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how to stop the webproxy in 3.o

Thu Mar 27, 2008 12:34 pm

Dear All
Am using hotspot 3.6.everything works but sometimes the hotspot login page will not load and l get an automatic redirection to webproxy.
l have disable both proxy in hot spot profiles.
webproxy is also disabled.
but when l go to webproxy connections l could still see connections from my network.
how can l disable the auto redirect to mine proxy in 3.6
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Re: how to stop the webproxy in 3.o

Thu Mar 27, 2008 6:51 pm

There is nothing like auto redirect to your web proxy if you haven't gave that rule. Yes you can see few hits in your web proxy connection or hit counters though your web proxy is disable, but it does not mean that your web proxy is enable. And make sure that you don't have any dst-nat or redirect rule for your web proxy.

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Re: how to stop the webproxy in 3.o

Thu May 29, 2008 10:26 pm

in fact, whyaskgh is right i have same problem
i dont have any redirect rule in my dstnat, and still all http requests are going to webproxy automaiclly. this behiave is disabling my load balancing senario where all http traffic are travling using one WAN link.
thats really a seriuos issue!

you have try it your self, try to add access rules to your webproxy and you will see that these policy are applied to your http traffic!