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Tips from a home user

Thu Dec 26, 2024 5:50 pm

Personally I feel like complimenting MK and their entire team, ROS creates a strong dependency I have been supporting it for years. Remembering that as far as I am concerned I am a home user I feel like giving some advice both in the development of ROS and in the production of new devices.

1. The Mikrotik wiki: it cannot exist that software development is so fast that many options are not even mentioned in your own ROS guide, it is a bad image for all those people who would like to try an MK device but also need small guides. Recently I had to do not by choice, with a Keenetick device and I was amazed by their very detailed online guide, believe me that you could increase sales if you took more care of your wiki!

2. Add small step-by-step procedures to ROS: to create a DHCP server there is a special button that guides you in 4-5 windows and in a short time you have your DHCP server operational. In the old wireless driver to create a "wifi repeater" there was a special button that allowed me to do this in 30 seconds, it has completely disappeared in the new drivers and time fsa I lost 30 minutes if not even 1 hour to have a normal situation accomplice, point 1, a wiki that does not explain how to set this mode in a simple way! You should think about a similar procedure for Capsman that if created from scratch you also lose another hour. Maybe consider using the quick setup page where you can add all these small but important functions for home-small office use.

3. From the hardware point of view, always referring to products for home or small office use, I love the "hAP" series especially AC2 / AX2 for their incredibly small form factor perfect in home environments instead of the super monsters of consumer brands with 8-10 external antennas. Well.. please MK do not abandon this form factor in the future but keep the double version AC2 / AC3 ​​AX2 / AX3. Above all, restore the USB port in a new AX2 replacement to have a simply perfect Swiss Army knife! Then, I have been asking for years, bring all the LEDs on the front and especially the LEDs for the wifi interfaces (classic orange for 2.4 Ghz and blue for 5 Ghz for example) and above all maintain the possibility of mounting it on the wall, horizontally or vertically as it is a great thing. I find the AX2 a beautiful step forward both in terms of wifi coverage that left me positively impressed both at 2.4 and 5 ghz and for the form factor if it were not for the lack of a USB socket even if the final price were to increase slightly.

What do you think?

@Normis !! :lol:
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Re: Tips from a home user

Thu Dec 26, 2024 6:06 pm

Some comments:
1. The Mikrotik wiki: ...
Wiki has been replaced by Help pages.
And yes, it's a continuous work in progress.
2. Add small step-by-step procedures to ROS:
Again, Help pages.
Capsman is described in extensive detail, no ? ... 59120/WiFi

Wifi repeater not yet, true, but it's not that hard, is it ? Wifi repeater is a recent addition to ROS7/wifi so maybe that's why Help pages are still lagging there.
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Re: Tips from a home user

Thu Dec 26, 2024 7:09 pm

Well, it is not like - besides the name change - the help pages are any better than the wiki (actually they are largely the same, when different, in very few cases are better, in most they are worse).

They rarely provide actual instructions, in most cases they are little more than a quick reference or in many cases a (usually incomplete) cheat sheet for commands and their parameters.

They tend to have this common structure (as it appears to a new user):
You can use this command to do 5 things
5) you can frumble the biggertwick, but only if the drimtack allows it
4) this option is self explaining
3) you can also thimble the grastremps, but it is not advised
2) here is an example for the most basic use
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When used as quick reference, they are often incomplete or puzzling.

Example, go on WiFi page: ... 59120/WiFi
you will learn that in Configuration properties there is a property "mode" that has 2 possible settings:
mode (ap | station)
that are explained in 4 bullet points:
Interface operation mode
  • ap (default) - interface operates as an access point
  • station - interface acts as a client device, scanning for access points advertising the configured SSID
  • station-bridge - interface acts as a client device and enables support for a 4-address frame format, so that the interface can be used as a bridge port
  • station-pseudobridge - the interface keeps track of outgoing IP connections and performs MAC address translation similarly to how IP masquerading works
The note right after is only confusing for anyone that is not already familiar with the existing mess with wifi/wireless/wifiwave2/ac/ax drivers/packages:
The 'wifi' station-bridge mode, is incompatible with APs running the older 'wireless' package and vice versa.
Please also note how the indication of the default value for this setting is in the rightmost column, whilst for most other properties is on the leftmost one (where it should be)

So you go to the Wireless Station Modes page: ... tion+Modes
where you learn that there are 5 of them:
Nowhere to be found a reference to what is related to v6.x and what to v7.x
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Re: Tips from a home user

Thu Dec 26, 2024 7:30 pm

I didn't say it was easy :lol:
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Re: Tips from a home user

Thu Dec 26, 2024 9:01 pm

Jaclaz helped me figure out that ROS is actually being written in "WHOVILLE" and Normis is actually The GRINCH!!
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Re: Tips from a home user

Fri Dec 27, 2024 1:07 pm

Of course by Wiki I also meant the Help site but let's be serious... if you compare it with any manufacturer's guide it's too dispersive... most of the time it was more useful to browse the internet and various forums (including this official one) than anything else. Just to name one... last month I finally managed to get real roaming to work on Capsman and the new Wifi drivers. It took me 2 months to find - I don't even remember if on this forum or another site - a user who recommended activating the "connect propriety" setting by setting it to a certain value. On the wiki this setting is mentioned but nothing is repeated about the fact that it is essential to make roaming between APs work. Also the fact that no one has explained to me to date the difference in ROS in leaving a certain field unset or selecting it and setting "disable". Let's be clear, these are not criticisms of Mikrotik which I love but suggestions for improving the user-system relationship.
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Re: Tips from a home user

Fri Dec 27, 2024 2:24 pm

"connect propriety"
No clue what youre talking about there, but my FT works flawlessly without setting anything special. So it's not essential. (peek attachment)
(I guess you're talking about the "signal-range" setting on the Access List?)

EDIT: I just realized you mean "Connect Priority" :D
That's on me for not understanding that typo
Also the fact that no one has explained to me to date the difference in ROS in leaving a certain field unset or selecting it and setting "disable".
Unset = Default Value.
Disable = Disable.
Easy as that.

For example: Wifi rrm is default = yes.
So by setting it to "no" aka disabled its disabled.
If leaving it unset its enabled.
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