Thu Apr 24, 2008 3:30 pm
you're talking collecting syslog messages from network devices? i hate to say it, but i don't think the current version of dude supports that function. i was excited about it too, but later found that the syslog folder you see in the left hand panel is an internal syslog. I have however been wondering about the possibility of creating a dude tool to link into Kiwi syslog for the possibility of sysloging. not sure what your level is here, but i'll shoot and see if you've got any good ideas how to do this. This is what I've got so far. Kiwi drops the logs into a specific file. so if a batch file were to be written to parse the file looking for devices that are part of a known dude monitor list you could then display the results of the parse in a panel within the dude, similar to how the snmpwalk feature works. i however have no idea how to do this but think it's a possible good idea.