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OpenVPN UDP - MT Server - Windows Client

Mon Apr 14, 2008 9:12 pm

I have not been able to use OpenVPN with MT as a server and the OpenVPN GUI running on WIndows using TCP reliably. I am able to keep it running with no issues when transferring small amounts of data of the vpn connection, but tranferring files from my remote station to my server causes OpenVPN to timeout during the transfer.

I have not been able to get things to work using UDP at all.

In the past, using TCP and OpenVPN has been slow and prone to timeout issues, and switching to UDP has worked before for me, I would just like to use MT as the server instead of setting up another Linux box just to use as a server.

I have been making attempts at this since 3.0 came out, and have visited the wiki entry many times trying to get this to work. Is UDP for OpenVPN not working for anyone or is it just me and my configs?

My desired setup is as follows:

Mikrotik RB532A as the OpenVPN Server
Certificates are in place (ca.crt, server.key, server.crt)
[admin@CLYAMRRT01] /interface ovpn-server server> pr
                     enabled: yes
                        port: 1194
                        mode: ethernet
                     netmask: 24
                 mac-address: FE:8E:C2:D1:1B:80
                     max-mtu: 1500
           keepalive-timeout: 60
             default-profile: amr
                 certificate: cert2
  require-client-certificate: no
                        auth: sha1
                      cipher: blowfish128

My Windows Client running OpenVPN GUI
remote 1194 
proto tcp-client
dev tap
resolv-retry infinite
ping 15
ping-restart 45
ca ca.crt
cert server.crt
key server.key
cipher bf-cbc     
verb 3
Any help or explanations are very appreciated. I would love to see a working config example if at all possible, but I know that it is not always the possible to do so.

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Re: OpenVPN UDP - MT Server - Windows Client

Wed Apr 16, 2008 6:06 pm

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Re: OpenVPN UDP - MT Server - Windows Client

Thu Apr 17, 2008 12:30 am

I think MT's openvpn system only does tcp
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Re: OpenVPN UDP - MT Server - Windows Client

Thu Apr 17, 2008 1:19 am

Seems that way. Can this be confirmed by anyone at MT? I am looking intently at each version update's changelog to see if there has been any progress made with OpenVPN support or bug fixes, but so far I haven't seen anything.
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Re: OpenVPN UDP - MT Server - Windows Client

Sat Apr 19, 2008 10:20 am

RouterOS only supports OpenVPN with TCP connections. I too am waiting for the day when they add UDP support. I'll be able to get rid of many linux boxes just hanging around for OpenVPN connections. I wish I knew why they chose TCP in the first place. TCP over TCP is never a good idea. OpenVPN even addresses it in their documentation to only use it as a last resort. Please add UDP support!!!
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Re: OpenVPN UDP - MT Server - Windows Client

Fri May 02, 2008 1:07 pm

I assumed "ethernet" mode was there UDP support or doesnt it work correctly?

Im having another issue aswell. When using a MT as a openvpn client it requires you enter a username....

This confuses my as i don't use usernames & passwords, only certificates!

Infact i don't even know how i would enable usernames and password on the openvpn server.

Running a Unix based server with openvpn at the center.

All by boxes in the past used to be Unix or Linux based, but with the power issues we are receiving in South Africa in the mean while i needed a solid state device that runs off 12v , hence the transition to MT for some sites.

However so far i have been unable to make MT join the VPN currently running.

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Re: OpenVPN UDP - MT Server - Windows Client

Fri May 02, 2008 1:15 pm

currently you can only make it work with user/pass. maybe we'll add a certificate-only mode in future versions.

p.s.: crossposting is not a good practice
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Re: OpenVPN UDP - MT Server - Windows Client

Fri May 02, 2008 1:28 pm

My bad... Was desperate :p
Will hold off the posting button........


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