Hi! MT OS master guys out there!
i"am gathering all necessary for a 60 Km PtP link with LOS available.
I 'planning to use Ntreme for this set up and i'am a little stress about what could be the ideal hadrware platform for this set up (CPU, Mainboard...)
More over i need three wireless interfaces on each nstreme bridge ; 2 for Ntreme and 1 for an other PtP link so that each of my ntreme bridge can serve as repeater like this:
Stand-PTP-Brdg1 |--- (5Km)connected to---|PTP-Brdg+Nstreme-PtP-Brdg1
|----- (60KM)tconnected to---|Nstreme-PtP-Brdg2+PTP-Brdg
|-----(5Km)tconnected to--------| Stand-PTP-Brdg2
Hope this is clear
So plan also to user 30 Dbi for Ntsreme links and 23 Dbi for 5km Link.
So please tell me does this config sound good? and any experience please that i coul learn from will be very appreciated.