understanding is that TX and RX signal strengths should be very close to each other if you're using the same card on both ends, with the same tx-power settings and you're using the same antenna to tx and rx (ie. you're not using the tx-a/rx-b feature). Bill has 10db of difference, which means that one card is not transmitting with as much power as the other, or one card has less rx sensitivity than the other.... or both
I never knew this. Thanks for that info!When both wireless devices are MikroTik ROS, the Wireless/Registration window you're seeing does show you both RX and TX signal strengths because the receiving MikroTik box sends the RX information back to the sender. In fact if you try to connect a non-MT box (eg. a Windows laptop), you will only see the RX information in that window.
Thank you for your reply, but I dont have a clue what are good and bad values. What TX power should i expect? -17dbm is stronger that -25dbm? A TX/RX CCQ of 30% is good or bad? Where should i look, and what range of values should be normal?Can someone please tell me how do I check if some R52H card is having hardware problems using the winbox utility (or other tools) ?
in winbox under wireless go to "registration", double click on the link you want to see details on under "signal" and status
If an R52H is ill it will transit a lot lower than it should.
why not XR5 s kijomabb ? what are your experiences with them ?Well, it seems like just a list of failures, with nothing of use, for repairing this.
If it is indeed the diversity switch on the card that fails, is it anyone who has succeeded in replacing/disabling it ?
I mean, can you use the card in anything but indoors for 50 meters ?
If anybody did it, post here.
Complaining without doing nothing, and mt telling to check ground and sh.... is no use.
Sorry, i'm just sad....
its either the diversity switch or the pa that goes.. infant mortality seems a big problem.
they can be repaired if you have the reflow machine to remove/replace the parts (we have) but its really not worth the hassle.
going to see if we can source sr5's instead, have a choice of connector then too.
Without wanting to go off-topic, what's with netinstall on crossroads then?we have crossroads used for WiFi indoor AP's and no failures yet. real pain they arrive region/power locked though making them illegal to use here until we netinstall em!
they have done it...hi,
its sad to hear but the r52h's are still an issue. One supplier we have only does r52h, no ubuiqiti so if we need the full band c ERP capability in a hurry we have to get them.
We test each one in a radio before they go out, 25% of them are DoA with low output power or bad rx/tx, some of the ones that get through this fail in transit after this screening! (i.e. not powered but inside a built unit in a static free van.).
If you can get them in service without these failures they will usually go on fine (until lightning gets near them).
I am sure MT will say "we sell a lot of R52H's so it isn't a problem", what they probably don't appreciate is a good 30% of these purchases end up in a bin or early retired to 2.4 ghz use when the 5ghz doesn't work.
So sales are higher than they should be as we always buy 50% more than we need to allow for the duff ones.
how about a dedicated 5ghz card MT, remove the 2.4 crap, fit a quarter wave ground short on the output to deal with lightning proximity, stop pushing the little power amps to death and fit a meatier one (sirenza) . Ubiquitu can so why not MT?
which cards now? R52H or R5H?We have purchase 20 pieces of these cards about 2 months ago,
every week we have one or two cards failing. mainly they can Receive
signal but no Tx (almost zero)
any idea what should we do? send to reseller or MT? We're in Malaysia and
bought them from US.
What if you can't get in hold of reseller? (they may be out of business).which cards now? R52H or R5H?We have purchase 20 pieces of these cards about 2 months ago,
every week we have one or two cards failing. mainly they can Receive
signal but no Tx (almost zero)
any idea what should we do? send to reseller or MT? We're in Malaysia and
bought them from US.
Always send to reseller, the seller has obligations to his customers.
having a support line is not relate to, R5H is a very good and reliable card. watch
When you buy something, the seller probably gives you some kind of warranty. you must contact them in case of problems. I cannot help you if they are not cooperative. If I buy a TV in a local store, I will bring my broken TV to them, I would never even think of sending it to Sony headquarters in Japan.