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HTTP Probe problem.

Wed Mar 12, 2008 4:58 pm

Ive been requested by someone i work with to have the dude monitor a specific web page on a web server. The http probe seems to be affecting the index page all i know at the moment is suspending http monitoring fixed some problem. Is there a way to modify the http probe so that it wouldnt be requesting the index page of a web server? Or maybe does anyone have any experience with problems caused by the http probe?

One thing that might be helpful is if i could understand "^HTTP/1\\." part of the probe. I understand “HEAD / HTTP/1.1\r\n\r\n” is a way to get a web server to send its header but theres more information in the response than just that.
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Re: HTTP Probe problem.

Fri Apr 11, 2008 3:56 pm

You may define two new probes:

The easy one:
Name: TCP-00080
Type: TCP
Port: 80
Connect Only CHECKED
First Receive, Then Send UNCHECKED

Another more ellaborated, you should tailor it to your needs:
ame: CustomHTTP
Type: TCP
Port: 80
Connect only: Unchecked
First receive, then send:Unchecked
Send: HEAD / HTTP/1.1\r\n\r\n (or write here whatever you should ask to the http server)
Receive: do a telnet http-server 80 , see what is the repliy and copy it here.

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