I am rebuilding a new Dude server. It is behind my Wireguard VPN Server (works great).
The Quirk is: all the Wireguard clients have different Versions from 7.12.1 to 7.16.2
I have all the Wireguard devices on a map and with the IP's of 192.168.32.xxx
They are show up properly with using the commad "[ros_command(":put [/system identity get name]")][Device.FirstAddress] [Device.RosVersion]" in Apperance.
I can even get the wan port TX/RX
When i create a map of all the devices below they have the IP addresses of 10.0.0.xxx. agent routerOS version not same as dude servers (7.16.2 (stable)), next attempt at 20:11:14
On one of the other maps that I have completed I did have the same version and everthing below work.