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QoS Rule Examples

Thu Apr 21, 2005 3:59 am

I am trying to make VoIP traffic have priority in my network. I have played with priorites of traffic in the past without much luck. Does anyone have any of their own VoIP prioritization rules that they could post hear for me to look at? I would like to try them out so that I might have better luck myself.

Thanks in advance,
Cameron Earnshaw
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Fri Apr 22, 2005 9:25 am

Not sure if this is exactly right but it seems to work for me:

ip firewall mangle>

src-address=:5004-5065 protocol=udp p2p=!any action=accept
mark-flow=VoIP-In mark-connection=VoIP-In set-tos=min-delay

dst-address=:5004-5065 protocol=udp p2p=!any action=accept
mark-flow=VoIP-Out mark-connection=VoIP-Out set-tos=min-delay

queue tree>

name="VoIP1" parent=global-in flow=VoIP-In limit-at=0 queue=default
priority=3 max-limit=0 burst-limit=0 burst-threshold=0

name="VoIP2" parent=global-out flow=VoIP-Out limit-at=0
queue=default priority=3 max-limit=0 burst-limit=0
burst-threshold=0 burst-time=0

These ports are what my SIP phones and pbx use. Vonage and some other services use additional ports, but you can easily see which you need by running torch while you place a call.
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Sun Apr 24, 2005 5:03 am

Aren't those ports used just for the SIP messages? My understanding is that the voice traffic uses random UDP ports and RTP protocol, which can't be detected in MT.
Cameron Earnshaw
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Sun Apr 24, 2005 8:14 am

That might be trued with some services such as Vonage. With my IP phones, which I run through my own Asterisk PBX, I see 80-90 Kbps on these ports whenever a call is in progress, so it must be more than just messaging.


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