Where did you get these 'default' power settings from? I know of no wireless card that does 30db.....Note: I used TX Power (Default, 20, 24, 26, 28, 30) but nothing fix the problem.
My wlan card are Mikrotik SR50 (300Mw)
I see you are in Cancun. How much of this link is over water?Hi, well i had a trouble with my link point to point of 64km, I using
2 Router 532 with Wlan card higher again
2 heavy duty 28dbi
2 Tower of 60mts high.
When i do the link TX/RX : 72/77 and TX/RX: 24/36mb for 5 or 10 minute work very well, but the next day my link is very intermittent and the TX/RX increment to 92/95.
What is wrong? is very far 64km?
Note: I used TX Power (Default, 20, 24, 26, 28, 30) but nothing fix the problem.
try xr5 and write back.Hello George
The link not crooss over the sea or lagoon is just jungle. And sorry for the bad information of the wlan card, actually i'm using the wlan card RB52H (350mW) and is very rare because I have a link point to point with the same feacture over the sea (Playa del carmen to Cozumel Island) and working without trouble the only diferent is the distance "40km".
Hello Doush
Yeah i was worng, the wlan card are RB52H.
The tx power actually is 26 because with default haven't link, only with 26 i can do the link, also i changed the frencuency.
never happend me this situation. The next test are uses an other antennas with more dbi if this not working mmmm maybe be install and other point between the 2 tower.
Cancun <--------------->Playa del Carmen (64km) "Current Link"
Cancun <---->(30km) Pto. Morelos <-----> Playa del Carmen(34km) "Alternative"
Processor router: 333MHZ
Processor router:333MHZ
You are supposed to use default power. You can burn your device and get poor performance if you mess with the power settings.How I can increase over the TX POWER?[/color]
Thanks for the reply.You are supposed to use default power. You can burn your device and get poor performance if you mess with the power settings.How I can increase over the TX POWER?[/color]
it's not "FUN!!!!"... it is possible. believe me. futhermore, originally mushmx saidA 2 meter antenna 80 meters up is going to be FUN!!!! - NOT...
... "If you could just lift your Side B to ± 80 meters as " us much more funnest.2 Tower of 60mts high.
Thanks for the reply Belyivulkwe have a 58km link here in NZ, with Mikrotik 30DB Dish antennas, R52H, Mikrotik Pigtail & LMR400. We get -69 / -71 for signal
I'm using the band 5.8ghz and frequency 5822What frequency are you using? 57xx?
Have you tried the frequency usage tool? What is your noise floor when the link is good? what does it become when it gets bad? What is the humidity like? What time of day does the link go bad, and for how long. How do you fix it? What type of cable are you using from the pigtails to the antennas? are you weather sealing it correctly?
These are all questions i need answers too, lol
Ok, I'll do the test the next week.Try using a lower frequency, 5745, or even to test, set your country to germany and use 5500 (to test only)
If your link stays up you can be sure the problem is interference, if not, you know the problem lies elsewhere
The link go down without matter the time is variableNo worries
The other thing is time. Does the link go down first thing in the morning after sunrise?