dual nstreme is a performer, But it is not without it's faults. The concept, and implementation is fairly simply. However, my nstreme2 setup has problems, and I have been working with support to try and figure it out.
First off, nothing in the price range of a dual nstreme setup compares. I have a pair of 333s with r52s and 29dbi solid dishes with radome covers. Our link is true 30Mbit, full duplex, and ping times are AMAZING. I have found nothing in M otorola line that can produce these results with their crazy prices.
However, my nstreme2 setup goes blind sometimes, and I have no idea why. When it does, the watchdog catches it, reboots, and 15 seconds later it is back in operation. This happens two to three times/day. So, we are down 45-60 seconds per day. Annoying, but I can live with with the tradeoff for performance. I notice this mostly when pps hit the ceiling at night.
here are some of my posts regarding nstreme 2 for more information
A real backhaul solution:
http://forum.mikrotik.com/viewtopic.php ... t=nstreme2
optimizing nstreme2:
http://forum.mikrotik.com/viewtopic.php ... t=nstreme2