Code: Select all
:local cmac $"mac-address"
:foreach RANDOOM in=[/ip hotspot active find user="$username" mac-address!=$cmac] do={
/ip hotspot active remove $RANDOOM}
Thank you.
:local cmac $"mac-address"
:foreach RANDOOM in=[/ip hotspot active find user="$username" mac-address!=$cmac] do={
/ip hotspot active remove $RANDOOM}
/ip hotspot active remove [find where user=$username and mac-address!=$"mac-address"]
Do it on wifi, do not allow fake/service MAC.I want to use it to eliminate those clients who use random Macs on their computers, I hope you understand me.
set only one "shared users" on user profile, and if you use user-manager bind MAC on first use.I want to eliminate users who connect to the hotspot with a different mac address than the user who is already connected first, I hope you understand me
:local cmac $"mac-address"
:foreach RANDOOM in=[/ip hotspot active find user="$username" mac-address!=$cmac] do={
/ip hotspot active remove $RANDOOM}