Great stuff MikroTik, keep it up. First post to the forum everyone so sorry if I'm a bit noobish here... I am currently looking to deploy a wireless backbone using MikroTik RouterOS and associated hardware but I have a few questions regarding Nstreme. I have played with the Nstreme 2 or dual mode and it seems work rather well but I have some major limitations for my link and I'm hoping someone here can help solve them.
When this link was first planned we though we could go 58km on a single hop using 2.4 GHz 30 dB dishes on each end, and we can, it works (finally after discovering MikroTik) but there are some serious fresnel zone issues with a small hill in the middle and one end of the link at a location where the spectrum is highly saturated. Consequently, we have moved our raidos down into the US amateur band as we do have amateur licenses and are avoiding the majority of the interference.
Before we discovered MikroTik, we were using a site on the hill in the middle with 24 db dishes pointed each way rebroadcasting the signal (we actually still are until we get a perm MikroTik solution in place, we just tested it last week). With MikroTik in single Nstreme we were able to make the entire link in one hop which had never been done before, but the throughput is not as high as we will require in the future. The link is using 1 Watt amplifiers which I am quite sure is one of the major sources of problem of throughput as they are time division design. By going to Nstreme 2 would this be eliminated as the amp would be only on the Tx radio and never have to switch modes?
Without the site in the middle amps are required for the link to work and have any fade margin as our radios are all located indoors and the cable runs are 25m and 50m respectively. We are trying to get away from the site in the middle as it is in a very very remote location with solar power only and extremely inaccessable in the winter time. Here in Colorado, it's tough enough to get some of these places in the summer much less with 80 mph winds and snow. We are worried there won't be enough power at that location to run four radios to do the Nstreme 2 through that location.
Here is a rough layout with some info that will help responces. Thanks in advance.
Site 1 (South):
30 db dish located at 22m (Top of the tower) with 1 Watt amp
25m LMR-600
Staturated radio spectrum on the back side of the dish (site overlooks a populated area with serveral WISPs)
Site 2 (Middle) @ 28km from South, 31km from North:
Crest of the hill between the two sites, clear fresnel both ways
2 x 24 db dishes
~10m LMR-600 on each dish
Saturated radio spectrum on south facing dish (Channels 1, 3, 5, 6, 8, 9, 11 between -77 and -84 signal on each)
Power is solar/battery/DC Generator with barely enough power currently to run 2 low power radios.
Site 3 (North):
60m tower with 30db dish @ 45m with 1 Watt amp
50m LMR-600
Weak signals on the the other channels (-85 and lower channels 1-11 as the hill in the middle blocks the broadcast location of the WISPs)
Marginal fresnel to south site, great to middle
RX -63 from end to end but throughput is only ~7 Mbits both ways tcp with bandwidth test tool.
With the middle site RX is -54 both ways but only ~14 mbit throughput in bandwidth test.
ACK was tested both dynamic and static with the above results recorded as best case.
Based on the above layout, what's your input everyone? I'm sure a a lot of our issues revolve around the amps but I don't see how we can fix that and keep the gear located indoors. Outdoors is not very feasible due to extreme weather (-25F winter temps, +110 summer temps, extreme lightning, etc..) and the few number of days per year the towers are climbable. If there is an outdoor equipment failure it could be days before we have weather permittant to climb to the gear. Can just standard broadband 2.35 ghz amateur TV amps (staying well below the 1500W PEP) be used on the TX radios if Nstreme 2 is used or do I not understand how Nstreme 2 works? This would allow enough power to reach the dishes to have all the gear inside and get away from the crapo bidirectional amps that are boosting our noise floor but I'm not sure if it will work, that's why I'm asking you guys. Or are we better off to just invest serious $$$ into the middle site and put up a large solar array to provide enough power...
Thanks again.