Hi just wondering as i see it works, but need to be clear on this:
I have P2P Ipsec connection and added with 3 x policy from one subnet to different subsets (in pic) and PH2 is all establish with the same p2p ipsec tunnel and it works.
I did not found any information if i can use like that. Tried to find in official manual (maybe did not see ), but there are no explanation if i can use like that. Every example is one subnet to one subnet and thats it. Can someone explain little about ?
/ip ipsec policy
add src-address= src-port=any dst-address= dst-port=any tunnel=yes action=encrypt proposal=ike1-site2 peer=ike1-site2
/ip ipsec policy
add src-address= src-port=any dst-address= dst-port=any tunnel=yes action=encrypt proposal=ike1-site1 peer=ike1-site1